I’m not a doctor, I just play one on TV….

Doctors, doctors, doctors. That is all I seem to be talking about lately. I know you are as sick of hearing it as much I am saying it! It seems I am really not well, or a major hypochondriac (don’t say it). Not that I like talking about my woman issues, but can I just say- periods suck. They suck even worse when you get another one 12 days after the monthly one. I don’t know what is going on with me, but if everything falls apart at once, does that mean something bad is going to happen? First the strep, then the asthma and mucus, then a lull trying to get over the first two, then the colon, and now suddenly I have major cramps and bleeding. I am afraid to ask what next, because I don’t think I could handle it.

I went to see my shrink and to tell her how bad I am feeling. Depression symptoms worsening. She tells me the only thing to do is either raise my dosage of anti-depressants or ride out this illness and see what happens when I am better. She left the room and I was in tears. I hate feeling so weak and tired. If this is what I will have to endure every time I have a diverticulitis episode, no. thank. you. So what did I do after I left there? I headed straight to the store and bought all the cheddar cheese bagels they had! Yum-O as Rachel Ray would say. Ha.

Last night my gal pals wanted to go out and do something, so we all went to a local restaurant. I had a small side salad and picked out the cucumber and red cabbage and had a sprite, even tho all I wanted was some queso and nachos and a margarita! But! I was a good girl and followed the rules…well sort of. I had a few bites of some chicken and cheesey yummy thing Sherri had. That was good too. And we laughed and made fun of other people. Good times. I needed that. An hour or two before that, I was practicing for Praise Team worship for Sunday and I got all hot and sweaty and felt like I was going to pass out! Sitting in choir I felt much better, its the standing for long periods that seem to get to me.

Ok, so then today, I actually went swimming with my fam at the pool. It was fun. I enjoyed getting out to see friends again. I feel out of the loop and it was nice to just be part of the group instead of sitting in my bed watching movies all day and resting. VBS is next monday and I want to be ready for it. Good thing I have help!

I watched The Holiday this afternoon, good chick flick.. ok, so I cried a little, but Jude Law is some piece of sexy. Mmmh, mmmH! Gimme a hunk of that! Now we are gonna watch Stranger Than Fiction. Next on my list is, blades of glory and Catch and Release. Night!

One Reply to “I’m not a doctor, I just play one on TV….”

  1. It was good to see you at the pool yesterday, even if it was for a short time. Hopefully things will settle down for you soon. Hang in there girl! Hugs!

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