It’s all official Like…

Our House is SOLD! Sold as in, nolongeroursandwedon’teverhavetopayfororworryaboutthatstinkin’darnhouseagain!

We got out measly 229 dollars back from the closing and will wait a month for the remaining balance of our escrow. I still say it’s better than owing the bank or the buyers money, but it sure stings our little budget not having the extra cash to pay for much needed repairs around our own house.

Tonight is Ladies Night Out, so I’m outta here….. See ya!

2 Replies to “It’s all official Like…”

  1. So glad it’s finally over. Ya know, sometimes you just gotta cut your losses and run. At least you made out with SOMETHING…not much, but it’s better than owing any more. Yay for you guys!!

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