Check the new digs, Yo!

I got the itch for change, as I do every 6 months or so. We moved our furniture around so I could clean under the couches and beds. I say every 6 months whether we like it or not! My old blog template thingie or whatever you call it was getting just that, old. *I* with the help of my uber-geek househusband (he’s been sick for almost 2 weeks now, I think he has been home more than me!) we got this new header and layout up and running. I think there are still some glitches to work out and I am trying to install WindowsLiveWriter, but it’s taking F O R E V E R! I think I may have a few more gray hairs by the time this thing gets done. According to said uber-geek Huzband, I will be able to just write what I want in this little box (I’m dummying it down for you people, aren’t I sweet?) thingie and be able to add live posts to my blog just like..that!

I woke up this morning to it being all done and I got to test it out. Fun stuff. I like it almost as much as the editor in WP.  I took out the previous below the fold update on Lauren’s return home from Mexico and I am going to put that in a separate post…with spaces….and indents…..cuz Jon got that to work. 😀

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