My working days are over

today is my first “work” day off in 4 weeks. It was 4 weeks of getting up early, dressing up ( and not staying in my jammies), eating lunch every day, losing 7 lbs, and feeling like I had a purpose outside of my family life. It was good, I really enjoyed it. I hope to be able to go back to doing that again someday, but for now I am on hold.

Our house has been flooded with a stomach virus over the last 4 days, literally. Michael missed the Easter Egg Hunt on Sat, where it snowed outside during the hunt because he, in his words, “barfed” twice. Then he was all better for Easter Services. On Sunday night, Lauren was complaining of a tummy ache in her ribs…go figure and by Monday morning, Jon and Lauren had the runs. All. Day. Then I woke up to Brenna standing at our bed at 2:30 am saying she needed to throw up and had the runs too. Stinkin’ heck! Then she barfed. We are home from school today watching Go Diego, Go. Oh what joys. lol Dan and I are left and I hope it doesn’t hit either of us. I have things to do and people to be and can’t afford to get sick.
Time to go, my son is writing on the kitchen table with a yellow highlighter! Oy.

One Reply to “My working days are over”

  1. Have positive thoughts that Tobie will do the right thing and resign her position, stay home and get 100% better. Her health is more important than a part time job. Hugs to you Sweetie…don’t be a negative nelly!!!!

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