Do as I say, Not as I do…..

I tell the kids all the time, “do not rub your eyes when you have something in it.” Did I listen to my own advice? No ofcourse not. I know better than anyone else, afterall I am AngieWebMD. I guess I missed the class in eye injury and what NOT to do in foreign body in the eye situations. Something landed in my eye last night while I was laying in my bed having a pity party (thanks hormones) and I rubbed and rubbed trying to get whatever it was out. It felt like an eyelash poking me like a needle. Turns out I kept scratching my eye all up with what ever was in there and lacerating my inner lower eyelid. Sheesh, can I make a big deal out of a speck of dust or what?!

In other news…..
Total Sleep Diagnostics SUCKS! Do not go there if you can help it. They don’t care about you as a patient and have no patience or customer service or follow-up. :p on them! Oh and they will tell you have 100% coverage, when in fact, you are out of network, but they will charge the in-network price to the insurance. Huh?!
Cigna sucks sometimes too. They paid out to TSD out of our Flexable Savings Acct. and bled it dry. Now my monthly meds have to come out of our pocket and I think having to pay 65 bucks a month sucks. Say it with me people: it sucks.

I feel like chatty Kathy..blah blah blah. Let’s see what else can I say.
Oh! Your favorite buck toothed wonder Bucky Covington of last seasons American Idol infamy has a new album out, available at Target.
You can run right out and buy or as I am going to do, just run. RUN FOREST RUN.

I’ll leave you with a funny for the day: This is a conversation I had with Michael Jon this afternoon after he sat on my lap and then slid off.

MJ: ” I hit your boob with my chin. Sorry Mama.
Mommy: Pretending to get his boob back by pinching it, I say “Im gonna get your boob. ”
MJ: “I dont got a boob, I have a nibble. ”
Mommy: “A nibble?” snicker
MJ: “Yeah. You have a nibble too. We all have nibbles, even the sun and the whole world”
Mommy: Bwaahahahahahaha
Immediately I wrote and told Jon on IM what he said. He cracks me out that boy. Just like his older brother did. Man, we have funny genes.

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