Gobble ’til ya wobble

We had a lovely thanksgiving dinner over at our friends house. They were kind enough to come let our brood invade their quiet home. Cowboys won 38 to 10 over the Buccaneers. Why I put that in my post, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it tickled me that a play went offsides and made a cheerleader fall on her ass! It was pretty funny to see her face as she went down. She stumbled backwards onto a cart of somesort. As it replayed in slow mo, you can see another cheerleader look all concerned and asking if she was ok. You know she was totally laughing on the inside!

We ate a good meal, I made the gravy there, as I was the only one who knew how to make it. 😀 We brought rolls and two pies and drinks. Drinks for the kids and drinks for us. Jon doesn’t remember much, he spent most of the time in the bathroom peeing out all the beer he drank. Our host was kind enough to keep feeding him brews, until the headache and pit stops were too much. They stayed upstairs in their media room with the projector TV and watched Survivor in HD. I stayed downstairs and chatted with the new Mama and her baby boy. The kids all had a good time and we bribed our girls to watch their brothers. Each of them will earn 5 bucks give or take .50 due to a hitting incident. Well, except MJ. He didn’t do much else but bug his sisters and run all over the place dimming the lights and asking for pie.

I think we may have missed a few family members with Thanksgiving wishes. I would have been nice to all be together. Maybe someday…

Tomorrows plan: sleep in, clean the house,and catch up on our TV shows. Sat.: more of the same with maybe some garage cleaning squeezed in there. Sunday: church and rehearsal for dinner theater.

Monday? I hope to hear from my insurance company. I have an appt. with my psychiatrist to get a letter of clearance for my surgery. Last I heard, that is all they need to make a decision. I hope to get that taken care of asap. Then I can get the clearance to go and get on the OR books. Wish me luck.

Happy Thanksgiving. I really have much to be thankful for. I can’t always see it, but I know how much I have and that I am so blessed!

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