The one where she speaks incoherantly and drools….

Have you ever had so much to say that if you sat down and put it to words your brain would explode and ooze out your ear, down your neck, and into your pants? No?? Hmm…that’s too bad. I was hoping someone would know what that was like!!

Because of said brain exploding, I will not go into any more detail other than I am super busy, super tired, and in many strange ways, super happy at work. My laundry, dishes, chores, and hobbies are backing up, falling over, and gathering dust but I am enjoying keeping busy and being productive.

If you are among the many casualties of my neglect (Hi Mom!! Hi Dad!! Hi Sis!! Hi Kids!! Hi Jon!! Hi Nat!! Hi my other friends who I can’t call because my brain exploded!!) then I offer my deepest apologies and some gift cards to Starbucks. They are in the mail as we speak! Let me know when you get them! (btw-I don’t have any stamps, so I’ll get to that soon, I promise!)

I leave you with this: type your name into google and the word “needs,” and blog the top ten hits that come up. According to google, this is what “Angie needs” :

  1. ANGIE needs an AGENT to become an ACTRESS Petition
  2. Angie needs some self-esteem and self-love so she can make her romantic decisions from a strong standpoint and not on neediness.
  3. Pink Angie needs food, badly
  4. nurse angie needs a nap
  5. Angie needs to see aerosmith
  6. Angie needs to take over the wheel of her psychological car.
  7. Angie needs…a night of blinding sex to get out of the coma that Bob left her in
  8. Angie needs to be intuitive
  9. Angie needs to stop hating on Jen
  10. And the very last thing that Angie Needs is:  Angie needs to put on 10 to 15 pounds stat!

Right on!! Brownies here I come!! Wooot!!

Starbucks anyone??

I discovered Kristen Chenoweth when my sister first told me about Wicked the Musical. I searched around for her on the web and I came across this song on  MySpace. I added it to  my page and then found the video. Taylor The Latte Boy has been an instant cult hit with me and my family, and some friends who  aren’t sick of it already! I want so badly to sing this for a Valentine’s Banquet at our church because it would make a great skit, but we haven’t had one in 2 years! Hurry up already!!

Let the fun begin!!

It’s the first day of school! Yahooooooie!!!
The kids were so excited. Lauren especially. She couldn’t sleep. She came out at 10:30 and complained she couldn’t sleep. I reassured her that I knew what she was going thru at least 12 times in my life, one for each first day of school I experienced. All the wondering, the anxiety, and questions. “Will they like me? Will they remember me? Will I look cute in my new school clothes? Are the same girls who liked me last year going to ignore me this year? Will any boys like me this year? What if my feet stink?” Just kidding on the last one, but it could happen! LOL She laughed and got a glass of milk and we told her she would certainly dream about running down the street in slow motion, late for school, panicked and yelling, but no one can hear her. She’ll get to school and everyone will be waiting for her but she’ll want to die because…….drumroll….she’s naked. Then she’ll wake up in a cold sweat and it’s only 1am. 5 more hours of sleep left to go because she will wake up super early to make sure she gets ready on time.
I pretty much called the whole wake up early thing, but not the dream….at least she hasn’t told me what she dreamt about yet. Bless her heart, she was so excited she couldn’t wait any longer.
Dan was ahead of the game, he just slept in his new clothes and woke up and was ready to go. Brenna was up early as well and everyone left at 7:10!!! Shock…school was a half an hour away, but who cares! It’s the first day!

Pictures are up at Flickr!. Just click on the rotating pics in the right sidebar and browse them until you see the kiddos. They look so happy.
**Edited** They all had a great time today and can’t wait  to go back tomorrow. Mikey bugged me every 8.3 seconds when the kids were coming home and if he could call Brenna on the phone. Bless his heart, he has no concept of time yet and he was hoping he got to go today as well and cried when he couldn’t. He cried so loud I thought the neighbors were going to think we were hurting him!!  **

Only 5 more hours until they come home….*sigh* I’m off for coffee at Starbucks with Debbi and hopefully Laura. Skylar started school today and I’m sure there were tears shed!

My husband rocks!! (he really is a geek)

He bought me a new wireless keyboard because my other one was fried and now I can type emails, talk on Yahoo and browse the Net! WhooHoo!!


I didn’t realize just how broken it really was until I got a new shiny keyboard that does all these cool things. I can press a button and programs just pop up. Seriously…way cool. Now I can be super lazy and sit at my keyboard and barely move the mouse. Awesome.

(n) stress, strain (difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension)


Our house in Ingleside, TX is currently has a contact to sell. We were hoping it would be an easy transaction after the couple who is currently renting it decided they wanted to buy it one month after they moved in. Not so much!

After a house inspection, there lender is saying in order to fund the loan, we need to make some repairs. One of those repairs is tenting the house for termites for which the only bid requested was 3,000 dollars.

We don’t have 3K in our pocket to pay for repairs, so it will most likely come out of what little profit we were going to make. Both Jon and I are not very good at handling the stress of this new situation on top of me going to back to work and the normal everyday taking care of things, coupled with the desire to get out of debt and take care of our children’s needs without asking for help.

Let’s just say, I am taking a vacation from life today. Well, at least until 5pm when I need to go set up for a fair at our church.

When did life get so complicated? I have a ask myself when did I start feeling like I didn’t want to participate in my churches activities? Our families health has been horrible this summer. Two bought’s with pneumonia, a second Diverticulitis attack for me, Jon with his never ending sinus infection, and I stopped my anti-depressant because it was too hard to treat me for Diverticulosis while on it. We have missed a lot of church lately on Sunday’s but lately I have been in the building more than I can count. I think I am so focused on a job well done at the expense of my spiritual feeding. I do, do, do for others, but I’m not giving to my own spirit. How can I give to others when I am not filled? I don’t know the answer to that, and if it is going to church today, it’s not happening.

And also? My computer is acting strange. The keys aren’t doing what I want them to do. They beep, and close my windows as I am working or talking to someone on IM. I suspect someone messed up my keyboard and didn’t tell me or something is fried in the hard drive or mother board. It gets super hot if I leave programs running and then acts strange. That is stressful in itself because I live on my computer and its an extension of how I communicate with others. I’m ANGIE*STAR, I need to be able to tell my friends and family information that I steal from the Internet! And also? I hate when I misspell a word and my software editor puts that squiggly little line under the word even though I know I didn’t spell it wrong! Like internet. It needs to be capitalized in order to not have that line. Gimme a break. I mostly can’t stand it because I always want to be right, but the word Diverticulitis isn’t in it’s dictionary and that line is just glaring at me from the monitor screaming that I spelled it wrong! I didn’t…I swear. Anywhoo (that word isn’t in there either! Dang!) I’m going to go take my blood pressure medicine that I have forgotten to take for about a week and go un-puff myself.

Lumbar puncture with a twist of lime, please?

Yesterday was like any other day….. shoot, who am I kidding? This is how our day went:

    • Woke up late for Praise team practice, still groggy from sleeping pill.
    • Got there 25 min. late and ended up having someone else sing for me.
    • Worked in the school office for a bit.
    • Jon and Dan were home caring for sick-boy Mikey.
    • Lauren was in extended teaching care as a sub and Brenna was in big church w/ me.
    • Didn’t feel well and was worried about Mikey, so left early.
    • Came home and Mikey seemed to be feeling better, he was playing on the bed and rough housing.
    • Went to a late lunch at Taco Bell, got in argument with Jon during lunch.
    • Mikey started to get all sleepy, didn’t want to eat, felt hot and wanted to go home.
    • We needed a few groceries, so we headed to Wally World.
    • Within 30 min. Mikey was covering his head with his jacket (in 100 degree weather a jacket!) and burning up and complaining that his head hurts.
    • We drop off kids and groceries and I head to Pediatrics After Hours with him at 4pm.
    • We are examined and its possible he could have viral meningitis. Doctor wants us to go to the ER.
    • They prick his finger for white blood cell count and he cries for 10 min. and then falls asleep.
    • We head to the ER.
    • After a dose of motrin at the docs office, he wants to play in the waiting room, I am pretty sure I’m wasting 100 bucks.
    • A room is waiting for us and we go thru the whole ordeal of re-hashing is symptoms.
    • I am worried that my kids is really sick because he went from the world is fun to fighting me on everything I said to him and had to do to find out why he is not well.
    • He cried for 10 min. when I took off his clothes for a tiger printed gown.
    • We watched some Disney channel and the fun really began.
    • They wanted him to pee in a cup. No go. Call Dad.
    • Dad gets him to pee and I get him to take some tylenol.
    • He spits it out all over me and himself.
    • The nurse forces the rest down his gullet and he spits 3/4 of it out all over his pillow, gown and bed.
    • The nurses wrap him up and put an IV in him and he did as well as could be expected, but my heart was hurting to hear him scream during the whole thing.
    • They put numbing cream on his back for the lumbar puncture and wait for it to work.
    • They give him a bag of anti-biotic in his IV.
    • They come in and do a chest X-ray Dad helps him do it because he is not happy about it. at. all.
    • And then we wait.
    • I search the hospital for something to drink. Coffee, great. Where’s the sugar? Walk to Egypt to find a single sugar packet. No go. Oh well, I’ll give the coffee to Jon. I buy me a bottle of water. Walk back.
    • Come in, baby boy is sleeping. Finally.
    • Jon and I watch Grease.
    • Bobby our Pastor comes in for a visit and around 9 pm, we get the diagnosis that is chest X-ray shows a spot of collapse and fluid, even though he is moving air just fine.
    • They decide not to do the LP and we grateful.
    • A bag of fluids and he is ready to go home.
    • I take off to go CVS to get sippy cups, juice and tylenol and then head to pick up the kids from Bobby’s house.
    • Jon beats me home with Mikey and we all fall into a heap on the floor and go to bed.

      The End.

      Well, no not really. I have a follow up with his Pediatrician today at 4pm to go over everything again and see what to do from here. Then tomorrow I am at work for teacher training because school starts next week! Aaaahhhhh!! Run, run faaar away!

      The End Again.

      Will the sickness ever end?

      Seems like Michael Jon is sick with whatever Brenna had. Hers turned into pneumonia so I can only hope his isn’t too complicated now. He has a fever, cough, and the ability to come flying into our bed at 2am in a single bound. Unlike Superman, he can’t bend steal with is hands, but he can cough phlegm all over our bespread with ease and agility, all while crying and telling me his head hurts. He’s amazing!
      While I go get my hair done (finally!) at 10 am, he and Jon will go see the doctor. Oy, another 15 bucks in copays and who knows how much in medicines. Since our FSA went dry we are crying every time we open our wallet at CVS!

      **Now, back to me!** 😀
      I am going to get a hair cut something like this: **and I got this
      mynewdo.jpg & this

      what do you think? I think I took the one from the front a little too quickly and thought I was smiling, but I look kind of haggy…oh well…

      bob-hairstyle-back-view-2.gif But I doubt it will actually look anything near as cute as this, as I am thinning up on top of my hair like an old man. *sigh* The girl who has done my hair for almost 5 years now is really good, but I have to beg her to be daring and just go for it! She is afraid she will cut it too short and I will be unhappy. No honey, you cut it the way I want it and if I cry, then you tell me to “suck it up sistah, you wanted it that way, and in 8 weeks it’ll be grown out!” Am I right?
      I love that style because its a more modern take on what I used to get when I was in high school but not so masculine from the front. I used to get it cut over my ears with bangs and I just poofed it up some in the front. I always liked the shorter cuts because I felt like it made my face look thinner, but it really just made me look like a masculine girl. When I have it cut now, it’s really cute because around my face the hair is longer and actually gives the allusion my face IS thinner and therefore I look it. (work with me people) The back lately is just a blah mess and just lays there. I want options to mix it up and punk it out or have it lay like in the picture. All that needs to be done with a shorter cut in back.
      Now, for those who don’t know about or like this style, it’s called EMO now, but back in my day (I know I did NOT just say that?! God help me I’m turning into my parents! love ya Mom and Dad! ) it was a skater cut and I had it! I even had it cropped closer on one side of my head and bangs in my eyes. Yes, I was a catalyst, or should I say Marshall at JcPenney was the catalyst for the punk-y, emo, mod hairstyles we have today. I used to let him do whatever he wanted with my hair and I loved almost everything he did. Except the time he put my hair in rollers and it was all swollen and 70 year old comb out looking. I was so poofy my hair bounced up and down like an afro while I walked home. I prayed no one would see me! LOL
      All and all, I like sassy hair, one that isn’t like everyone else’s and that sets me apart from the ordinary, stuck in a rut population.

      I guess that’s what makes me, well….me! Stay tuned for either tears or triumph! I’ll post a pic soon!

      Yep, pretty much says it all…

      That’s me!

      CAPRICORN – The Passionate Lover
      Love to bust. Nice. Sassy (didn’t I already say that? Yup, I did…). Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future.
      Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker.  Always
      gets what he or she wants
      . Cool. Loves to own Gemini’s in sports.(what’s that?)
      Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart (twice! intellegent AND smart, what a combo!).

      My Aunt Beck sent me chain email that said I should send this out or else I’ll have bad luck…luck shmuck… I’ll post what every other zodiac sign is when I am supposed to be working!