Lumbar puncture with a twist of lime, please?

Yesterday was like any other day….. shoot, who am I kidding? This is how our day went:

    • Woke up late for Praise team practice, still groggy from sleeping pill.
    • Got there 25 min. late and ended up having someone else sing for me.
    • Worked in the school office for a bit.
    • Jon and Dan were home caring for sick-boy Mikey.
    • Lauren was in extended teaching care as a sub and Brenna was in big church w/ me.
    • Didn’t feel well and was worried about Mikey, so left early.
    • Came home and Mikey seemed to be feeling better, he was playing on the bed and rough housing.
    • Went to a late lunch at Taco Bell, got in argument with Jon during lunch.
    • Mikey started to get all sleepy, didn’t want to eat, felt hot and wanted to go home.
    • We needed a few groceries, so we headed to Wally World.
    • Within 30 min. Mikey was covering his head with his jacket (in 100 degree weather a jacket!) and burning up and complaining that his head hurts.
    • We drop off kids and groceries and I head to Pediatrics After Hours with him at 4pm.
    • We are examined and its possible he could have viral meningitis. Doctor wants us to go to the ER.
    • They prick his finger for white blood cell count and he cries for 10 min. and then falls asleep.
    • We head to the ER.
    • After a dose of motrin at the docs office, he wants to play in the waiting room, I am pretty sure I’m wasting 100 bucks.
    • A room is waiting for us and we go thru the whole ordeal of re-hashing is symptoms.
    • I am worried that my kids is really sick because he went from the world is fun to fighting me on everything I said to him and had to do to find out why he is not well.
    • He cried for 10 min. when I took off his clothes for a tiger printed gown.
    • We watched some Disney channel and the fun really began.
    • They wanted him to pee in a cup. No go. Call Dad.
    • Dad gets him to pee and I get him to take some tylenol.
    • He spits it out all over me and himself.
    • The nurse forces the rest down his gullet and he spits 3/4 of it out all over his pillow, gown and bed.
    • The nurses wrap him up and put an IV in him and he did as well as could be expected, but my heart was hurting to hear him scream during the whole thing.
    • They put numbing cream on his back for the lumbar puncture and wait for it to work.
    • They give him a bag of anti-biotic in his IV.
    • They come in and do a chest X-ray Dad helps him do it because he is not happy about it. at. all.
    • And then we wait.
    • I search the hospital for something to drink. Coffee, great. Where’s the sugar? Walk to Egypt to find a single sugar packet. No go. Oh well, I’ll give the coffee to Jon. I buy me a bottle of water. Walk back.
    • Come in, baby boy is sleeping. Finally.
    • Jon and I watch Grease.
    • Bobby our Pastor comes in for a visit and around 9 pm, we get the diagnosis that is chest X-ray shows a spot of collapse and fluid, even though he is moving air just fine.
    • They decide not to do the LP and we grateful.
    • A bag of fluids and he is ready to go home.
    • I take off to go CVS to get sippy cups, juice and tylenol and then head to pick up the kids from Bobby’s house.
    • Jon beats me home with Mikey and we all fall into a heap on the floor and go to bed.

      The End.

      Well, no not really. I have a follow up with his Pediatrician today at 4pm to go over everything again and see what to do from here. Then tomorrow I am at work for teacher training because school starts next week! Aaaahhhhh!! Run, run faaar away!

      The End Again.

      3 Replies to “Lumbar puncture with a twist of lime, please?”

      1. How is Michael? We go away and again looks like major things happened. Hope he’s feeling better (and you, too!)

      2. He’s doing much better, fever is down and coughing is up! Doctor put him on more anti-biotics…I tell ya, we can’t get any rest around here! Oh well…someday. LOL Thanks for thinking of us! See you eventually! :o)

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