Please take a number..

I thought my list a couple of days ago was long, but today, today my friends was a doozy! And! I still have more to do this week.

Here is my list of things that I needed to get done this week:

  • Make a baby shower present for a friend in Houston.
  • standard chores like : laundry, bathrooms, etc. ( working on those, only 10 loads of laundry left to do and cleaning those dang bathrooms!)** Cleaned 1 today, the one that other people will use. Mine can wait another day. Heehee.
  • Fill out supply list for Vacation Bible School, due May7th (Yeah Yeah, I know. Good thing I know the Director, might be able to be a day late)
  • Buy supplies for Ladies Luncheon on May 6th. (Bulk of work will be done on Wed. and Sat. Just need to set up on Sunday)
    My part of the duties include:
    making decorative “plant stakes” to put in the centerpieces
    Creating/buying tags to put around each individual flower pot party favor
    making a broccoli salad
    giving recipe to Carolee for Asian Coleslaw salad
    buying decorations for 8 tables or 64 people
  • Going scrapbooking with Debbi on Wednesday. (Yay! time to have fun with a friend and get some work done for Luncheon too!)
  • Buying bathing suit for oldest Daughter for Hawaiian Falls Choir Party and pool shoes (Definately on Thursday)
  • Remembering to buy sunscreen and snacks for said Choir Party and giving her money for Locker there (Thursday Too)
  • Make cake for weekly American Idol party, Lemon Cake with lemon frosting (get that done tonight while kids are in bed)
  • Return table and chairs to friend (tomorrow at church?)
  • Wednesday night Supper and Choir (duh. Wednesday)
  • Work on Freezer Club idea and try to have ready by the end of next week.
  • Plan and execute my own Weekly Meal Plan. (so far so good- Monday: Steak with fingerling Potatoes and Veggie Medley, Tuesday: Spaghetti and Cesar Salad with Garlic Texas Toast, Wednesday: Church Supper and Thursday: Turkey Devan with Garden salad and Melon )
  • Subbing at preschool in the 4 year old class.
  • Drop off and pick up kid at choir party
  • Church on Sunday morning
  • Financial Peace University at 4:30 pm
  • Lauren’s Youth Choir performance at 6:30pm.
  • Sleep all day on Monday because I will be EXHAUSTED!

Are you tired yet? I am just thinking about it. And in between all of that stuff, I am getting up, making lunches, getting myself and Michael dressed, dropping him off at school on the wrong day! It’s a lot of work to be normal I tell ya. All those days I stayed at home and did nothing? I can’t even remember those days. I like staying busy. My body on the other hand. Even with all that I am doing, I still don’t sleep well. Hopefully that will change as I continue to do more and create a schedule. This summer should be interesting. I plan on doing quite a few projects around the house and hitting the gym at least 3 days a week. Looks like Lauren will be earning her babysitting money/ mission trip money! LOL

If I’m not back by next Tuesday, call the calvary. I think I might need some back up!

6 weird things about me: A Meme

So, Amalah and Brighton have done it, and Amalah tagged everyone, so here I go. **Edited to add** This was months ago and it’s been sitting in my files waiting to be posted. Since I am in the mood to post, here goes.
6: I have this strange ritual when I put on makeup. I have to do everything in a specific order and then after I put my mascara on, I have to brush my teeth. Also, in between each makeup application, I have to fiddle with my hair.

5: I can’t sleep unless I am wearing some sort of pants or capri pants to bed. No shorts, or nightgowns. Nuh-uh, no way. Has to be pants. I don’t know why..just more comfy. Even in the dead of summer, and even better in the winter.

4: I’m a picker. When I am especially stressed I tend to find things to pick. My face, arms, back, legs. Gross I know. When I was depressed I used to stand for hours just looking for the smallest thing to scratch at. Mostly where it couldn’t be seen, like arms and back.

3: I have a long second toe. It was such a source of embarrassment  growing up that I would never wear open toed shoes or sandals in school. Most of my “friends” thought it was so gross. Now as an adult I have to really love the peep-toed shoes to buy them. I almost bought a pair of leopard peep-toe espadrilles, but they were too high. I do however don’t care if others see it. I get pedicures often and LOVE flip-flops and regular sandals.

2:I won’t eat anything if it has been left out longer than an hour. If the leftovers have been in the fridge for longer than a day or two, won’t touch it. Eww. Anytime I hear “leftover” night, I freak out inside. Especially if it’s at someone else’s house. Who knows how long they have had it? And don’t even expect me to look at it if you tell me, “It’s been in there a week and no mold, so it’s still good.” Nuh-uh, man.

And the # 1. weird thing about me: I am not weird. My husband doesn’t think I am weird, he can’t come up with one thing. Not one. Either it’s true that I am not weird or he is just so lazy he doesn’t pay attention to me and my weirdness.

The kids need to be put to bed…..time for an UPDATE.

It’s been 5 whole days since I last posted. How could I neglect my loyal 3 readers? I think there is 3……anywhoo. OH yes, back to what I was saying. Five whole days. A lot has happened in those 5 whole days.

  • Attempted to get my oldest child a passport.
  • Failed at getting oldest child passport.
  • Enlisted my mother in California to get needed birth certificate.
  • Ran around town and paid some bills.
  • Had lunch with a friend.
  • Had annual Eye exam. Eye is healed nicely btw, thanks for asking.
  • Attended a fundrasing banquet with friends. Loverly evening. Feet didn’t fall off from red heals I wore. Awesome.
  • Woke up Sat. and worked on weekly menus and grocery lists.
  • Helped clean boys room.
  • Washed everyones sheets – once every 6 months manditory
  • Both girls cleaned their rooms while we cleaned. It was a fun family filled afternoon with cleaning frivolity. (not really, much wailing and nashing of teeth)
  • Avoided cleaning my room. I am so good at it, it’s an art form.
  • Slept in on Sunday and enjoyed every minute of it.
  • Had lunch with friends. BBQ, yum.
  • Was up until 4 am because of sleeping in that morning/afternoon.
  • Planning commitee meeting with women’s counsel for church.
  • Lunch with friend.
  • Dollar store research mission. Found some cool sports themed eggs for Vacation Bible School. Go team!
  • Picked up precriptions.
  • Came home and tried really hard NOT to take a nap. Succeded.
  • Took oldest for eye exam. She is way blinder than me, but not as blind as her Auntie.
  • Picked up other prescriptions and rasied a ruckus about one not being stocked and how I HAD to get my original prescription back. Succeded.
  • Ran home to go potty. Had been holding it for hours. NOT A GOOD THING TO DO.
  • Had dinner at Chili’s with family and wanted to smack all their heads together for being overly silly.
  • Came home and am currently trying really hard not to go to bed early. We have shows to watch.

Hopefully the next 5 days won’t be so busy, but I doubt it. I am beginning to miss what I did when I was depressed. Staying home in my jammies and sleeping and watching TV all day. Ok, mabye not miss it, but one day a week would be nice.

Do as I say, Not as I do…..

I tell the kids all the time, “do not rub your eyes when you have something in it.” Did I listen to my own advice? No ofcourse not. I know better than anyone else, afterall I am AngieWebMD. I guess I missed the class in eye injury and what NOT to do in foreign body in the eye situations. Something landed in my eye last night while I was laying in my bed having a pity party (thanks hormones) and I rubbed and rubbed trying to get whatever it was out. It felt like an eyelash poking me like a needle. Turns out I kept scratching my eye all up with what ever was in there and lacerating my inner lower eyelid. Sheesh, can I make a big deal out of a speck of dust or what?!

In other news…..
Total Sleep Diagnostics SUCKS! Do not go there if you can help it. They don’t care about you as a patient and have no patience or customer service or follow-up. :p on them! Oh and they will tell you have 100% coverage, when in fact, you are out of network, but they will charge the in-network price to the insurance. Huh?!
Cigna sucks sometimes too. They paid out to TSD out of our Flexable Savings Acct. and bled it dry. Now my monthly meds have to come out of our pocket and I think having to pay 65 bucks a month sucks. Say it with me people: it sucks.

I feel like chatty Kathy..blah blah blah. Let’s see what else can I say.
Oh! Your favorite buck toothed wonder Bucky Covington of last seasons American Idol infamy has a new album out, available at Target.
You can run right out and buy or as I am going to do, just run. RUN FOREST RUN.

I’ll leave you with a funny for the day: This is a conversation I had with Michael Jon this afternoon after he sat on my lap and then slid off.

MJ: ” I hit your boob with my chin. Sorry Mama.
Mommy: Pretending to get his boob back by pinching it, I say “Im gonna get your boob. ”
MJ: “I dont got a boob, I have a nibble. ”
Mommy: “A nibble?” snicker
MJ: “Yeah. You have a nibble too. We all have nibbles, even the sun and the whole world”
Mommy: Bwaahahahahahaha
Immediately I wrote and told Jon on IM what he said. He cracks me out that boy. Just like his older brother did. Man, we have funny genes.

My working days are over

today is my first “work” day off in 4 weeks. It was 4 weeks of getting up early, dressing up ( and not staying in my jammies), eating lunch every day, losing 7 lbs, and feeling like I had a purpose outside of my family life. It was good, I really enjoyed it. I hope to be able to go back to doing that again someday, but for now I am on hold.

Our house has been flooded with a stomach virus over the last 4 days, literally. Michael missed the Easter Egg Hunt on Sat, where it snowed outside during the hunt because he, in his words, “barfed” twice. Then he was all better for Easter Services. On Sunday night, Lauren was complaining of a tummy ache in her ribs…go figure and by Monday morning, Jon and Lauren had the runs. All. Day. Then I woke up to Brenna standing at our bed at 2:30 am saying she needed to throw up and had the runs too. Stinkin’ heck! Then she barfed. We are home from school today watching Go Diego, Go. Oh what joys. lol Dan and I are left and I hope it doesn’t hit either of us. I have things to do and people to be and can’t afford to get sick.
Time to go, my son is writing on the kitchen table with a yellow highlighter! Oy.

Life Peace

Jon and I have started a new phase of our lives. Financial responsibility! Shocking I’s only taken us 15 years together and thousands of dollars in debt to wake up and smell the savings account. Financial Peace University is being offered at our church and lots of things Dave Ramsey says I totally identify with. We are moving forward with a financial plan that will only benefit us in the long run.
I think because of my new outlook on life (thanks pharm co. who makes my anti-depressant) I am finally ready to get a hold of my weight issues. I joined a gym about 2 years ago. I went for about 8 months and then quit going when the local franchise closed down without notice. Since then, I have been paying every month for a gym membership I don’t use. Oh, I have tried to get out of my contract several times to no avail. My sister has been a WW (weight watchers) member for years and it really works for her. I am going to try the South Beach Diet and see where that takes me. I guess because of my new habit of not snacking at night ( thanks again pharm co.) and being more active because of getting up early and going to work, I actually fit into an Easter dress I bought 2 years ago. I am so stinkin’ excited that it fits. Because! (stay with me here!) I am being financially responsible by not spending that 100 bucks I was going to set aside for a new dress and wearing what I have because it fits!! Yay me.

Working hard or hardly working?

Yes and Yes. Last I checked in I was working and having fun. I’m still working and I am still having fun. My boss will be leaving me in the office for a couple of days next week, so we’ll see what happens. I just hope the phone doesn’t ring and that no kids get sick. Then it will be a boring uneventful day. woot!

I think the hardest thing I have had to do is learn how to use the copier! Those things are tricky.  No seriously.

I am pretty tired. Last night our AI group got together at our house. It was fun, but after getting up at 6:30, getting to work at 8:30, working until 2:30, off to the doctor at 2:45, shoe shopping at 3:30, home at 4:30, church at 4:45, choir at 7:45, AI at 9:30, and then bed at 1:30, needless to say I am a little tired. But Mom duty calls and my daughter needs chocolate chip cookies for a tea at school tomorrow.

For all you Lostees out there. It was a good epi. I missed half of the week before and I got caught up by Jon just in time to see this week. My jaw was still on the floor about Clair and Jack being half brother and sister. Sad thing is, Clair never got Dad’s name, therefore doesn’t KNOW that Jack is her brother and Aaron’s Uncle. That would be an interesting story line if when/they find out. And how the HECK did they get John’s Dad there? How bizarre, how bizarre!
(I know you totally just thought of that song How Bizarre, by OMC!- don’t deny it)

Ain’t no mountain high enough….

but my blood pressure is. 150/90 today and last week it was 154/104. Oy. Up the dose of the meds I am on and see where that takes me. I told the doctor that my kids were home for spring break and it was their fault. Unfortunately I can’t blame it on them. My finger IS infected and so another round of anti-biotics coming right up. Good thing about this is, any lingering crud I have in my chest from the bronchitis will be knocked out with this round. Medicine can be good for you sometimes. I have had a headache for the last 2 days and been dizzy today too….hopefully that will go away when I up my dose of blood pressure medicine. That’s all I got for now. Pray for my Mom and my sis…I’ve got a feeling in my gut they need some extra sent up.

Hi Ho Hi Ho….it’s off to work I go..

I get to go to work tomorrow. It’s only temporary, but I am looking forward to it. The back pain still comes and goes, but after some PT and a trip to the ortho, it seems to be doing ok for now. Not that the trip to the ortho really did anything for me. I got an illegible prescription for valium that I couldn’t use when my pain was really bad on Friday night and another MRI to schedule, hence the valium. Need to make that appt. but I am working for the next couple of weeks, so that’s a deliema.

anyway…ill update after my first day..wish me luck!