I write the songs that make the whole world sing….

So some of you have asked where the heck I am and that you have been checking here every day to see what is going on with my life and have been dissapointed because well….it’s been slow. Never fear..I am here to remedy that.

Yesterday was quite an interesting day. Too cold to get out of the comfort of my warm and toasty bed, and too unusual to not look out the window and see what looked like the north pole winds blowing outside. At one point I was standing at the kitchen window and watching the wind whip the powder off our roof and I suddenly felt like any minute, Santa would come around the corner and ask for a Pastrami on Rye. It was kind of surreal. We ate a warm lunch and copius amounts of hot chocolate and snuggled up on the couch for a while. The kids (Brenna was home from school because the storm caused a freakout session until 4am and 3 hours of sleep does not make for a good 4th grader) were going to the window every 5 nanoseconds and checking the weather. Then I would get the report. Back and forth, back and forth. After a while I didn’t care that it was snowing I just wanted to be warm already.
It’s amazing how the weather can go from near 80 to 27 with a wind chill factor of 13 in a matter of hours. Kooky I say.
Continue reading “I write the songs that make the whole world sing….”

Sing it with me!

It’s raining, it’s pouring
Jon is asleep snoring,

So, I drank some beer
and I went to bed

and when I woke up in the morning, I looked out side and saw white stuff floating from the sky and thought an airplane of styrofoam exploded and was falling to the ground and my kids were all like ITS SNOWING YIPPEE and I just laid there because I was tired and cold.

You don’t know that version? Oh well… keep warm!

Is the holiday over yet?

Will this weekend ever end? I have been in the house for 48 hours without so much as opening the front door. Why? I dunno. I guess I didn’t want to actually get dressed and venture out to Nutjobshoppingland with the rest of the crazies, like my sister and mother. Instead, I cleaned the area next to my bed and threw away about 15 magazine and kept the other 50. I threw away waaaay more crumpled tissues than I care to think I let drop on the floor. Ew. I vacuumed enough dust to fill a small pillow, double eww. It is so nice to have a clean space, why do I wait so long to do it? Jon cleaned his side of the bed too, as his new collection of gallon size distilled water bottles was getting out of control.

We made the kids clean too. The playroom was unacceptable and needed to be sterilized. I really am surprised when my friends let their kids come over. I can’t imagine they really would if they knew the stuff I found in there. Note to Debbi and Natalie: I know you say you don’t care that it’s a mess, but I do..and that is how it got to be such a mess, by my not caring. I have turned over a new leaf. It’s brown on the other side, but clean. 😀
Let’s just say the enthusiasm that spilled forth from my children to clean the room they spend the majority of their time in was enough to fill a thimble. Seriously, they played and stalled, and laughed and played somemore. We (mostly I) got tired of yelling to clean up, so I walked in there all calm like and said, ” You will stay in here until this room is cleaned. If it is not cleaned, you will spend all of Sat. in your rooms by yourselves cleaning. You will not play, or watch TV, or use the gamecube or computer. Just in your rooms cleaning and spending time thinking about how you want our house to be, which is CLEAN.” After that, they got a little more serious, but they don’t really take Jon or I seriously. Had they not got that room clean, and I mean not just a little picked up. Like able to vacuum and clean surfaces, they would have seen me follow through. I was just up to my ears in letting them get away with whatever they wanted. I spend too much time in my own head and not enough in theirs, helping them, nurturing what they need to grow and be healthy adults who don’t just drop french fries on the floor and walk away.

Anyway, they got the room clean and we made some more rules. Rules I plan to enforce. We try all these different methods of helping them to keep things tidy and put away. Now they are old enough that they can understand and feel the effects of grounding and having money taken from them. I hope it works. Also, a good night time routine is in order. Usually we just tell them to go to bed and they come and kiss us goodnight and go to bed. I think the new routine will actually involve me and Jon getting up off the couch to coach them thru it and get it done. *sigh* I know it needs to be done..just wish I would have done it sooner….

I’m hoping to get the tree up today…that would be nice..actually have the christmas decorations up before the 20th of Dec. Maybe if we put them up before Dec. we will take them down before March! What a novel idea!

I getting ready to head to the store for much needed groceries. Wish me luck! I’m going to stuffMart. Who knows what kind of haggered post Black Friday merchandising I might find.

Gobble ’til ya wobble

We had a lovely thanksgiving dinner over at our friends house. They were kind enough to come let our brood invade their quiet home. Cowboys won 38 to 10 over the Buccaneers. Why I put that in my post, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it tickled me that a play went offsides and made a cheerleader fall on her ass! It was pretty funny to see her face as she went down. She stumbled backwards onto a cart of somesort. As it replayed in slow mo, you can see another cheerleader look all concerned and asking if she was ok. You know she was totally laughing on the inside!

We ate a good meal, I made the gravy there, as I was the only one who knew how to make it. 😀 We brought rolls and two pies and drinks. Drinks for the kids and drinks for us. Jon doesn’t remember much, he spent most of the time in the bathroom peeing out all the beer he drank. Our host was kind enough to keep feeding him brews, until the headache and pit stops were too much. They stayed upstairs in their media room with the projector TV and watched Survivor in HD. I stayed downstairs and chatted with the new Mama and her baby boy. The kids all had a good time and we bribed our girls to watch their brothers. Each of them will earn 5 bucks give or take .50 due to a hitting incident. Well, except MJ. He didn’t do much else but bug his sisters and run all over the place dimming the lights and asking for pie.

I think we may have missed a few family members with Thanksgiving wishes. I would have been nice to all be together. Maybe someday…

Tomorrows plan: sleep in, clean the house,and catch up on our TV shows. Sat.: more of the same with maybe some garage cleaning squeezed in there. Sunday: church and rehearsal for dinner theater.

Monday? I hope to hear from my insurance company. I have an appt. with my psychiatrist to get a letter of clearance for my surgery. Last I heard, that is all they need to make a decision. I hope to get that taken care of asap. Then I can get the clearance to go and get on the OR books. Wish me luck.

Happy Thanksgiving. I really have much to be thankful for. I can’t always see it, but I know how much I have and that I am so blessed!

Emotional rollercoster

And you know how much I hate rollercosters right? They make me sick! This kind does too.

Lot of wailing and knashing of teeth, but I think the worst is over. At least I hope so Mom!
My eyes can’t take any more tears, they are but mere slits that I can see out of.  I hate that about me. I want to cry like the actresses on TV. They cry and their upper lip doesn’t get red and swollen and thier eyes don’t swell shut. My eye color turns bright blue and ok, so great, while that looks pretty…I would rather not.

I called my insurance company and after looking into it and calling the doctors office, they have faxed in the information again and should return an answer within 48 hours. Of course its a holiday weekend, so I won’t hear anything until monday, but at least I know “Jennifer” is actually working for me and not giving me lip service that I got from “Carly” at the doc’s office. I guess I know why she had to resubmit somethings. I called her last week and told her that my medical status has changed and I was being treated for hypertension. ** the phone just rang while I was typing this and my rep just called me to tell me that the review company just recieved all my information and they will be reviewing it asap. Wow..hopefully this will be what I am hoping for. I am bracing for the worst and hoping for the best. I guess that is all I can do **

Not sure I am going to get a job at all before the holidays. I think I need to do what my Mom says and focus on a few things at a time instead of 20. I think I can do that. Like the little engine that could….chug chug. Now, if I could only get dinner theater out of the way, I think I could actually relax….no such luck. Dec. 9th, it will be over. But I tell you this much. If I have the choice to do dinner theater or have my surgery, I will choose the surgery hands down and they can just get along without me. My health is more important than singing right now.

J O B’s

I didn’t get the job. Part of me says oh well, and dang it, the other part is mad that I didn’t get it. Anyone know of any jobs for someone who is super talented at all the wrong things, the things that don’t get a person hired? Oy.

I’ll be in la la land eating triptophan and tuning out my kids. Happy Thanksgiving.

Worry Wart

Ok, so I am one. I worry. Is that so bad? I seem to think I have a lot to worry about. I probably do. Not as much as some, but still…I have my issues.

It’s been almost 2 weeks since Sadie died. I have my moments and feel such sadness. I can’t even understand why I feel so sad. I guess I really opened my heart to her and it seems so unfair that all this even happened. I torture myself by looking for puppies. Their faces..I can’t resist. I KNOW it would be so the wrong time to get another dog right now. When is the right time? I don’t know until I guess it is.

On the job front: I didn’t even want one right now. They called me. I went in to interview on Friday and it seemed to go well, but I can’t really tell. I took the test they gave me and except for the weird number analogies I had to answer and the macros I didn’t know how to make on Word, I think I did ok. I don’t have a whole lot of confidence in myself, I wish I did. I could really use the extra income right now, but I don’t know that they want me. It seems like every job I wanted, i.e. Jefferson Pilot, Epic Homes, Mother’s Day Out; I either didn’t get, or they said I couldn’t grow with them, or the other person had more experience than me. I know that there is always someone else who has more experience than me. Whaaa..I know…I know…I’m whining. Cry me a river right??

Ok…then there is the volcanic zits of Mt. Pimpleus. Matching ones, on either side of my chin. I mean come on! Could my hormones be more cruel? I guess they could, but they couldn’t have come at a worse time. I have dinner theater in 3 weeks. There will still be red marks by then. Im talking these babies are huge. On is the size of a dime. I am not kidding. The other is size of a pea. I haven’t had some like that is ages. I thought at 33 almost 34 you didn’t get crater face zits anymore. I guess I was wrong!

On the health front, I am now taking a beta-blocker for high blood pressure. Me..high blood pressure. I would have never thought it. Now that I have stage 1 hypertension, I haven’t been feeling as well. Since I started taking them I have lost 6 lbs. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great! I could do without the upset stomach though. Every thing I eat gives me gas. It’s ridiculous! Then, I haven’t heard from our insurance company about my gastric bypass surgery. I mean come on! Should it take 41 days to review my case? What’s not to approve? I have high blood pressure, high body mass index, I weigh (cough, mumble) alot, I have sleep apnea, herniated disk, bad knees, and my feet are totally screwed up and hurt every single day. What the heck over? I tried to call today and when the healthcare stratigies person told me to call the actual insurance company and then transfered me, they closed at 4:30 EST! So frustrating.
Don’t even get me started on the money issues. They are always there. Can’t get around them except to get a job and stop spending money. Which only brings me back to the job thing. Which I don’t have yet.

It’s so late..I guess I should go to bed…feeling dizzy. Must Sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. G’night.

I have a job interview!! Yippee!

I hadn’t looked for a job, yet one kind of fell into my lap. On Monday, I got an email from the HR generalist from Staubach Retail and I was confused because I didn’t think my resume was still up on Monster since it has been 3 months since I looked for work. She said there was an Admin Asst. position in Addison and that she was interested in talking with me. I looked the company up and found a clerical job in McKinney open. I called ReCollections, a scrapbook store and asked about turning in the application I have had tucked away for a while, debating whether or not I should apply. They don’t pay as much as I would need, so I called Staubach instead. The HR gal said she was filling both positions and asked me to come in and interview. So I go on Friday. I am excited, because I enjoyed working last spring and wanted to continue, but things didn’t work out with any of the people I interviewed with.

Of course this means less time at home and MJ in full time care. But, it also means more income and something to get up and get dressed for every morning. I was actually more organized and productive at home when I worked full time than when I stayed home full time. I guess I do better having someone other than myself and Jon to answer to!
This also means, having nice clothes to wear and having my stuff clean, so I can have it at the ready….that is one thing I missed about working, getting to wear all my cute clothes that I was only wearing once a week to church.

Now..if we could only convince the husband I need a makeove and manicure and pedicure!