“What’s foorr diiiiinner?!” (insert whine here)

grocerystoredazeIt’s the never ending question of the day!

Not, “Can I help you mop the floor?” or “Did you need me to do anymore laundry Mom?”  Little do I hear, “Mom, did you want me to bring you dinner in bed or fluff your pillows?”

No…”What’s for dinner? I’m hungry.”  “Why is there no food in the house?”  “Why do we live on ramen soup and cheese sticks?”

Part of it is being extremely lazy these hot summer days and the other part is, lately I’ve been having  trouble coming up with dinner ideas (but mostly it’s because I’ve been lazy).

I am tired of the old stand-by and the kids are pretty tired of fending for themselves.  Although I don’t think there is anything wrong with giving them the skills and knowledge to cook basic stuff for themselves so

  1. they won’t starve in college
  2. they won’t starve at home
  3. they eat what they like since I don’t always want to eat pizza rolls for breakfast.

( no they don’t really eat those for breakfast Mom or Leslie…they get up so late these days, they completely MISS breakfast and move straight on to lunch! tee-hee!)

I used to make a menu for the month thanks to the awesome idea from my friend Michelle. She has 4 kids also and it really seemed to streamline her meal planning and grocery lists. It’s basically a calendar in word that once you fill in the meals, i.e. main course, veggie, and starch  for each day of the month, you just print and go. If you use standards that you know what ingredients are needed, then it’s not too complicated of a grocery list to do. If there are recipes that you haven’t tried yet, then it gets a little more time consuming to look up what you already have and what you need to put on your list. It all gets a little fuzzy here my dear reader because I am pretty anal retentive when it comes to meal planning. I’ve been in search of the holy graile of menu planners for years, but haven’t found anything that truely meets my needs. I did find this once and used it, but you have to fill it out each time and then still do the calendar menu thing, so it doesn’t feel like it saved me much time.  Alas, it doesn’t  seem to matter what system I use to do my meal planning, it still takes me hours to brain storm, outline, create, and list all the components for a months worth of meals. I try to plan out groceries for one week only, so I don’t waste food or have to thaw meat or other items the day of or put meat in the fridge to thaw days before, only to find I’ve forgotten about it or waited too long to get it into the fridge and we end up ordering out pizza or picking up hamburgers.

Here is a sample of what I used to use-


From this calendar that I change monthy by cutting and pasting from previous menu’s, I create a grocery list based on what I already have in the pantry ( I go thru the freezer, fridge, and pantry) and then cross reference that list with that I need for that week and what I will already buy for staples. It sounds complicated if you aren’t in my brain, but basically I take what we already have, compare it to what I will always buy as staples, and then what is left is what I put on my grocery list. Well, along with the staples, but they don’t change so I just add what I don’t have. Clear as mud?

Here is an example of what I would put on my grocery list and which store I would need to get it from-

grocery list sample

One particular month, I was leaving to spend a couple of weeks with my Dad, so I had preplanned meals and recipes for Jon to use while I was gone. It turned out pretty neat because the website I used here not only let me pick from all their recipes, or add my own, but after I made a menu, it printed each ingredient I needed in a grocery list form. In fact, when I just went to get the link, I got caught up in making a menu plan and almost forgot that I was writing this post! LOL

Here is a sample of what the finished grocery list would look like-

aldi shopping list menu planner

Now be aware that the store that uses this meal planner online hasn’t made it to Texas yet. They are planning on putting their stores sometime next summer. They have already built their warehouse/ distribution center in Lewisville from what I’ve read, but you won’t be able to buy your grocery list items in those name brands because we don’t have them yet. But! If you live near an Aldi (check for the location nearest you here) you can use this tool and find every thing on your list! Cool huh? I can’t wait until we get ours in North Texas, they have great prices on staples and their name brands are super inexpensive, which is always nice for a family of 6.

I like websites  (like this one and this one) that I can browse for recipes because I am always looking for new yummy sounding ideas for dinner.  I used to have a list of standards that I turned to, but lately those have become so boring and my kids won’t eat my favorites anymore, like meatloaf and old stand-by casseroles.  Now I ask the kids and Jon what their favorite meals are and hope for the best!  Just kidding…they tell me what they like and it makes my job easier to plan out the meals.

Now if only they could cook it all themselves and do the dishes after that would be heaven!

I hope some of those sites are useful for you. I know they have been for me! Enjoy cooking for you and your family! They’ll love you for it!

Love me… Want me… Pick me!


I’ve done some house cleaning.

No…not that kind of house cleaning. I didn’t do any of that today. I was a lazy girl, sitting on the couch with a numb hiney. I only spent the better part of ALL DAY looking, searching, cussing, and fussing on my blog.  NINE HOURS. That’s not too long is it?

Jon has been an angel about helping get it just the way I wanted it to look. He is sweet like that. Did I mention patient?? Whoooboy that man is patient.

Anyway…this is what I have come up with.  (see above)  I modified it from another template and tweaked it here and spanked it there to suit my ever-changing moods (which include bouts of anger and frustration at inanimate objects and people under the age of 7 who dare to ask for lunch) . Seems like it’ll do for a while…until my tastes needs change again. Might not happen until WordPress comes up with some more  artsy 3 column templates I can live with that doesn’t look like crap.

For those of you who followed my link from Facebook…WELCOME! and THANK YOU!! and you really do like to click every link you see, huh?  Let me know what you think…cuz I’m needy like that and you’re nice.

Go on…you know you want to!


Stay-cations are the new black

This is a sampling of what we are planning to do while we are on our “stay-cation” this next week. Jon is taking a few days off and we are going to make the most of a five day weekend. Starting Saturday we are going to hit up a swim party, go bowling, get wet at the water park, see the fishes, jaguar, and stinky flamingos, and squeeze in a baseball game at the end of the week. Then it’s packing time and a two part drive to Missouri with the boys next Sunday. 5 or 6 days with my Dad and Sister and then back to Plano. I have to try and accomplish those little craft projects I was hinting at before. I may run out to the hardware store and marvel over the spray paint cans and choose who will go home with me and make me happy!

Happy Summer y’all!!

Picnik collage

Vacation is spelled F-O-O-D…

Large families eat a lot of food. Our family is by no means as large as say, The Duggers, but we can go through some groceries. While we’ve been at Dad’s house we’ve made several trips to the local Aldi food market. It’s not really big enough to be called a grocery store as it doesn’t sell everything but the kitchen sink.  Although some days you can buy quite a few odds and ends (like corner sanders and hiking boots). What you can’t buy at Aldi, you can find at your choice of three other big chain grocery stores like, Dierberg’s, Shop and Save, and Shnucks (which I affectionately like to call Schmucks). There is a Walmart Super Center in Lake St. Louis which is about 15 minutes away, but you can find most everything you need at the other local stores. O’Fallon has a Walmart that is being renovated as we speak into a Super Center, but that won’t be ready until July, but I digress.

Why all this information on our shopping habits? Well…I’ve been trying to keep track of all the boxes and bags of stuff we’ve consumed in the last 21 days. Seems sort of silly but it astounds me how much our family can choke down!

Oh and as a side note-
My Dad told me to use what he had in the pantry and freezer. One problem with that. He cooks for 1 maybe 2 people regularly and so trying to plan meals for 6 people, means having to add to what he already has. It is actually easier to buy what I need and not add to what he already has. Having said that, we still require a lot of stuff to feed our family. I’m sure we could get by with less. Maybe that’s the secret to smaller butts? Oh wait. Jon and I have big butts, but the kids don’t and they are the one who eat most of the food!!!!


Here is a list of stuff that I can remember buying (I may have left some things out because well, I’m starting to get old and my memory isn’t as sharp as it once was)

  • 6 gallons of milk
  • 5 loaves of bread
  • 6 dozen eggs
  • 16 hamburger buns
  • 16 hot dog buns
  • 14 boxes of cereal
  • 3 lbs. of assorted lunch meats
  • 3 lbs. of assorted sliced cheeses
  • 4 bags of peanut M & M’s
  • 2 boxes of banana bread mix
  • 8 cups of rice
  • 10 lbs of sugar
  • 10 lbs. of chicken (chicken tenders, chicken breasts)
  • 8 lbs. hamburger ( 16 1/4 lb. hamburger patties, 4 one lb. pkgs hamburger)
  • 2 lbs. thin spaghetti
  • 16 pieces Texas Toast
  • 1 huge watermelon
  • countless lbs. of fresh vegetables used in various dishes
  • 10 pkgs. Mix-aid (Aldi’s brand of Kool-aid)
  • 6 cases of water (24 in each case)
  • 48 cans of various carbonated beverages (generic Aldi brand)
  • 3 lbs. pepper bacon
  • 2 boxes of Whale cheddar crackers
  • 1 case of Maruchan Top Ramen
  • 12 rolls of toilet paper ( we didn’t eat them, but it was only appropriate to add them to the list! LOL )
  • 300 napkins (out of a 500 count package of napkins- no I didn’t count, but estimated based on how many are left)
  • 12 mini concretes from Fritz’s Frozen Custard
  • 22 – 32 oz. frozen slushie drinks from Quick Trip
  • 12 twix ice cream bars
  • 6 klondike ice cream bars
  • 1 pkg. fudge brownies
  • 1 pkg. peanut butter cookie dough
  • 1 long summer sausage
  • 2 nights of Chinese Take out, 2 night of Mexican sit down
  • 1 dinner at a buffet
  • 5 tanks of gas (can’t eat that, but we bought it!)
  • 5 pairs of new shoes/flip flops
  • summer clothes for the girls
  • 10 homemade lunches for Jon while he was working upstairs

That’s all I can think of for now. It amazes me how much food and “stuff” we needed while we are here. If I sat down and counted all the food we buy at home, the list would be much longer! Now I know why my wallet cries every time drive past Wal-mart!

This is just a small glimpse into our fridge and pantry. What does yours look like??

Thinking Dry Thoughts

One bad thing about an extended vacation is that you miss those summer staples you have come to enjoy,  like bbq cookouts with friends, Friday night card games with noshing, and Vacation Bible School at your church. For years I have been apart of an amazing group of friends who love the Lord and love to share it with the community through a summer program called VBS. I was sad to find out we wouldn’t be a part of it this year, as it’s a whole family affair that we fully embrace every summer. Jon usually takes off a whole week and we all hang out together exhausted, but happy.

This summer we are at Dad’s house and that means we can’t be at our church, but never fear! Our local Baptist Church is here!! **cue superhero muzak** First Baptist Church of O’Fallon is hosting the same theme VBS  our own PCBC is and I was thrilled to have the resource so MJ could experience it as well.

I pre-registered him online and he was SO excited  to go and make new friends. We hustled over there and grabbed our card, a t-shirt, and a CD. We made our way into the sanctuary where the singing and music was just getting started.  Afterward when it was over, I picked him up and he was giddy with joy at doing the art, having snack, and playing with his new friends. We stopped at the local RED BOX to pick up a movie, which has become a nightly ritual for us since it’s cheap and quick to pick up and drop off.

While we were waiting for our movies to come out, MJ had to go to the bathroom *really bad*. So bad he was squeezing himself the way only little boys can get away with when they really have to go potty and there isn’t one around. Since the house wasn’t more than 2 min. away, we decided he could wait until we got home.

This is the conversation that followed:

Me: Ok Buddy, I’m not going to speed, but I’ll get home as fast as I can. Can you wait?

MJ: Yeah Mom, I’ll just keep thinking dry thoughts.

Me: What kind of dry thoughts are you thinking?

MJ: crackers

Me: *stifling laughter* Really?  What else is dry?

MJ: …pretzels…animal crackers.

Me: Um, yeah…those are all pretty “dry”. You know what I think of when I think of dry? I think of SAND. Like a desert.

MJ: Oh Mommy, yeah! Like when you eat a whole entire tree. Well…not the leaves, cuz they aren’t so dry.

Me: *snort* Yeah, I guess a tree is pretty dry. The leaves, probably don’t tatse very good tho.

MJ: Oh Mommy! A brick is pretty dry! You could eat one of those, huh? Well..maybe not cuz that would break your teeth. Hahaha!

We laughed a little more and I sent him running inside the house to go before he had an accident. While he was opening the door, I could hear his yell, “NO TALKING TO ME…I HAVETA PEE”.

That kid…he’s pretty funny. And dry too.

Love grows best in little houses.

It’s a country song.  I’m sure you have heard it.

The chorus goes like this:

But you know, love grows best in little houses,
With fewer walls to separate,
Where you eat and sleep so close together.
You can’t help but communicate,
Oh, and if we had more room between us, think of all we’d miss.
Love grows best, in houses just like this.

Little Houses by Doug Stone
(see it here)

I’m not quite sure that Doug Stone was talking about 4 children, two plump adults, and a dog in that little white house.

When I got the brilliant idea to have us all come up to my Dad’s to watch the house and dog while he went out of the country, I didn’t really think it would be this stressful for me. I admit it. I’m a rule follower. I like order and I’ve come to the realization that I am not a slob. I just don’t like cleaning up after everyone. It’s painfully obvious who in our household has managed to pee on most of the toilets, leave the lights on, and the drawers open.

I bet you are assuming I will blame Jon. Well yes, he does do that, but I wasn’t going to lay that burden all on him. I have discovered it to be all THREE of the boys living in our house posing as the open-drawer-potty bandits.

I really try hard not to get mad, but to remind and use it as a teaching moment for my young boys. How is it working for me?

Not so good.

I think I need to lighten up a little. It is a new environment, a new house, a new town, a new place to hang out and have some fun. But at the same time, it’s a house that isn’t ours and I feel like they will mess everything up!!
I like that it’s clean. I like that it’s ordered and everything has a place, which is the total opposite of how our house is now! They just drop it where ever and whenever and walk away! Gasp! I know!
I hope this will be a good start to new habits, ones I will keep on them about and won’t have to use the excuse, “this is not our house, so let’s keep it the way we found it”.  When we get home, I want to be able to say, “This is our house, let’s keep it nice so we can enjoy living here!”

Ok, now that I have gotten that off my chest. Let’s talk about what we plan on doing while we are here. That is if I don’t lose my sanity while trying to keep them from killing each other with love and communication! Some places that have been recommended to us are tops on our list. Not sure we’ll get to all of them, but here are a few things I would like to do while we are here in O’Fallon, Missouri;  named in 2006 as the “Best 100 Places to Live.”

**edited to cross out what we did already**

I think that just about covers any and all fun to be had while we are here. Do I think we’ll get them all in? No. We already have tickets to the Baseball game, so that’s a for sure and we went swimming today. (random brain thought: where did I put my camera? must find.) I would really like to go to the City Museum. It looks like a LOT of fun. The childrens museum, not sure that would entertain my kids long enough, might be too young for them as even my youngest wants to do the “big kid” stuff. It didn’t dawn on me until just now that I was bragging and bragging about this awesome place to live (New Town) and I even posted about it here. I took a gazillion pictures (which can be seen here) the last two times I visited and I didn’t even think to take the fam over there to check it out. We totally should because it’s free and we can walk through the models and dream about living there. You know, to torture myself. Cuz that’s just how I roll.

What does it say about me as a Mom that I am sitting on the couch with Spongebob Squarepants muted on the TV while the kids are “supposed” to be going to sleep? Don’t tell me.

I think I need some M&M’s.

In other news:

  • MJ got a mohawk
  • MJ asked to have mohawk shaved off
  • Penny feigned a paw injury for sympathy
  • Jon clogged the toilet. And here I thought it was OUR toilet. Nope.  It’s his butt. It’s full of shit no matter where we go.
  • Our “new” van just quit on us and then started again once we stopped. Weird.
  • I love shopping at Aldi’s grocery store. I can’t wait for Texas to get one! It’s almost like the dollar tree for me…”but it’s so cheap! Buy 9!”
  • After watching me put on mosturizer, MJ asked if he could have some. When I put a little on his cheeks he walked away in amazment because his cheeks, “feel as soft as a weasle!!”  Wha??  **crickets**
  • I have been able to get up every morning and walk the dog.  I’m not showerd and definately NOT cute, but who cares. I’m UP!  So if you see someone stumbling along the sidewalk with a poop bag in her hands, feel proud of her for getting up at the butt crack of dawn to walk the dog. She’s a trooper!

That’s all I can think of. Muh brain, she is empty.

Where are those M&M’s??!!

Stay Tuned for this important announcment!!

I have some projects in the works.

I can’t wait to share them with you but for now you’ll have to wait.

Don’t worry…I won’t be gone for long. I promise this time!

I’ll give you a hint just to keep you in suspense…

it has to do with spray paint….chew on that for a bit!

See you soon!