Weekend Recap.

It was a very eventful weekend. Jon had off from work and the kids had off from school, but I had my regular day off from work. Not really much of a day off if you ask me, but I am willing to take it! We spent the weekend partying, worshiping, eating, and lazing around with a few bursts of cleaning here and there.

Yesterday a friend of ours came over with his chainsaw and helped us removed some limbs from our trees that the city was going to fine us if we didn’t remove or get above the height requirement. This nice person (not really, but they are only doing their stoopid job afterall) drives around LOOKING for things us homeowners have let go or gets out of “Property Standards”. Like we live in a homeowners association or something. We don’t. I pay taxes like everyone else and if my tree happens to hang a little lower than the rest, then what is the big deal? If my yard in the back has grass along the easement  that happens to go above 12 inches high, who cares? I don’t I never go back there anyway. The city cares and they care enough to send the very best by way of letter giving us 15 days to comply with standards or they will hire a third party to cut or trim said violation and stick us with the bill. Oy I say.

So back to the weekend. Dan came over and helped us and there were tree branches everywhere and wood we can let cure to use as firewood next year.

All the kids helped for a bit and even I got out there and helped. I was hauling debris and wheelbarrow-ing wood back and around the side of the house. I reached a stopping point when my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out and sweat was dripping down my nose and dripping off the end. I NEVER move that much that I sweat. And maybe that is my problem, but remember, I am too pretty to work hard. It says so on my t-shirt. My other T-shirt says I will work for shoes. I didn’t see any of those at the end of my sweat-fest yesterday.

So we clean up the yard, take a shower and then drop off the two girls at their best friends houses and head to Matt and Deb’s. It was a nice evening with much merriment and noshing. The boys played nicely with Trey and Nana and we hardly knew there were there. It was a nice change from the usual arguing and bickering that goes on with two older sisters who want to do their own thing.

As I mentioned in my previous post from last night, we came home to our door being wide open. We have since determined that the door did get closed before we left by Lauren who with full hands didn’t manage to close it until the lock clicked. So when it started to rain last night, we pieced together that the wind must have pushed the door open and there it stayed until we arrived home.

We all promised that we would be conscious of making sure the door gets closed by whom ever is out last.

Today we laid around and snuggled in our new and improved ice box of a house because the air conditioner was repaired on Friday night ( I forgot to mention that, sorry) because it wasn’t working properly and now it chills the house to a frosty 82 degrees. I don’t think we have ever been cold at 80 degrees in the almost 9 years we have lived here. I am sure my Mom would love that it’s so cold here. And I think she would agree that this new and improved air cooling at 80 degrees would be a pleasant temp. even for her.
We watched a marathon of “How do I look?” on the style network while tickling Daddy and pinching various children who got in our way. Then I got a wild hair about cleaning the disgusting bathroom and vanity in our room. I cleared off everything, rearranged products and moved the cabinet from the bathroom to the top of my vanity to house all of my crap and get it behind closed doors. I like the look and we are going to try it out and see if we love it and then maybe we can buy some shelves from Ikea and redo the master bath. The tile in the in kids bath needs to come down and be replaced, so maybe we can do that one first and then ours.
Wow, I am tried of me talking….I guess I had a lot to say. If you have stuck around this long, pat yourself on the back and give yourself a high five. You are officially caught up on our weekend and now the week will start with work and school and end with me flying to St. Louis on Friday. I’ll be back on Sunday just in time for an Upward meeting at church. ( I can’t make it Jon, sorry- shucks!) Then one day off to recover and it starts all over again. Then I have to plan Michael Jon’s birthday party. The fun never ends around here and that is just the way I like it. Good night!

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