Taking Bets on whether or not she gets up today…

So I decided in the spirit of “keeping it real” I would confess to all the goings on or rather the not goings on of my life. I like sleeping. Mostly during the day when its quiet and calm. Especially when the sun is behind the clouds and its kind of dreary and the light… Continue reading Taking Bets on whether or not she gets up today…

So I got this new gig…

Not only did I get a small afterschool job, but I created a new blog!! This is a shameless plug for the other new, exciting, and sure to be thrown to the wayside as soon as I get bored endeavor. That’s just how I roll.  Oh look! Pop Tarts! Check it out, lemme know what… Continue reading So I got this new gig…

Categorized as Blogging

Man, I used to be funny when I blogged…long, long ago in a galaxy far away.

Death by sucrose Psst… Matt this post is by: Angie at 12:01pm on 07/18/2006. I am looking into a new way of life. Sugar Coma. Ever heard of it? I just discovered it myself actually. Comine spaghetti, gooey butter cake in obscene amounts, and what’s left in your system from last night’s Ambien, and mix.… Continue reading Man, I used to be funny when I blogged…long, long ago in a galaxy far away.

“It just doesn’t feel right; it feels bendable”

That was Michael this morning lamenting over his bowl of cocoa crispies that got soggy in the milk. I know you where thinking it was something else! Shame on you!! Guess what? It’s Christmas time. Actually it’s only 1 day and 25 hours away!! I guess that’s technically 2 days and 1 hour away, but… Continue reading “It just doesn’t feel right; it feels bendable”

Alert the Neighborhood Watch!

Theft Problem – IMPORTANT MESSAGE: You’ve heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves. My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else’s thighs. It was just that quick. The replacements had the… Continue reading Alert the Neighborhood Watch!

Categorized as Blogging

I should have my own show?

This weekend has been both joyful and exhausting! You see, my youngest daughter just turned 13. To celebrate her birthday, we bought her a computer, but we gave it to her early. To ease the letdown (ha…some let down!) we asked her if she wanted a gift card to spend for her birthday (a token… Continue reading I should have my own show?

Categorized as Blogging