She’ll be coming ’round the mountain…again…

It’s been a while since I posted. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, ( I think I would have to be dead not to have anything to say ) I guess I am just in suspend mode. I read that yesterday was statistically “the most depressing day of the year” for most people. The weather, coming out of the holidays, and financial burdens from Christmas..yeah I can understand that. We are in tight budget mode. I think subconsiously I am not leaving the house because 1. I don’t trust myself not to spend any money, and 2. even if I did go out, I would want to buy something and I know I can’t. So I just stay close to my house. With that are pitfalls. Choosing to stay home means more opportunity to sleep in, stay in my jammies and watch endless hours of craft shows (much to MJ’s annoyance).
What I really want to do is go to the hardware store. I have a small list of things I would like to buy there. Nothing fancy, just some supplies to make some cool stuff with. Like washers and bailing wire and I really want a hog ring plier, but that is more expensive. Hey, don’t look at me like that. I have caught the creative bug and it kills me that I can’t just go out and get some neat stuff and try it. I don’t expect to sell anything that I make, I just like to make it. It’s the process of doing it that is the most fun, well, that and the shopping for it. 😀

Anywhoo….I apparently think that posting on my blog isn’t free and I am on a tight budget you know…even with my thoughts. Besides, it’s pretty boring around here anyway…do you really want to hear all about it? Circle YES or NO.

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