I just love my friends…

Tonight was ladies night out. I just love hanging out with my “girls”. I always have such a good time, laugh too hard, and eat too much. Olive Garden was the choice this month. I had whole wheat pasta with Pomadoro sauce; tomato, basil, and garlic with olive oil. Not as good as I thought, too much tomato I think. I ordered whole wheat so I could get that extra fiber (whoopie joy!) and was given regular instead, except I didn’t know it was regular until my waiter brought me the whole wheat. By then I had enough of it and was full, so I ended up with a to go box. After my meal of bruchetta, tuscano soup, and capillini pomadoro (which I didn’t eat all of) I was full, but shared a dessert with Laura and it was chocolate gellato. That was yummy. I had about 10 small bites. Then I put my spoon down. This whole watching what you eat thing is going pretty good…who knew?! The wait staff was a little slow and messed somethings up, but all in all it was a fun evening with a new friend, Jennifer who lives about 4 houses down from me (I had no idea- I don’t seem to be very neighborly) , Cynthia who hasn’t come before, and the rest of the gang. It was a fun night! Next time I think we need some sort of Mexican or something other than Italian.

In other news:

Lauren called today. She is doing well, her lip isn’t infected anymore. For those of you who don’t know, my ungraceful daughter was playing Duck, Duck Goose with some local children (or it could have been her own group, who knows- I didn’t ask as it’s 1.50 a min. from Cancun) and slipped and face planted on the tile floor. She scraped her lip and a small flap of skin opened up (it wasn’t a split or cut that needed stitches) and seemed fine that night, but the next morning ended up infected. So a call to me and a visit to the local doctor later, she is doing well. She said her lip doesn’t look infected anymore and she knows how to put the medicine on all by herself. She makes me puff with pride more and more while she is gone. My little grown up! The group was on their way to Cancun for the last day of fun and beaches before heading home Thursday morning. I am excited to see her and have her tell me all about her trip. Then my Mom will be here before we know it! It’s going to be a busy weekend.

I shouldn’t be tired, but I am and I have a headache. Time to get in jammies and relax. Night!

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