Ain’t seen nothing yet….

I had a wonderful weekend in Canton, TX at my scrapbook retreat. I met 5 fun perky gals who all love to scrapbook and it was nice to meet new people and just relax away from it all. We stayed up late and talked and laughed and got to know each other while we worked on our layouts. I got 9 pages done and although it wasn’t as many as the other girls, I love each page I have done thus far. I feel motivated to work on them some more, something I haven’t done in almost 2 years now. Debbi, Cari and Shirley all got massages and I wish I had too, but I can try that another time. They sure looked relaxed tho!
The place was really cute, the windsock inn in Canton, TX. We stayed in the cottage and had the place all to ourselves. It wasn’t fancy, but we all had a table to ourselves and a nice bed to sleep in. The kitchen helped us store our snacks and brew the coffee all the girls but me and Debbi drank. The food was delish and we provided our own snacks. I did well not eating from Midnight on Sunday. I didn’t have breakfast with the girls, I stayed in the cottage and worked on my last layout. We took off around 12 and got stuck in traffic on the way home because of an accident. Seems like Texans can’t drive in the rain, go figure.
As soon as I got home, I put my bags down and changed my clothes and started preping for my ColonCamp. That is what I call it. It was the only way I could get my mind around a camera going in places it shouldn’t really be. The first sip of Kolon-aid was like a moldy lemon, but I sucked it down and crawled in bed and waited. I started to doze off and was thinking it could take up to the latter time frame of 6 hours to start working, but no such luck. 20 min later, I was in the loo and prayin’ for mercy. 2 more bottles of “Colon-ale” and I was feeling fancy and free. Well, not really….From 3:15pm to 1am I was in and out of that bathroom every 10 min. A tube of Desitin and a whole roll of TP later, I was finally able to lay down and go to sleep. I had to be up early for my 2nd day of ColonCamp.
I got to the Hospital right on time: 8:45am. I checked in, sat down and waited. My favorite thing to do. Around 9:30 I was called back and given my gown, IV and lots of questions from the nurse and anesthesiologist and then I was wheeled into the procedure room.
Playing on the iPod was some cool rock n roll tunes and I was impressed with the selections. I was told the Doc likes to rock out while he works. Sometimes he can be heard singing along loudly from the front office. I chuckled at the thought of my Doctor singing to BTO’s “Ain’t seen nothing yet” while performing a colonoscopy. I wondered just how funny it would be to have a whole playlist of songs that would be good for sticking cameras into internal organs.

Here is a short list of what I came up with:

* Men at Work; Land down under
*  “It feels like the first time”
*  “Baby got back”
* “Bootylicious”
* “Always feels like somebody’s watching me”
* and finally, “Private eyes”

Anywhooo….the anesthesiologist asks me if I am ready for a little nap and he squeezes this white stuff into my IV and I was expecting to feel something instantly. So I lifted my head up to see if he was done and the room started to spin and everything got blurry and I laid my head back down and said, “woooah” and closed my eyes. Next thing I remember, I was hearing everyone talking and thinking to myself, they better give me some more sedative, I am waking up in the middle of this thing! I opened my eyes and there was Jon, sitting next to me. The doc came in and was talking to Jon about what he found. I started to ask him some questions and he treated me like I was still too groggy to remember and surprisingly enough, I was awake enough! He said I had 8 small polyps and multiple pouches of diverticula. We will wait for the pathology to come back before we make any other decisions, but that he didn’t think the polyps are cancerous as they were all really small and usually smaller than pea sized is nothing to worry about. Let’s hope he is right. I waited about 15 min. more and the nurse came back in and discharged me and I was up and feeling pretty good. Not nauseous at all because they gave me medicine for that. I liked that a LOT. I hate coming out of sedation, always makes me throw up.
I was really hungry and not nauseous at all, so Jon drove us to Wendy’s and I got a burger and fries! Yum-O! I tried to lay down the rest of the day, but JOn had to take Dan to the doc (I’ll save that story for another day) and was gone most of the afternoon. The kids tried really hard to be quiet so I could rest, but they couldn’t help themselves. I kept waking up every 30 min. when the kids would come in my room for either a phone call or request for an odd snack or someone called Mikey a name! Oh well. I am feeling much better and can call for my results next Monday.

I survived ColonCamp 07! Wooohooo!!

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