Hello from St. Louie!

bild0566.JPGHi my family! I am hanging out here with Auntie Leslie, Grandpa and Penny! Say Hi Penny! (she would wave, but she is sleeping in her house)

I had a wonderful flight. Some might not say it was too great because we hit a lot of turbulence coming thru the rain clouds, but I didn’t feel sick once!! I couldn’t believe it, if that was what it was like to feel normal, I want to do that every time!! I even considered going on a roller coaster with that motion sickness patch just to see what it’s like. So after my plane landed, we went to Cousin Franks restaurant, Frankie Tocco’s. I had baked ziti and the house salad with fried raviolis for an appetizer. It was sooo yummy. I was stuffed by the time we left. Then we drove back to Auntie Leslie’s and there was a lot of traffic on the way there. We didn’t know it then but this morning we found out that there was a bunch of accidents because of the squall line of rain and over 70 cars were involved! We got off on the right exit and avoided having to sit in bumper to bumper traffic.

We came home and talked some and visited, then Auntie made my bed up for me and I crawled right in. I flew in all the way from Dallas, and boy were my arms tired! (rim shot)
I woke up at 6:30 when the coffee started brewing and I was thinking I would go back to sleep, but I got up and was refreshed and wide awake. I got up, made my bed, and had a cup of coffee. Then I went up to see if Auntie was awake. She was up and coloring her hair. Then we both got ready and we were out the door on our way to a Holiday Organizing class at the local community college. It was informative and fun. I got some good planning tips for getting ready for the holidays.

After the class was over we met Dad for a visit with Aunt Donna and Uncle Phil. Then we headed over to White Castle for lunch and ate way too many burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken rings, fish sandwiches, double whites, and a chicken sandwich thrown in for good measure! We were stuffed and ready for a nap after that.
After we got home, Cousin Teri, cousin Donna, and Cousin Nina came over for a short visit and Nina brought her little tea cup Yorkie Gracie over. She and Penny sniffed each other and then Gracie showed Penny who was queen! Penny was scared. LOL
Now Auntie is “resting with her eyes closed” and Grandpa is listening to music on his computer while I write this post.

We had plans to go see REO Speedwagon in concert tonight, along with .38 Special and Kansas, but it’s raining, so we decided not to go because we didn’t want to stand in the rain and mud for 4 hours. So, next time we’ll buy more expensive seats! LOL

I posted my pictures to Flickr! so check it out and Brenna, I took those cloud pics just for you babe!

I love you all and miss you all- I will be home tomorrow night! Be good!


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