I write the songs that make the whole world sing….

So some of you have asked where the heck I am and that you have been checking here every day to see what is going on with my life and have been dissapointed because well….it’s been slow. Never fear..I am here to remedy that.

Yesterday was quite an interesting day. Too cold to get out of the comfort of my warm and toasty bed, and too unusual to not look out the window and see what looked like the north pole winds blowing outside. At one point I was standing at the kitchen window and watching the wind whip the powder off our roof and I suddenly felt like any minute, Santa would come around the corner and ask for a Pastrami on Rye. It was kind of surreal. We ate a warm lunch and copius amounts of hot chocolate and snuggled up on the couch for a while. The kids (Brenna was home from school because the storm caused a freakout session until 4am and 3 hours of sleep does not make for a good 4th grader) were going to the window every 5 nanoseconds and checking the weather. Then I would get the report. Back and forth, back and forth. After a while I didn’t care that it was snowing I just wanted to be warm already.
It’s amazing how the weather can go from near 80 to 27 with a wind chill factor of 13 in a matter of hours. Kooky I say.

After everyone got home from school and work, there was play to be had by all in the snow. The winds were bitter cold and without matching gloves (yes I buy matching muliple pairs of gloves every year and every year they get lost. I hope the sock monsters took them too otherwise I’m scared) their hands were soon icey cold. I got dressed and ventured out to walmart in search of some warmth. I was met with gusty winds and icey patches on the streets that scared me as I pulled into the parking lot and skidded some while turning. I tried to be quick, but so many people to buy for at my house I got so turned around. I felt like I had alzhimers..couldn’t remember what I needed next, so I just wandered around until my memory came back. Upon leaving the store I met some even icier patches of parking lot and when I went to break at the stop sign I heard lots of crunching and skidded to a stop about 2 feet past where I wanted. That scared me even more and I pulled over someplace out of the way and called Jon. He talked me thru getting out of there and I was home safe and sound. I had to drive 25 in a 45 because everyone else was being just as cautious as me.

We had yummy hot soup in french bread bowls (Thanks Mom!! We need more!) and warmed oursleves by the fire. Men’s night was canceled, so we got to watch all of Survivor together. More tv ensued and next thing we know the fire is out and the kids are in bed and it’s time to run for the covers and get toasty before heading to dream land.

Which brings me to today. We brought Jon lunch and made it home just in time to meet the kids walking home from school. Now it’s way chilly in the house and to keep warm I am actually going to clean something! Shock I know.

Tonight is tree decorating and wassail (pronounced Wos-el, if anyone cares, I know I do) over at church. Should be fun until the kids start to get crazy. 😀

I hope everyone stays warm and I’ll be updating soon! So much to do, so little time to nap. Only 8 more days until Dinner Theater! Ack..someone shoot me!

2 Replies to “I write the songs that make the whole world sing….”

  1. I love the snow… to be fair I never had snow so to those that have grown up with it in various parts of the US, don’t rain on my happy snow parade! I say bring it on! But how often can it snow in Dallas, Texas? Lets get real about that. Once a year if we’re lucky, I am told. Which is one more time than we got in Houston. I’ll take it, revel(sp?)in it, smile till my cheeks hurt, Christmas or not.

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