Who built the Ark…Evan, Evan….

even-almighty-movie-poster.jpgWe went to an old fashion drive in movie tonight! It was like walking driving down memory lane! We drove 54 miles to Ennis, TX to the Galaxy Drive-In with a group from church. It was a late night, as the movie didn’t start until the sun went down around 9pm and the first showing was Ratatouille and then the second showing was Evan Almighty.

We stayed for the whole thing and Michael was the first to fall asleep. Poor guy couldn’t last as long as his brother and sister could. It was a neat movie and not at all blasphemous like some people thought. I loved Bruce Almighty, so I was hoping to enjoy this one just as much. I enjoy Morgan Freeman in the role of God and Steve Carroll was funny as usual. No one was harmed in the making of the flood and no one was killed (Matt). All and all it was a fun night and I think even our resident movie hater (Lauren, who is doing great in Mexico by the way) would like it with enough coaxing.

Tomorrow today, I am going to work on cleaning Lauren’s room up enough to get her bed in there by the time she gets home and then she can help me with the rest before Gramma gets here. Then I am going to clean the bathroom and work on the laundry. I don’t want her to have to work on her vacation! Usually the “Laundry Fairy” likes to help us when she gets here, but this time I want her to enjoy hanging out with the kids and I and not have to worry about a thing! Hear that Mom?? 🙂 No workie! Well, we can do some work, like Mani’s and pedi’s?? haha! That’s work right? Can’t wait for her to get here, I’m soo excited!

We are off to bed, its 2:15 in the morning! Oy! Early morning for both of us! Buenos Noches as Lauren would say!

One Reply to “Who built the Ark…Evan, Evan….”

  1. Wasn’t “Evan” great…no bad words for a change. I really dislike movies that use foul language…this one just had foul..lol! I can do that, just have a Vakay, sounds like fun. So excited that you are exvited. Love Ya All MoM

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