I’m so busy…oh so busy…oh so busy and dizzy and fried!

I’m not going to even go into how my CT scan with 3 (yes three and don’t ask me where they put it all!) different kinds of contrast went. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m all cleaned out and the doctor called me to tell me whatever Diverticulitis infection I had previously (I’m hoping they mean this week) has resolved and I look good all up in muh bowels. So I keep with the anti-biotic and will find out next week if the Dr. still wants to see me in his office or send me to the surgeon.  If you know me well, I am sure I told you I had some pain in the colon region and called the doctor to find out if I was having another infection or what. If you don’t know me well, then skip down the next section!

Moving ON! Tonight is scrapbook night and I am looking forward to making all kinds of stuff to send to my sister who is selling cards at a craft show. I want to make some for her to sell for me. And I am going to cut some stuff for her to use on the cards. Fun stuff I tell ya!! I am going to bring yummy hot onion dip for the girls to nosh on while we work. Yum-O!

Moving ON part deux (that’s french for NEXT!) I am getting ready to leave town again for Houston! Women of Faith conference here I come! Me and a bunch of my girlfriends all travel out of town to see the WOF gals every year. We have such a good time visiting, sharing, staying up too late giggling and being away from our kids and husbands, we come back renewed and refreshed in our Faith. It’s awesome! That is next week and so I have to prepare myself and the household for me to be gone 3 days.

I’m supposed to be thawing the chicken, cleaning the kitchen, prepping the carrots, measuring the rice, picking up Lauren, stopping by Al’s for snack supplies and the coming home to Jon cooking dinner and eating before I pack the car and my snack for scrapbook night at 7. Think I’ll have time for all that? Bwuuahahahahahah!! YEAH RIGHT! lol

Ok, chicken is thawing as we speak and now it’s on to  cleaning! Charge!!!

My boy is 5!

Today is Michael Jon’s 5th Birthday. He is so excited! Our plan for the day is: Burber King for dinner with friends, presents, cake and fun!

Michael Jon, I hope your birthday is 1/2 as special as you are to me and Daddy. We love you sweetie! Happy Birthday Son!



It’s all official Like…

Our House is SOLD! Sold as in, nolongeroursandwedon’teverhavetopayfororworryaboutthatstinkin’darnhouseagain!

We got out measly 229 dollars back from the closing and will wait a month for the remaining balance of our escrow. I still say it’s better than owing the bank or the buyers money, but it sure stings our little budget not having the extra cash to pay for much needed repairs around our own house.

Tonight is Ladies Night Out, so I’m outta here….. See ya!

Jam Packed Homecoming…

I had a wonderful weekend with my Sis and Dad. They dropped me off at the airport for my 4:00 pm flight around 3. I was already checked in, checked my baggage and went to sit down at the gate until it was time to board the plane. An announcement over the loud speaker was asking passengers of my flight to give up their seat for a $200 voucher plus the face value of their ticket. I called Jon immediately and asked him if he would mind me leaving on a later flight. He said go for it and so I did. I received a 303.58 cent voucher for another flight, good for a year! My new flight was leaving at 7:40 pm. Only 4 and a half hours to wait to get home. I told myself it wouldn’t be that bad.

I made myself comfy and put on my headphones and was planning on reading a book I got last Christmas for my Dad, who already owned it. I hadn’t even read the first page when a Mom and her two young girls came and sat right next to me. Airport etiquette says you should sit at least 1 seat away from another person as to give them some breathing room. There were a 100 other seats she could have sat in, but no, she had to sit next to me and speak in a loud demanding way to her girls. They were bored to tears and wanted to play their game boys. I tried to be polite and not get up right away as not to look to obvious that they were annoying me. I could only take about 5 min of it and I got up and walked away. After I found a much better seat under the air return and cooled off some, I pulled out my snacks and sprite and tried to enjoy my wait.

It didn’t last very long. I got up to pee. And why is it that when you find a good seat and you aren’t with anyone else who could save it for you, you come back and someone is sitting there. In YOUR seat. The rudeness. Anyway, I digress, I got up to use the ladies room and decided that a pumpkin spice frappachino sounded really yum. So I got one and sat down at the phone booth area and drank my frapp and called Natalie for an hour long chit chat while she was driving home from Houston. I enjoyed that call very much, as I don’t get to talking to her as often as I would like.
After I was done talking to her, I made my way back to the gate I would eventually leave from and looked for a seat. That flight was boarding, so there were 3 lines and crowded rows of seats, so I wandered off to look at the Brighton gift area. I browsed for about 20 min and then back to the ladies room. By this time I had about 1 1/2 hours left to kill before I could board. When my flight was transferred I asked for another pre-boarding pass and got one so I could find my seat over the wing, just one row ahead of the emergency exit row. That seems to be the very best seat for me.
When it was finally time, we boarded and made our way home. The flight was good. I didn’t get sick, which was nice and I spoke with a nice lady from Dallas for a bit. Then I put my headphones and my travel neck pillow on and promptly fell asleep. The flight took off at 7:40 pm and when I looked at my watch after waking myself up with some minor snoring (tee-hee) it was already 8:30. Only 35 more minutes to go.

I got lost trying to find my car in the parking garage, because I didn’t go back the way I came, so I was in the wrong garage until I figured it out. I met a nice lady who was looking for her car too in the wrong garage. We chit chatted the half a mile until we parted ways and found our cars.

I was so ready to drive home and get in my nice, cozy, warm bed. I walked in and was met with lots of hugs and kisses and arms all wrapped around me. I looked down at Michael Jon and saw these white puffy circles on his chest. I immediately knew they were hives. I asked Jon what was going on and he said he didn’t know what they were, but they were just getting worse. I had stopped on the way home at McD’s for supper and so when I got home and saw his poor body covered in hives, I grabbed him, my bag of food, and my drink and made my way to the after hours clinic. By this time it’s already 10:30. The clinic was closed because it was Sunday. I took him to CVS to get some Benedryl and to ask the Pharmacist what she thought, and she agreed with me he was having some sort of allergic reaction to something and I should go the the ER. So off I went. We got there at 11pm and we got back to a room fairly quickly, but then the wait began. He was visited by the nurse and the doc, the we waited for some medicine. A dose of Benedryl and a steroid shot in his bottom, which he did not like either. By this time it’s 11:45 and I asked how long we would have to wait here before we could go home. She said at least 20 min. to see if the meds are working. “Ok, I think to myself, reasonable enough.” By 1 am I am getting pissed. No one will stop in my room to see if we are ok, they look in and smile and just keep going. Grrr. MJ is sleeping thanks to the Benedryl and I am on the verge of exhaustion because I just spent 5 hours in the airport, 90 min on the plane, and now I am faced with a 2 hour wait at the ER. For what? A tsp. of Benedryl and a shot of steroids. I asked when I could go at 1am and I was told the doctor had more emergent cases and they would let us know as soon as possible. Oy. We got out of there around 1:30 or so. I carried MJ out half asleep and cranky.

We got home and went right to bed. It was quite possibly the longest day I have ever had. No wonder I slept until 11 am while a thunder storm was raging on and took another nap at 3pm until 5! It’s only 9 now and I am ready for bed again!

Back to the regular routine tomorrow at work. I am looking forward to it!

Hello from St. Louie!

bild0566.JPGHi my family! I am hanging out here with Auntie Leslie, Grandpa and Penny! Say Hi Penny! (she would wave, but she is sleeping in her house)

I had a wonderful flight. Some might not say it was too great because we hit a lot of turbulence coming thru the rain clouds, but I didn’t feel sick once!! I couldn’t believe it, if that was what it was like to feel normal, I want to do that every time!! I even considered going on a roller coaster with that motion sickness patch just to see what it’s like. So after my plane landed, we went to Cousin Franks restaurant, Frankie Tocco’s. I had baked ziti and the house salad with fried raviolis for an appetizer. It was sooo yummy. I was stuffed by the time we left. Then we drove back to Auntie Leslie’s and there was a lot of traffic on the way there. We didn’t know it then but this morning we found out that there was a bunch of accidents because of the squall line of rain and over 70 cars were involved! We got off on the right exit and avoided having to sit in bumper to bumper traffic.

We came home and talked some and visited, then Auntie made my bed up for me and I crawled right in. I flew in all the way from Dallas, and boy were my arms tired! (rim shot)
I woke up at 6:30 when the coffee started brewing and I was thinking I would go back to sleep, but I got up and was refreshed and wide awake. I got up, made my bed, and had a cup of coffee. Then I went up to see if Auntie was awake. She was up and coloring her hair. Then we both got ready and we were out the door on our way to a Holiday Organizing class at the local community college. It was informative and fun. I got some good planning tips for getting ready for the holidays.

After the class was over we met Dad for a visit with Aunt Donna and Uncle Phil. Then we headed over to White Castle for lunch and ate way too many burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken rings, fish sandwiches, double whites, and a chicken sandwich thrown in for good measure! We were stuffed and ready for a nap after that.
After we got home, Cousin Teri, cousin Donna, and Cousin Nina came over for a short visit and Nina brought her little tea cup Yorkie Gracie over. She and Penny sniffed each other and then Gracie showed Penny who was queen! Penny was scared. LOL
Now Auntie is “resting with her eyes closed” and Grandpa is listening to music on his computer while I write this post.

We had plans to go see REO Speedwagon in concert tonight, along with .38 Special and Kansas, but it’s raining, so we decided not to go because we didn’t want to stand in the rain and mud for 4 hours. So, next time we’ll buy more expensive seats! LOL

I posted my pictures to Flickr! so check it out and Brenna, I took those cloud pics just for you babe!

I love you all and miss you all- I will be home tomorrow night! Be good!


Weekend Recap.

It was a very eventful weekend. Jon had off from work and the kids had off from school, but I had my regular day off from work. Not really much of a day off if you ask me, but I am willing to take it! We spent the weekend partying, worshiping, eating, and lazing around with a few bursts of cleaning here and there.

Yesterday a friend of ours came over with his chainsaw and helped us removed some limbs from our trees that the city was going to fine us if we didn’t remove or get above the height requirement. This nice person (not really, but they are only doing their stoopid job afterall) drives around LOOKING for things us homeowners have let go or gets out of “Property Standards”. Like we live in a homeowners association or something. We don’t. I pay taxes like everyone else and if my tree happens to hang a little lower than the rest, then what is the big deal? If my yard in the back has grass along the easement  that happens to go above 12 inches high, who cares? I don’t I never go back there anyway. The city cares and they care enough to send the very best by way of letter giving us 15 days to comply with standards or they will hire a third party to cut or trim said violation and stick us with the bill. Oy I say.

So back to the weekend. Dan came over and helped us and there were tree branches everywhere and wood we can let cure to use as firewood next year.

All the kids helped for a bit and even I got out there and helped. I was hauling debris and wheelbarrow-ing wood back and around the side of the house. I reached a stopping point when my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out and sweat was dripping down my nose and dripping off the end. I NEVER move that much that I sweat. And maybe that is my problem, but remember, I am too pretty to work hard. It says so on my t-shirt. My other T-shirt says I will work for shoes. I didn’t see any of those at the end of my sweat-fest yesterday.

So we clean up the yard, take a shower and then drop off the two girls at their best friends houses and head to Matt and Deb’s. It was a nice evening with much merriment and noshing. The boys played nicely with Trey and Nana and we hardly knew there were there. It was a nice change from the usual arguing and bickering that goes on with two older sisters who want to do their own thing.

As I mentioned in my previous post from last night, we came home to our door being wide open. We have since determined that the door did get closed before we left by Lauren who with full hands didn’t manage to close it until the lock clicked. So when it started to rain last night, we pieced together that the wind must have pushed the door open and there it stayed until we arrived home.

We all promised that we would be conscious of making sure the door gets closed by whom ever is out last.

Today we laid around and snuggled in our new and improved ice box of a house because the air conditioner was repaired on Friday night ( I forgot to mention that, sorry) because it wasn’t working properly and now it chills the house to a frosty 82 degrees. I don’t think we have ever been cold at 80 degrees in the almost 9 years we have lived here. I am sure my Mom would love that it’s so cold here. And I think she would agree that this new and improved air cooling at 80 degrees would be a pleasant temp. even for her.
We watched a marathon of “How do I look?” on the style network while tickling Daddy and pinching various children who got in our way. Then I got a wild hair about cleaning the disgusting bathroom and vanity in our room. I cleared off everything, rearranged products and moved the cabinet from the bathroom to the top of my vanity to house all of my crap and get it behind closed doors. I like the look and we are going to try it out and see if we love it and then maybe we can buy some shelves from Ikea and redo the master bath. The tile in the in kids bath needs to come down and be replaced, so maybe we can do that one first and then ours.
Wow, I am tried of me talking….I guess I had a lot to say. If you have stuck around this long, pat yourself on the back and give yourself a high five. You are officially caught up on our weekend and now the week will start with work and school and end with me flying to St. Louis on Friday. I’ll be back on Sunday just in time for an Upward meeting at church. ( I can’t make it Jon, sorry- shucks!) Then one day off to recover and it starts all over again. Then I have to plan Michael Jon’s birthday party. The fun never ends around here and that is just the way I like it. Good night!

If you are going out for the night…..


We came home after hanging out at BlogoSpeer’s house tonight and found our front door wide open! We were only gone 5 hours or so. No biggie! We were worried someone broke in, but no, everything was still in its place and lights on, air conditioner off and door wiiiiiiide open. I freaked out a little thinking the worst, but it seems the last person out the door which could have either been Jon or one of the girls didn’t close the door. Thank God for his protection.

Too bad someone DIDN’T come in our house and clean it up as a surprise. That would have been special.  I am also surprised a neighbor didn’t come by and knock on the door to see if we were home and liked having our door open and closed it for us. Thanks neighbor! I guess this isn’t Mr. Rogers neighborhood.

And she pretended to blow out the candles….


Tonight was Brenna’s 11th birthday party celebration at the Texas Pool. 8 of her closest friends came, Lauren’s friend Megan came and 3 other families joined in the festivities. There was pizza, and the most delicious cake my friend Felicia made, and drinks and fun. They swam and had a great time. There were a few mishaps that involved brother and sister and flying fists, but after the tears and an ice pack, all was well. Dan stayed in his corner and sulked and Brenna played with her girl friends. She got lots of great presents and dramatically enjoyed each one. I think there was some fainting among the gifts and lots of squeals.

I didn’t get in the pool as I was the host-est with the most-est, but that’s what Moms do. They hover, and clean, and take pictures. They reminisce about when she was one and chubby cheeked with long eye lashes and curly hair. They shed tears deep down inside for the little girls who are gone on the outside and the big girls who are emerging, becoming women and yet still hanging on to the little girls they are. Happy Birthday Brenna! I love being your Mom.