6 weird things about me: A Meme

So, Amalah and Brighton have done it, and Amalah tagged everyone, so here I go. **Edited to add** This was months ago and it’s been sitting in my files waiting to be posted. Since I am in the mood to post, here goes.
6: I have this strange ritual when I put on makeup. I have to do everything in a specific order and then after I put my mascara on, I have to brush my teeth. Also, in between each makeup application, I have to fiddle with my hair.

5: I can’t sleep unless I am wearing some sort of pants or capri pants to bed. No shorts, or nightgowns. Nuh-uh, no way. Has to be pants. I don’t know why..just more comfy. Even in the dead of summer, and even better in the winter.

4: I’m a picker. When I am especially stressed I tend to find things to pick. My face, arms, back, legs. Gross I know. When I was depressed I used to stand for hours just looking for the smallest thing to scratch at. Mostly where it couldn’t be seen, like arms and back.

3: I have a long second toe. It was such a source of embarrassment  growing up that I would never wear open toed shoes or sandals in school. Most of my “friends” thought it was so gross. Now as an adult I have to really love the peep-toed shoes to buy them. I almost bought a pair of leopard peep-toe espadrilles, but they were too high. I do however don’t care if others see it. I get pedicures often and LOVE flip-flops and regular sandals.

2:I won’t eat anything if it has been left out longer than an hour. If the leftovers have been in the fridge for longer than a day or two, won’t touch it. Eww. Anytime I hear “leftover” night, I freak out inside. Especially if it’s at someone else’s house. Who knows how long they have had it? And don’t even expect me to look at it if you tell me, “It’s been in there a week and no mold, so it’s still good.” Nuh-uh, man.

And the # 1. weird thing about me: I am not weird. My husband doesn’t think I am weird, he can’t come up with one thing. Not one. Either it’s true that I am not weird or he is just so lazy he doesn’t pay attention to me and my weirdness.

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