Life Peace

Jon and I have started a new phase of our lives. Financial responsibility! Shocking I’s only taken us 15 years together and thousands of dollars in debt to wake up and smell the savings account. Financial Peace University is being offered at our church and lots of things Dave Ramsey says I totally identify with. We are moving forward with a financial plan that will only benefit us in the long run.
I think because of my new outlook on life (thanks pharm co. who makes my anti-depressant) I am finally ready to get a hold of my weight issues. I joined a gym about 2 years ago. I went for about 8 months and then quit going when the local franchise closed down without notice. Since then, I have been paying every month for a gym membership I don’t use. Oh, I have tried to get out of my contract several times to no avail. My sister has been a WW (weight watchers) member for years and it really works for her. I am going to try the South Beach Diet and see where that takes me. I guess because of my new habit of not snacking at night ( thanks again pharm co.) and being more active because of getting up early and going to work, I actually fit into an Easter dress I bought 2 years ago. I am so stinkin’ excited that it fits. Because! (stay with me here!) I am being financially responsible by not spending that 100 bucks I was going to set aside for a new dress and wearing what I have because it fits!! Yay me.

3 Replies to “Life Peace”

  1. Yeah Angie and Jon…you guy’s rock! It is great to see a plan/goal unfold and make ya proud. Love that graph I want one!! XXXXOOOO

  2. My friend at work calls her gym membership a non-tax deductible donation! The first time I heard her say that, I died laughing. So funny – I donated to the welfare of so many gyms, it’s not even funny!

  3. Yay for you! You keep it up – you looked great last night, I could tell you had lost weight. So glad things are looking up for you guys.

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