Who built the Ark…Evan, Evan….

even-almighty-movie-poster.jpgWe went to an old fashion drive in movie tonight! It was like walking driving down memory lane! We drove 54 miles to Ennis, TX to the Galaxy Drive-In with a group from church. It was a late night, as the movie didn’t start until the sun went down around 9pm and the first showing was Ratatouille and then the second showing was Evan Almighty.

We stayed for the whole thing and Michael was the first to fall asleep. Poor guy couldn’t last as long as his brother and sister could. It was a neat movie and not at all blasphemous like some people thought. I loved Bruce Almighty, so I was hoping to enjoy this one just as much. I enjoy Morgan Freeman in the role of God and Steve Carroll was funny as usual. No one was harmed in the making of the flood and no one was killed (Matt). All and all it was a fun night and I think even our resident movie hater (Lauren, who is doing great in Mexico by the way) would like it with enough coaxing.

Tomorrow today, I am going to work on cleaning Lauren’s room up enough to get her bed in there by the time she gets home and then she can help me with the rest before Gramma gets here. Then I am going to clean the bathroom and work on the laundry. I don’t want her to have to work on her vacation! Usually the “Laundry Fairy” likes to help us when she gets here, but this time I want her to enjoy hanging out with the kids and I and not have to worry about a thing! Hear that Mom?? 🙂 No workie! Well, we can do some work, like Mani’s and pedi’s?? haha! That’s work right? Can’t wait for her to get here, I’m soo excited!

We are off to bed, its 2:15 in the morning! Oy! Early morning for both of us! Buenos Noches as Lauren would say!

I miss her already…

101_9598.JPGMy Lauren left for Mexico this morning. We were all up at 5:30 to get her to the church by 6am. I was brave and tried not to cry. I could tell she was nervous and me crying was the last thing she needed to see. My eyes welled up with tears when I got in the car to go home. I know she will have a great time there. I know she will miss us. I know we will miss her too. I am so glad we got to spend the day together yesterday getting last minute items. She is the sweetest girl I know and I realize just how much I love being with her when she isn’t here. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

I will be counting down the days until she gets home, my sweet Lauren girl. Here she is from last weeks Disco Camp at church. Groovy baby!

Ain’t seen nothing yet….

I had a wonderful weekend in Canton, TX at my scrapbook retreat. I met 5 fun perky gals who all love to scrapbook and it was nice to meet new people and just relax away from it all. We stayed up late and talked and laughed and got to know each other while we worked on our layouts. I got 9 pages done and although it wasn’t as many as the other girls, I love each page I have done thus far. I feel motivated to work on them some more, something I haven’t done in almost 2 years now. Debbi, Cari and Shirley all got massages and I wish I had too, but I can try that another time. They sure looked relaxed tho!
The place was really cute, the windsock inn in Canton, TX. We stayed in the cottage and had the place all to ourselves. It wasn’t fancy, but we all had a table to ourselves and a nice bed to sleep in. The kitchen helped us store our snacks and brew the coffee all the girls but me and Debbi drank. The food was delish and we provided our own snacks. I did well not eating from Midnight on Sunday. I didn’t have breakfast with the girls, I stayed in the cottage and worked on my last layout. We took off around 12 and got stuck in traffic on the way home because of an accident. Seems like Texans can’t drive in the rain, go figure.
As soon as I got home, I put my bags down and changed my clothes and started preping for my ColonCamp. That is what I call it. It was the only way I could get my mind around a camera going in places it shouldn’t really be. The first sip of Kolon-aid was like a moldy lemon, but I sucked it down and crawled in bed and waited. I started to doze off and was thinking it could take up to the latter time frame of 6 hours to start working, but no such luck. 20 min later, I was in the loo and prayin’ for mercy. 2 more bottles of “Colon-ale” and I was feeling fancy and free. Well, not really….From 3:15pm to 1am I was in and out of that bathroom every 10 min. A tube of Desitin and a whole roll of TP later, I was finally able to lay down and go to sleep. I had to be up early for my 2nd day of ColonCamp.
I got to the Hospital right on time: 8:45am. I checked in, sat down and waited. My favorite thing to do. Around 9:30 I was called back and given my gown, IV and lots of questions from the nurse and anesthesiologist and then I was wheeled into the procedure room.
Playing on the iPod was some cool rock n roll tunes and I was impressed with the selections. I was told the Doc likes to rock out while he works. Sometimes he can be heard singing along loudly from the front office. I chuckled at the thought of my Doctor singing to BTO’s “Ain’t seen nothing yet” while performing a colonoscopy. I wondered just how funny it would be to have a whole playlist of songs that would be good for sticking cameras into internal organs.

Here is a short list of what I came up with:

* Men at Work; Land down under
*  “It feels like the first time”
*  “Baby got back”
* “Bootylicious”
* “Always feels like somebody’s watching me”
* and finally, “Private eyes”

Anywhooo….the anesthesiologist asks me if I am ready for a little nap and he squeezes this white stuff into my IV and I was expecting to feel something instantly. So I lifted my head up to see if he was done and the room started to spin and everything got blurry and I laid my head back down and said, “woooah” and closed my eyes. Next thing I remember, I was hearing everyone talking and thinking to myself, they better give me some more sedative, I am waking up in the middle of this thing! I opened my eyes and there was Jon, sitting next to me. The doc came in and was talking to Jon about what he found. I started to ask him some questions and he treated me like I was still too groggy to remember and surprisingly enough, I was awake enough! He said I had 8 small polyps and multiple pouches of diverticula. We will wait for the pathology to come back before we make any other decisions, but that he didn’t think the polyps are cancerous as they were all really small and usually smaller than pea sized is nothing to worry about. Let’s hope he is right. I waited about 15 min. more and the nurse came back in and discharged me and I was up and feeling pretty good. Not nauseous at all because they gave me medicine for that. I liked that a LOT. I hate coming out of sedation, always makes me throw up.
I was really hungry and not nauseous at all, so Jon drove us to Wendy’s and I got a burger and fries! Yum-O! I tried to lay down the rest of the day, but JOn had to take Dan to the doc (I’ll save that story for another day) and was gone most of the afternoon. The kids tried really hard to be quiet so I could rest, but they couldn’t help themselves. I kept waking up every 30 min. when the kids would come in my room for either a phone call or request for an odd snack or someone called Mikey a name! Oh well. I am feeling much better and can call for my results next Monday.

I survived ColonCamp 07! Wooohooo!!

oh scrap!

I have been offered this fabulous opportunity to go to a scrapbook retreat with my awesome, wonderful, and downright fantastic scrapbooker herself, Debbi. I grabbed that spot the minute I could. I can’t wait to go, I have (in no particular order) washed clothes, sorted all my craft stuff, cleaned my craft area, shopped for supplies, talked Jon into begged asked Jon agreed to buy a new portable printer for me to take and use with my computer!! yay me!

I am going to have my colonoscopy on Monday, so I do have to be conscious of what I am eating and drinking on Sunday morning (after 12 am), but I prepared ahead of time and bought water, sugary non colored stuff to put in said water, an some beef bouillon to heat up in a cup and drink if I get hungry. So far I have lost 20 lbs. officially (my scale is 5 lbs. heavier!) so this can only help push things along I think. Drinking clear liquids and then pooping them out is a sure fire way to lose a lb. or two!!

Dad, if you read this, I will get that Father’s Day present to you next week, I PROMISE! I haven’t put -Go to postoffice on my list of things to do. Sorry about that.

I plan on taking my camera, so look for pics after next week, so you can see what I was up to! I plan on scrapbooking our Extreme Vacation 2005, 13 cities in 17 days and over 1300 miles! I only have 104 photos, should keep me busy for at least 24 hours! Tootles!!

It’s like psychic or something….DUDE!

Your Ideal Hairstyle:
Flicked Out

What Women’s Hairstyle Is Right For You?

I don’t know what my husband did, but I can’t access the shared server as talked about here. I wouldn’t say that hair cut is exactly like my most recent picture, but pretty darn close. I’ll be back with an example asap.

Ok, after much stomping of the feet and crying to the husband, he found it for me. Behold! Me beauty. Squint yer eyes, lest you be blinded by my beauty!



Your Ideal Hairstyle:
Short and Textured

What Women’s Hairstyle Is Right For You?

Could possibly be more like this one, but with longer bangs. Oh heck, I don’t know. But cool think about that quiz, I would wear that style and already have before, so it can’t be all that random.

Just the Blahs

Feeling blah lately. Don’t know if it’s the let down from all the work of VBS, trying not to get sick, or what. Who knows. I have been tired a lot. Trying to get my colonoscopy rescheduled for earlier in the month so I can enjoy my visit with my Mom and our trip at the end of the month. Just trying to muddle thru and get over the summer hump.

Huge sigh of relief

Vacation Bible School is over. It all started last Friday when we (Natalie and I) started painting a mural for the room. That night we were there until 2am. Then Saturday I was there from 1:30 pm until 10 pm, then on Sunday it was church at 9:30 (to which I was late -so more like 10) there until 12:15, left for lunch and was back at 2:30. We finally left Sunday night around 9pm, after the neighborhood fair and more VBS set up. Then Monday, we got there around 4:30 and left at 9:30. Collectively I have logged in 60 hours of time at the church this whole week. I guess that is why I woke up this morning with a sore throat and laryngitis! Last time I got sick, I had just got done preparing and executing my role in the Woman to Woman ladies luncheon. It’s been down hill from there. Strep, asthma, diverticulitis, and now another sore throat and laryngitis. Oh well. I think it’s time to retire, either that, or learn how not to stress about things.

If we could only get a renter in our house, I think that would take care of most of the stress for both of us. 3 months have come and gone and we still don’t have a renter in our house down south. It’s almost becoming a joke. We have lowered the rent, we accept pets and have replaced the carpet. It’s not rocket-science people. Rent the damn house. Either rent it or buy it. Put us out of our misery.

We are going to see a young friend of ours in a play tonight. I can’t wait. We are going to see “Your a good Man Charlie Brown”. The whole family is going, so that should be fun.

Vacation Bible School

For those who know that this time of the year is hectic, busy, stressful, nerve wracking, and WONDERFUL all rolled into one, NUFF SAID.

I’ll be back in about a week when my sanity has returned and my husband goes back to work. In the mean time, take some time to go have some fun and check back here later……

I’m not a doctor, I just play one on TV….

Doctors, doctors, doctors. That is all I seem to be talking about lately. I know you are as sick of hearing it as much I am saying it! It seems I am really not well, or a major hypochondriac (don’t say it). Not that I like talking about my woman issues, but can I just say- periods suck. They suck even worse when you get another one 12 days after the monthly one. I don’t know what is going on with me, but if everything falls apart at once, does that mean something bad is going to happen? First the strep, then the asthma and mucus, then a lull trying to get over the first two, then the colon, and now suddenly I have major cramps and bleeding. I am afraid to ask what next, because I don’t think I could handle it.

I went to see my shrink and to tell her how bad I am feeling. Depression symptoms worsening. She tells me the only thing to do is either raise my dosage of anti-depressants or ride out this illness and see what happens when I am better. She left the room and I was in tears. I hate feeling so weak and tired. If this is what I will have to endure every time I have a diverticulitis episode, no. thank. you. So what did I do after I left there? I headed straight to the store and bought all the cheddar cheese bagels they had! Yum-O as Rachel Ray would say. Ha.

Last night my gal pals wanted to go out and do something, so we all went to a local restaurant. I had a small side salad and picked out the cucumber and red cabbage and had a sprite, even tho all I wanted was some queso and nachos and a margarita! But! I was a good girl and followed the rules…well sort of. I had a few bites of some chicken and cheesey yummy thing Sherri had. That was good too. And we laughed and made fun of other people. Good times. I needed that. An hour or two before that, I was practicing for Praise Team worship for Sunday and I got all hot and sweaty and felt like I was going to pass out! Sitting in choir I felt much better, its the standing for long periods that seem to get to me.

Ok, so then today, I actually went swimming with my fam at the pool. It was fun. I enjoyed getting out to see friends again. I feel out of the loop and it was nice to just be part of the group instead of sitting in my bed watching movies all day and resting. VBS is next monday and I want to be ready for it. Good thing I have help!

I watched The Holiday this afternoon, good chick flick.. ok, so I cried a little, but Jude Law is some piece of sexy. Mmmh, mmmH! Gimme a hunk of that! Now we are gonna watch Stranger Than Fiction. Next on my list is, blades of glory and Catch and Release. Night!