Worry Wart

Ok, so I am one. I worry. Is that so bad? I seem to think I have a lot to worry about. I probably do. Not as much as some, but still…I have my issues.

It’s been almost 2 weeks since Sadie died. I have my moments and feel such sadness. I can’t even understand why I feel so sad. I guess I really opened my heart to her and it seems so unfair that all this even happened. I torture myself by looking for puppies. Their faces..I can’t resist. I KNOW it would be so the wrong time to get another dog right now. When is the right time? I don’t know until I guess it is.

On the job front: I didn’t even want one right now. They called me. I went in to interview on Friday and it seemed to go well, but I can’t really tell. I took the test they gave me and except for the weird number analogies I had to answer and the macros I didn’t know how to make on Word, I think I did ok. I don’t have a whole lot of confidence in myself, I wish I did. I could really use the extra income right now, but I don’t know that they want me. It seems like every job I wanted, i.e. Jefferson Pilot, Epic Homes, Mother’s Day Out; I either didn’t get, or they said I couldn’t grow with them, or the other person had more experience than me. I know that there is always someone else who has more experience than me. Whaaa..I know…I know…I’m whining. Cry me a river right??

Ok…then there is the volcanic zits of Mt. Pimpleus. Matching ones, on either side of my chin. I mean come on! Could my hormones be more cruel? I guess they could, but they couldn’t have come at a worse time. I have dinner theater in 3 weeks. There will still be red marks by then. Im talking these babies are huge. On is the size of a dime. I am not kidding. The other is size of a pea. I haven’t had some like that is ages. I thought at 33 almost 34 you didn’t get crater face zits anymore. I guess I was wrong!

On the health front, I am now taking a beta-blocker for high blood pressure. Me..high blood pressure. I would have never thought it. Now that I have stage 1 hypertension, I haven’t been feeling as well. Since I started taking them I have lost 6 lbs. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great! I could do without the upset stomach though. Every thing I eat gives me gas. It’s ridiculous! Then, I haven’t heard from our insurance company about my gastric bypass surgery. I mean come on! Should it take 41 days to review my case? What’s not to approve? I have high blood pressure, high body mass index, I weigh (cough, mumble) alot, I have sleep apnea, herniated disk, bad knees, and my feet are totally screwed up and hurt every single day. What the heck over? I tried to call today and when the healthcare stratigies person told me to call the actual insurance company and then transfered me, they closed at 4:30 EST! So frustrating.
Don’t even get me started on the money issues. They are always there. Can’t get around them except to get a job and stop spending money. Which only brings me back to the job thing. Which I don’t have yet.

It’s so late..I guess I should go to bed…feeling dizzy. Must Sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. G’night.

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