If the old man snores when it rains

what does he do when it snows?? He freezes his ass off that’s what! At this rate he’ll be a size smaller by Sat. Hmm…not bad way to diet if you ask me.
Yes, you heard it hear folks. It is snowing in Texas. Shocker I know. Well, not really a shock, more of a distraction. All the pretty little flurries floating softly to the ground. I just looked outside before I went to bed, and as of 3:12 CST, it was all white and pretty. Makes good snowballs too, which means, if the school system declares this another freakin snow day, I won’t hear the end of it until the kids get to go out and play in it. Please God no. Except for the beauty of it falling and that glorious smell of fresh clean cold air right after it snows, I am begging for summer. I’ll even take the triple digit summer of yesteryear. I am f-f-f-rrreezing people.  All I want is my flip flops back..is that too much to ask?

One Reply to “If the old man snores when it rains”

  1. Hang in there Sweetie…Spring is on it’s way or so the Rat says it is umm mean Groundhog. Warmer weather is just around the corner! Wonder if he read the book or has been watching the Weather Channel though…Global warming???? it’s SNOWING in TEXAS!!!!!!

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