I’m so busy…oh so busy…oh so busy and dizzy and fried!

I’m not going to even go into how my CT scan with 3 (yes three and don’t ask me where they put it all!) different kinds of contrast went. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m all cleaned out and the doctor called me to tell me whatever Diverticulitis infection I had previously (I’m hoping they mean this week) has resolved and I look good all up in muh bowels. So I keep with the anti-biotic and will find out next week if the Dr. still wants to see me in his office or send me to the surgeon.  If you know me well, I am sure I told you I had some pain in the colon region and called the doctor to find out if I was having another infection or what. If you don’t know me well, then skip down the next section!

Moving ON! Tonight is scrapbook night and I am looking forward to making all kinds of stuff to send to my sister who is selling cards at a craft show. I want to make some for her to sell for me. And I am going to cut some stuff for her to use on the cards. Fun stuff I tell ya!! I am going to bring yummy hot onion dip for the girls to nosh on while we work. Yum-O!

Moving ON part deux (that’s french for NEXT!) I am getting ready to leave town again for Houston! Women of Faith conference here I come! Me and a bunch of my girlfriends all travel out of town to see the WOF gals every year. We have such a good time visiting, sharing, staying up too late giggling and being away from our kids and husbands, we come back renewed and refreshed in our Faith. It’s awesome! That is next week and so I have to prepare myself and the household for me to be gone 3 days.

I’m supposed to be thawing the chicken, cleaning the kitchen, prepping the carrots, measuring the rice, picking up Lauren, stopping by Al’s for snack supplies and the coming home to Jon cooking dinner and eating before I pack the car and my snack for scrapbook night at 7. Think I’ll have time for all that? Bwuuahahahahahah!! YEAH RIGHT! lol

Ok, chicken is thawing as we speak and now it’s on to  cleaning! Charge!!!

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