Taking Bets on whether or not she gets up today…

So I decided in the spirit of “keeping it real” I would confess to all the goings on or rather the not goings on of my life.

I like sleeping. Mostly during the day when its quiet and calm. Especially when the sun is behind the clouds and its kind of dreary and the light is not too bright in my window, you know, pretty much most of the winter? Yeah, well…like I said, I like to sleep. There I said it. One might say it’s the depression talking, or my lack of motivation, but really, I just like to nap in the morning. Some days it’s ALL  morning, some days, it’s broken up into several naps. All depends on what I’m trying to avoid doing that day. It’s subjective. It would seem I’m not the only one who digs naps. Check it out .

Anyway…I decided that today (sound the trumpet! doo-do DOOOO!) I will not in fact go back to sleep after all the kids leave for school and I WILL WILL be a productive member of society! Haha! Take that world!

I have this list you know…a mile long. Of things that I want to do so I can you know, do stuff. Stuff like host parties, and craft pretty things like aprons, and baby gifts, and Christmas presents. You know?! STUFF!

I know you are dying to see my list…ready?

  1. DONE Mail my Dad’s birthday present and card Yay me!! I did it, I mailed the first birthday card of the year on time (hopefully) and I actually thought about it NOT at the last minute like I have in years past. **See list to the right to see what my goals for the year are… #4 on the list is “Remember all birthdays and send cards”. ** So far so good!! Yay me!
  2. Clean up the kitchen. If you headed over to Sweetbippy Cooks you’ve seen the reality that is my kitchen. Forget trying to cook in it. And while you’re at it, forget that you seen what it looks like, m’kay? Thxbai.
  3. DONE Sweep the living room floor. We finally took our tree down yesterday, I fear half the needles on the fake tree are on the floor. I thought those things weren’t supposed to shed?
  4. DONE Put away all Christmas Decor Do I really need to elaborate? I didn’t think so.
  5. DONE Rearrange furniture for maximum American Idol Viewing Yes my list really does say that. After we put the TV on the mantle, we were left with many more seating options and I want to be sure that my 15+ guests are comfortable with the seating. That’s just the way I roll.
  6. Mop Bathroom Floor I got to cleaning it all up yesterday and wiped down all the surfaces except that floor. Eww. I think that one will get delegated to someone lower on the totem pole.
  7. Sweet Front Entry again and clear off table and bench. Pretty self explanatory even though someone already swept, you can always find more dirt, unfortunately!
  8. Vacuum Play Room Yesterday we cleared the floor and put stuff back where it belongs, (sort of) and all that’s left is vacuuming and cleaning up my craft stuff, but that’s a whole other beast to tackle!!
  9. DOING Keep plowing thru laundry I’ve heard it said by more than one of my friends with far fewer children than me, laundry is never ending for all people! Doesn’t matter if you have a family of 6 or 2, there is ALWAYS laundry to do. *cue* “this is the song that never ends….”
  10. Decorate for the next upcoming holiday “VALENTINES DAY’’! Yes, I know we just started a new year. Yes, I know we just put our Christmas tree away, but friend lemme tell you; there is already EASTER stuff out! I know! I found some cute mini glittered Easter eggs at the Dollar Tree! Squee!
  11. ALMOST DONE Make/ Get Snacks for American Idol Party We all contribute to the snack table at my gatherings. I provide staples like, drinks, popcorn, and some form of chocolate. Most weeks, we have chips and salsa and someone always brings veggies and hummus. So good! This week we’ll have popcorn, candy hearts both chocolate and conversation, and some sweet tea, decaf since it’ll be after 9pm when everyone arrives.

That’s pretty much my list in a nutshell. ** I edited what has been done, but you can look and see what all I had done when I posted this. Just thought you should know I wasn’t a complete slacker today. There, I feel better, don’t you? **

So what did I get done today?? Ready?

  1. I woke up, put a bra on and went to CVS. Came home and got online.
  2. Brushed my hair and wrapped Dad’s present and headed to post office.
  3. Called and stopped by my friend Laura’s house unannounced (I hate when people do that to me, but know where their heart was when they did it, like my heart was this morning. Concern and love) and visited for a bit.
  4. Drove over to Dollar Tree for some Valentines goodies (and Easter too!)
  5. Then drove home and made a sandwich. I talked myself out of going to get a sub from the new pizza place in town (that friends own) and spent $0 bucks at my own restaurant.
  6. Got online.
  7. Stayed online.
  8. Made some homemade microwave popcorn, See recipe here.
  9. Played on Facebook. Arrgh. That place is too fun! Dangit!
  10. Looked over at list and sighed.
  11. Drank a 3rd glass of water.
  12. Waited for the kids to get home from school.

Not so good eh? Oh well. Just keeping it real. LOL!!

I still have time to get my stuff done before 9pm 5pm tomorrow, right? Oh yeah… I work best under pressure.

My friends love me for me. Like Martha says, “It’s a good thing”.

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