Emotional rollercoster

And you know how much I hate rollercosters right? They make me sick! This kind does too.

Lot of wailing and knashing of teeth, but I think the worst is over. At least I hope so Mom!
My eyes can’t take any more tears, they are but mere slits that I can see out of.  I hate that about me. I want to cry like the actresses on TV. They cry and their upper lip doesn’t get red and swollen and thier eyes don’t swell shut. My eye color turns bright blue and ok, so great, while that looks pretty…I would rather not.

I called my insurance company and after looking into it and calling the doctors office, they have faxed in the information again and should return an answer within 48 hours. Of course its a holiday weekend, so I won’t hear anything until monday, but at least I know “Jennifer” is actually working for me and not giving me lip service that I got from “Carly” at the doc’s office. I guess I know why she had to resubmit somethings. I called her last week and told her that my medical status has changed and I was being treated for hypertension. ** the phone just rang while I was typing this and my rep just called me to tell me that the review company just recieved all my information and they will be reviewing it asap. Wow..hopefully this will be what I am hoping for. I am bracing for the worst and hoping for the best. I guess that is all I can do **

Not sure I am going to get a job at all before the holidays. I think I need to do what my Mom says and focus on a few things at a time instead of 20. I think I can do that. Like the little engine that could….chug chug. Now, if I could only get dinner theater out of the way, I think I could actually relax….no such luck. Dec. 9th, it will be over. But I tell you this much. If I have the choice to do dinner theater or have my surgery, I will choose the surgery hands down and they can just get along without me. My health is more important than singing right now.

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