Why I hate my life: Part I

Cleaning is dangerous to your health. It is, I swear. If you want to save yourself, STOP NOW. Just let someone else do it or you’ll end up like me. Flat on your back with kids running around like monkeys while on spring break.
I was cleaning the kitchen yesterday (Gasp! I know!) and was having a grand ‘ol time. Something I don’t normally do is sweep the kitchen AFTER I clean the counters. I figured it needed to be done, so just suck it up and do it. Usually it doesn’t hurt to sweep. Not yesterday! I bent down to sweep the crap into the pan and when I straightened back up, WHAMMO! serious pain stabbing me in the low back. I was surprised and irritated all at the same time. I didn’t have time to be in pain, I had work to do and my lunch was waiting. Then the pain started to radiate. Down my leg. Then I couldn’t lift my leg up to take a step. Crazy I tell ya. By the time I got to my room to lay down, I could barely get in the bed and find a comfortable position. And of course when you are in pain or can’t move well, you have to pee as soon as you lay down! So up I went. WHAMMO!! More pain. I was gasping for breath with each step it hurt so bad. I didn’t think I was going to make it to the bathroom.
I spent the next two hours laying still and trying not to move and 3 Motrin later, I could actually walk across the room. Long story short, I can move around this morning better than yesterday, but as I sit here in the bed writing this, pain is radiating down the backs of both my thighs and my lower back is throbbing/stabbing with pain.
I called the Ortho doc I saw last year who told me of the herniated disk in my L5, S1 and he can’t see me until Friday at 3:45! I’m pretty sure I can make it, but I hope after all the waiting that he can actually do something for the pain. I have a job to go to on Tuesday and I can’t be in pain. Have to lay down flat, so gotta go.

Why I love my life; Part I


I went to Canton with 2 of my friends last Saturday. For those who don’t know, Canton is a huge flea market and craft fair that happens every 1st weekend of the month. I had so much fun looking for treasures. On their own, my treasures seem a little unusual or weird. I got, 2 stands of really cool gemstone beads, 5 stone rings, 7 pieces of silverplate utensils, i.e. forks, spoons, and knives, 2 old door knob plates with cool patina on them, 1 old painted door knob, a giant wooden fork and spoon, (see a theme here??) a rolling cart from what looks like the 50’s and Rusty the Rooster. I found him right before we were getting ready to leave. It was love at first cock-a-doodle-doo. Some have said he is very white trashy, or even trailer park-esk, but I LOVE him and he is some really fun, cool scrap metal art in my book. I can’t wait to put him somewhere I can see him every day. Livingroom maybe? Craft room? I dunno, but I love love love him.

Speaking of love, I was driving home from Wal-mart today with my load of groceries and I saw the sun setting thru my rear view mirror. I had a very strange thought. I acutally thought to myself, “I love my life and where I live. I don’t think I could live anywhere else and feel this happy.”  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUH??!! I haven’t said that in eons!! I think I was possessed at that moment or had an out of body experience. All I can say (and I have said it before) thank GOD for anti-depressants and the ONE that is working for ME. I hope the feeling stays. I really kind of dig the whole happiness thing. Groovy.

How to make jewelry out of hardware

Sister, this one is for you….

washer-jewelry-001.jpg washer-jewelry-004.jpg
Finished product                                                                     Close up
washer-jewelry-002.jpg I will do a step by step tutorial in the next few days…
From the side

Playing Catch up

I haven’t posted in quite a while…things were really rocky for a month or so mentally. I was struggling right after Christmas and wondering if it was Seasonal Affective Disorder. Nope, just plain ol depression and fatigue. Taking a new medicine that actually seems to be working unlike the last dozen or so I have tried in the past. Now, this could be a little early optimism here, but I think things look pretty good right now. It’s only been 2 weeks, so I am not going to put all my eggs in a basket just yet. However, I did try something I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for my new outlook on things. I tried out for a solo for the Easter Musical. It’s not even in my normal soprano range, it’s a tenor part and I think I did very well for trying to go outside my comfort zone. (5 days later) I got the part!!! I found out on Wednesday and I am so excited! We’ll see how it all turns out, but for now I am so happy that I made an effort and stepped over that ledge. It feels good to take a risk and see it thru to the end no matter what the outcome.
This post has taken days to write. I start and then stop, clean and then the computer dies. It’s the universe giving back what I give out according to Oprah (ya know, the Secret?) Anywhoo, it’s no secret I haven’t been posting. My sister even asked me if my blog caught a virus? Ha! She’s soo funny.. (hi sister!)

Today I slept in and boy did that feel good! I haven’t let my morning go to waste tho. I cleared off and wiped down the kitchen table, did the dishes, cleared off the counter that served as storage for a LONG time, swept the kitchen, cleaned up the living-room, swept the living-room, helped MJ pick up his toys and return them to the play room, and put in a load of laundry. Now that I have eaten something, I am going to take a shower and then go up to the church to create the Easter Egg Hunt display in the foyer of the education building, so the Upward families can see when it is and they will want to come! Then I am going to go upstairs and decorate our Sunday School room for spring. Lots checked off my list today and lots more to do, but am plugging away at it and doing it little by little and for the first time ever (!) I don’t feel like it’s too much to handle. I can do just enough each day and feel in control and then I need to give it up for the next day. That my friends is a major life change (or should I say chemical balance that I haven’t had in a really long time) for me and I couldn’t be more happy about it.

Thanks for sticking it out with me….I appreciate it more than you know! Muuuwhahh!

It sucks to be a woman

There is some kind of bug going around…Natalie and her family are sick…spent 2 days with her and 1 of those was with her boys…at my house…hoping I don’t get it. Now I am hypersensitive to all the aches, gurgles, and pains going on within my body. So far, I have cramps in my back, gurgling in my stomach and a headache. Not sure if all of those are related to what’s going around, but I am preparing for the worst. Of course I did dodge 2 cases of strep throat at our house in the last 2 weeks, and a cold that the rest of them got, so I could be in the clear, but one can’t be too careful. Besides, I would really rather spend the day in my nice cozy warm bed, but hey…beggars can’t be choosers….or something like that.

If the old man snores when it rains

what does he do when it snows?? He freezes his ass off that’s what! At this rate he’ll be a size smaller by Sat. Hmm…not bad way to diet if you ask me.
Yes, you heard it hear folks. It is snowing in Texas. Shocker I know. Well, not really a shock, more of a distraction. All the pretty little flurries floating softly to the ground. I just looked outside before I went to bed, and as of 3:12 CST, it was all white and pretty. Makes good snowballs too, which means, if the school system declares this another freakin snow day, I won’t hear the end of it until the kids get to go out and play in it. Please God no. Except for the beauty of it falling and that glorious smell of fresh clean cold air right after it snows, I am begging for summer. I’ll even take the triple digit summer of yesteryear. I am f-f-f-rrreezing people.  All I want is my flip flops back..is that too much to ask?

flashing cursors

It just keeps blinking at me. The cursor. Waiting. Impatiently for me to write something. I can’t think of anything to say. I end up staring into space and thinking of all the stupid things I have rolling around in my head, but even they get boring to talk about rolling around in there. I’m in a funk. Time to go and see the doctor again. *sigh* This is a yearly cycle I can’t ignore. SAD maybe? I don’t know. I think I would prefer to call it anything else but depression. I just need some sunshine and warmth. I’m cold all the time and tired….who wouldn’t be depressed?

sorry to be such a downer…if it wasn’t for American Idol, I think I would move to Siberia.

She’ll be coming ’round the mountain…again…

It’s been a while since I posted. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, ( I think I would have to be dead not to have anything to say ) I guess I am just in suspend mode. I read that yesterday was statistically “the most depressing day of the year” for most people. The weather, coming out of the holidays, and financial burdens from Christmas..yeah I can understand that. We are in tight budget mode. I think subconsiously I am not leaving the house because 1. I don’t trust myself not to spend any money, and 2. even if I did go out, I would want to buy something and I know I can’t. So I just stay close to my house. With that are pitfalls. Choosing to stay home means more opportunity to sleep in, stay in my jammies and watch endless hours of craft shows (much to MJ’s annoyance).
What I really want to do is go to the hardware store. I have a small list of things I would like to buy there. Nothing fancy, just some supplies to make some cool stuff with. Like washers and bailing wire and I really want a hog ring plier, but that is more expensive. Hey, don’t look at me like that. I have caught the creative bug and it kills me that I can’t just go out and get some neat stuff and try it. I don’t expect to sell anything that I make, I just like to make it. It’s the process of doing it that is the most fun, well, that and the shopping for it. 😀

Anywhoo….I apparently think that posting on my blog isn’t free and I am on a tight budget you know…even with my thoughts. Besides, it’s pretty boring around here anyway…do you really want to hear all about it? Circle YES or NO.

Deer Ant-y Leslee II

I no yer tipe. You want to git rid of me. Well you cant! I no ware you live. I have family in yer parts. I gots connections. Just cuz you bring out that big loud machinie thing doesnt meen you can git rid of me I tell ya! all this talk fillin’ little Dannys head, its not rite I say. I loved his pillow. It was dirty and smelly and was comfy. I hope yer happy. I miss him! Whhhaaaaaa! I’m hoping on the first nose back to yer house!

Here I come!

Dusty the Mite

Things that make you go Ewww…

Dear Auntie Leslie,

I just wanted you to know I gave up my pillow. It was really hard to do it. I was watching TV with Mommy and Lauren and Brenna, we were watching Oprah. A woman was talking about how many years she slept with her pillows, 30 years! That’s gross. I haven’t had mine for that long! There was a man on there who vacuumed up the stuff from inside her mattress and pillows.He was a scientist and was going to test everything for germs. He said that there was lots of dirt and dust in there and some creepy things called Dust Mites.  When I saw the picture of the little bugs crawling around, I threw down my stained and stinky pillow and said I would never sleep with it again. In fact, I didn’t even want to touch it. I told Mommy I needed a new pillow and then Daddy took me to Wal-Mart and got me a new one. It doesn’t have feathers in it like the last one, but it still feels like it does. I have a pillow case on it too because I never want to touch the dust mites again!

I knew you would be soo happy to hear my good news!

Love, Danny Daniel
P.S.  I did great during my basketball game! Talk to you later!!