Please take a number..

I thought my list a couple of days ago was long, but today, today my friends was a doozy! And! I still have more to do this week.

Here is my list of things that I needed to get done this week:

  • Make a baby shower present for a friend in Houston.
  • standard chores like : laundry, bathrooms, etc. ( working on those, only 10 loads of laundry left to do and cleaning those dang bathrooms!)** Cleaned 1 today, the one that other people will use. Mine can wait another day. Heehee.
  • Fill out supply list for Vacation Bible School, due May7th (Yeah Yeah, I know. Good thing I know the Director, might be able to be a day late)
  • Buy supplies for Ladies Luncheon on May 6th. (Bulk of work will be done on Wed. and Sat. Just need to set up on Sunday)
    My part of the duties include:
    making decorative “plant stakes” to put in the centerpieces
    Creating/buying tags to put around each individual flower pot party favor
    making a broccoli salad
    giving recipe to Carolee for Asian Coleslaw salad
    buying decorations for 8 tables or 64 people
  • Going scrapbooking with Debbi on Wednesday. (Yay! time to have fun with a friend and get some work done for Luncheon too!)
  • Buying bathing suit for oldest Daughter for Hawaiian Falls Choir Party and pool shoes (Definately on Thursday)
  • Remembering to buy sunscreen and snacks for said Choir Party and giving her money for Locker there (Thursday Too)
  • Make cake for weekly American Idol party, Lemon Cake with lemon frosting (get that done tonight while kids are in bed)
  • Return table and chairs to friend (tomorrow at church?)
  • Wednesday night Supper and Choir (duh. Wednesday)
  • Work on Freezer Club idea and try to have ready by the end of next week.
  • Plan and execute my own Weekly Meal Plan. (so far so good- Monday: Steak with fingerling Potatoes and Veggie Medley, Tuesday: Spaghetti and Cesar Salad with Garlic Texas Toast, Wednesday: Church Supper and Thursday: Turkey Devan with Garden salad and Melon )
  • Subbing at preschool in the 4 year old class.
  • Drop off and pick up kid at choir party
  • Church on Sunday morning
  • Financial Peace University at 4:30 pm
  • Lauren’s Youth Choir performance at 6:30pm.
  • Sleep all day on Monday because I will be EXHAUSTED!

Are you tired yet? I am just thinking about it. And in between all of that stuff, I am getting up, making lunches, getting myself and Michael dressed, dropping him off at school on the wrong day! It’s a lot of work to be normal I tell ya. All those days I stayed at home and did nothing? I can’t even remember those days. I like staying busy. My body on the other hand. Even with all that I am doing, I still don’t sleep well. Hopefully that will change as I continue to do more and create a schedule. This summer should be interesting. I plan on doing quite a few projects around the house and hitting the gym at least 3 days a week. Looks like Lauren will be earning her babysitting money/ mission trip money! LOL

If I’m not back by next Tuesday, call the calvary. I think I might need some back up!

One Reply to “Please take a number..”

  1. When do you have time to breath? When I’m asked how you are doing I’m gonna have to give ’em the “Sweet Bippy” site MoM’s to old to recite all this…lol. Love ya bunches BUSY GIRL!

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