An Open Love Letter to My Husband…


Dear Jon,

     This Sunday is Valentines Day. In the spirit of love and all that gushy mushy stuff, I wanted to let the world know how much I love and admire you.

I want the world to know that in my imperfection, I say harsh things to you that you don’t deserve. In my sinful nature, I scold and berate you for things you can’t control. In my selfishness, I condemn and criticize instead of build you up and honor you.

I want the world to know that through all my faults, you love me; warts and all.

I want the world to know that when my Dad got cancer, you cried with me. That you held me in your arms and let me weep. When you didn’t know how to help or what to say, you did the only thing you knew how. You supported me when I quit my job and spent the next 8 out of 12 weeks away from our family taking care of my Dad.

I want the world to know that you do a LOT of laundry. That you always do the dishes after I cook. Actually, you do more than most husbands. That during American Idol season, you lend a helping hand do most of the cleaning and get the house ready for me before all my friends come over. That last year, when I couldn’t be there for the finale, in my honor you wore my Party T-shirt and hung out with my best friends.

I want the world to know that you nursed me to health over and over again through 6 surgeries over the last 16 years and through the 4 births of our children. That at a moments notice, you will get in the car and go to the store for me and get my medicine (or cookies which really can be medicine in emergency situations). That when one of our children is sick, you will leave at 1 o’clock in the morning and take them to the emergency room and give them tender loving support while they get x-rays, and CT scans, only to come home hours later and get little sleep.

I want the world to know that you love LOST. I mean LOVE L O V E it. That I love it too, but not like you do. I want the world to know that I haven’t been very supportive of your favorite hobby. That I’m selfish when it comes to sharing you with the world. I want you to know that I’m sorry I’ve been a pouty, guilt inducing, pain in the ass about it sometimes all the time. I want the world to know that I’m learning to love and cherish all the things that make you, you. I want the world to know that when I saw you do a video interview (that you wanted me to be a part of, but I refused – *see above about being an ass) tonight, even though I laughed at you and thought it was going to be silly, I had a revelation that you were filled with joy like a school boy getting a shiny new toy. Seeing you like that made me happy. It filled me with the same joy that you felt.

I think I’m ready to share you with the world, knowing that you love me and care for me unlike anyone I’ve ever known.

I want the world to know that…

You are my best friend.

Your kisses make me weak in the knees.

I love you.


Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart.



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