She’s Here…….Yahooie!

All went well picking up Mom from the airport. We waited like 30 min to pick up her bag and the whole time it was going around and around the carousel. We were too busy chatting to walk over and look, we stood at the wrong one waiting because it said that was the one the flight was at. Oy, airports!

In about 5 hours we are getting up and getting ready for church. Should be a long and interesting day…..

  • church
  • lunch
  • pedicures and manicures
  • home for a nap, just a short one
  • store for pot-luck at church
  • Body Life service at church
  • Home and fall into bed!

Long day ahead but made much better by having my Mom here! Yay me!

Customer Service Hard at work….

When I go to get my nails done, it’s because I want to feel pretty. I go to the same place I have been for the last 8 years. I have always tried to use the same girl who is the owner. Her name is Cindy and I really like the way she does my nails. Her Dad and Mom also work there. Her Father takes the calls and handles the money. I learned today that he shouldn’t be answering the phone anymore.

I asked for an appt. with Cindy and he told me to come in at 5pm. I hurried to Wal-mart and got the stuff I needed and raced back to get my nails done at 5pm. I walk in and sign in. He tells me that Cindy isn’t here. I look at him with surprise and tell him with restraint, “I just called an hour ago and  you said she was available at 5pm.” To which he replied, “Oh, I thought you might like someone else instead, they are all good.”  If I wanted someone else, I would have asked for someone else.

There is nothing I can’t stand more than manipulation for business. I go to this place because of the quality of work Cindy does, not her 12 sisters ( I think only 3 work there, but it might as well be 12). 

I made sure to make an appt. for my Mom, the girls, and myself for tomorrow for pedi’s and mani’s. It took 5 min. to get him to understand what I wanted. Then I almost walked out without having made an appt. for my nails with Cindy. She comes back on Wednesday. I asked what times she had available and he said 12 noon. I said that was a good time for me. So he wrote it down for 2pm. I guess 2 is alright also? Okaaaay. Then he wrote my name down and pink and whites. I specifically told him that I wanted regular tips w/ acrylic.


Again, manipulate for more money. No, I don’t want the hot stone massage and an eyebrow wax. No, I don’t want the super deluxe spa pedicure for 40 dollars. Just give me what I ask for, so I will come back and give you my business again. Jeeze.

Not Sleepy…

It’s almost 2 am and I can’t sleep. It’s not because I slept in late and it’s not because I took a nap. It’s because Jon isn’t home. I don’t hear his mask making that white noise I am used to helping me sleep.

Did you know the best part of almost any show is the last 10 minutes? House Hunters? You don’t need to watch the whole thing because they recap all three houses they looked at and then show the one they picked. I love to see how they decorated the houses after they bought them. It’s like being a fly on the wall and seeing what they did to the place! I love it. Well, not love it, but I like watching it a whole lot. lol

On to My Parents House or something like that…..sleep! Come soon…pleeease!

Pride came after Lauren’s Fall…..

*Edited: This is a repost of half of another post, in which it was almost 3 in the morning and I was very tired and didn’t proof read what I wrote. I basically put a bunch of ands in it and called it a story. What? Like you have never done that? Puhleeze! *

Ok, so Lauren came home this evening. I was so happy to see her and before I could even get over to her to give her a hug, Dan and Brenna nearly knocked her over with hugs and kisses and sappy “I missed you soo much!” gushes. I think they may have gotten a little love all over her glasses.

She came home with a cut/scabby lip, broken glasses, messed up hair, and more freckles than an Irish girl in Florida! A nice farmers Freckle, yup..stopped right at her rash guard shirt sleeve! She was happy to see us all as well and we made signs for her to welcome her home….in spanish…that she couldn’t read, because Duh! Mom, I was only there a week already!

She wanted to tell us every story, but it was 101 degrees outside (don’t read this Mom) and we needed to get her some food! The girl was hun-gary! When Bobby got out of the car after picking her up from the airport for us, he said she mentioned something about being in the mood for Chinese food..hmmmm?? What was that Lauren? Did you say Chinese food?? We had that the day before you left, just me and you and it was good! I guess 7 days is 7 days too long to go without your beloved asian cuisine! So, ever the parents to please (yeah right) we zoomed off to Pei Wei and enjoyed a meal together with stories and laughter and full hearts of pride over the amazing mission trip our daughter had. Without us. To be her own person, mature and experiencing life.

Charles the leader of our group and our Music Minister, both youth and adult, stopped me before we left and wanted to brag on her. He said he was in awe of how well she did while they were there. He used words like amazing, mature, confident, and awesome. Well, maybe he did, I don’t really remember the whole conversation because I was swelling with pride for who she is. He said he was worried about her age and this being her first experience away from home. Only once did he have to tell her “this is the way it is and you’ll just have to change your attitude about it” and she said, “Ok.” That was that. Bottom line, he enjoyed very much having her there with the group.

I said, ” I knew all those years of being the Mom she “didn’t like” would pay off!” We both laughed and as I walked away, tears welled in my eyes because I have not a little girl anymore, but a woman I am proud to know.

Paw slappin’ break…

redneckdogs Found this picture while hunting around for Redneck Costume Ideas for Lauren’s upcoming Youth Camp next Wednesday. This cracks me up. I guess I have lived in Texas too long! Dad, if you read this, I do NOT own my own pair of Bubba teeth….anymore. I think they sell them in Oklahoma at any gas station.

Still here….

I should be cleaning. I am not.

I should be working. I am not.

I should be eating lunch. I am not.

I am possessed like a fat girl with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, a bar of chocolate, and a box of dingdongs while watching Bridget Jones’ Diary in a dark  room on prom night.

Seriously…I can’t stop messing with my blog. Or staring at it. It’s just that pretty.

Jon? Cut me off….No more helping me. Promise?! M’Kay? Thanks. Smooch.

Hey Jon?

Could you please fix the way the paragraphs go all bunchy together? I put in double spaces on my posts and then when I save it? It goes all squishy!? Is there a way to wave your majikstik or something and make it go all regular and spaced out like? I mean with real spaces between the lines and indentations and everything?? (cracks the whip) Let me know baby..K??

Smoochers and hugs and shit.

This is a test…

This is a test. A test of the emergency blog-cast system. If this was an actual blog post, it would have been followed by some really important news and information about my life. Seriously.

This concludes the excruciatingly long install of the Windows Live Writer blog test. Thank you. You may now resume all the boring stuff you were doing before you came to read this blog.

Check the new digs, Yo!

I got the itch for change, as I do every 6 months or so. We moved our furniture around so I could clean under the couches and beds. I say every 6 months whether we like it or not! My old blog template thingie or whatever you call it was getting just that, old. *I* with the help of my uber-geek househusband (he’s been sick for almost 2 weeks now, I think he has been home more than me!) we got this new header and layout up and running. I think there are still some glitches to work out and I am trying to install WindowsLiveWriter, but it’s taking F O R E V E R! I think I may have a few more gray hairs by the time this thing gets done. According to said uber-geek Huzband, I will be able to just write what I want in this little box (I’m dummying it down for you people, aren’t I sweet?) thingie and be able to add live posts to my blog just like..that!

I woke up this morning to it being all done and I got to test it out. Fun stuff. I like it almost as much as the editor in WP.  I took out the previous below the fold update on Lauren’s return home from Mexico and I am going to put that in a separate post…with spaces….and indents…..cuz Jon got that to work. 😀

I just love my friends…

Tonight was ladies night out. I just love hanging out with my “girls”. I always have such a good time, laugh too hard, and eat too much. Olive Garden was the choice this month. I had whole wheat pasta with Pomadoro sauce; tomato, basil, and garlic with olive oil. Not as good as I thought, too much tomato I think. I ordered whole wheat so I could get that extra fiber (whoopie joy!) and was given regular instead, except I didn’t know it was regular until my waiter brought me the whole wheat. By then I had enough of it and was full, so I ended up with a to go box. After my meal of bruchetta, tuscano soup, and capillini pomadoro (which I didn’t eat all of) I was full, but shared a dessert with Laura and it was chocolate gellato. That was yummy. I had about 10 small bites. Then I put my spoon down. This whole watching what you eat thing is going pretty good…who knew?! The wait staff was a little slow and messed somethings up, but all in all it was a fun evening with a new friend, Jennifer who lives about 4 houses down from me (I had no idea- I don’t seem to be very neighborly) , Cynthia who hasn’t come before, and the rest of the gang. It was a fun night! Next time I think we need some sort of Mexican or something other than Italian.

In other news:

Lauren called today. She is doing well, her lip isn’t infected anymore. For those of you who don’t know, my ungraceful daughter was playing Duck, Duck Goose with some local children (or it could have been her own group, who knows- I didn’t ask as it’s 1.50 a min. from Cancun) and slipped and face planted on the tile floor. She scraped her lip and a small flap of skin opened up (it wasn’t a split or cut that needed stitches) and seemed fine that night, but the next morning ended up infected. So a call to me and a visit to the local doctor later, she is doing well. She said her lip doesn’t look infected anymore and she knows how to put the medicine on all by herself. She makes me puff with pride more and more while she is gone. My little grown up! The group was on their way to Cancun for the last day of fun and beaches before heading home Thursday morning. I am excited to see her and have her tell me all about her trip. Then my Mom will be here before we know it! It’s going to be a busy weekend.

I shouldn’t be tired, but I am and I have a headache. Time to get in jammies and relax. Night!