flashing cursors

It just keeps blinking at me. The cursor. Waiting. Impatiently for me to write something. I can’t think of anything to say. I end up staring into space and thinking of all the stupid things I have rolling around in my head, but even they get boring to talk about rolling around in there. I’m in a funk. Time to go and see the doctor again. *sigh* This is a yearly cycle I can’t ignore. SAD maybe? I don’t know. I think I would prefer to call it anything else but depression. I just need some sunshine and warmth. I’m cold all the time and tired….who wouldn’t be depressed?

sorry to be such a downer…if it wasn’t for American Idol, I think I would move to Siberia.

3 Replies to “flashing cursors”

  1. You must be in a funk…always cold and tired need some warmth and sunshine? Siberia????? How about Taheati-Memowee-or even Airazonea?
    Get on the pill any pill and I’ll get help too…find a keyboard that can spell. XXXX0000XXXX

  2. hey there

    enough of that…sing the rubber tree plant song..you can do this..make a list of all the good…you know it is in there..push the stupid…ha…things out put the good ones in…call me if you need too!!!!!! love ya Carla

  3. okay, A… its Australia… you know Alexander and his horible, no good very bad day… he wants to go to Australia.. and I hear it is warm there too.
    B. in the next post all you wnat is summer…(I read them backwards, I guess like magazines), so what is it summer or siberia… or summer in siberia? I wonder what that is like…

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