Will the sickness ever end?

Seems like Michael Jon is sick with whatever Brenna had. Hers turned into pneumonia so I can only hope his isn’t too complicated now. He has a fever, cough, and the ability to come flying into our bed at 2am in a single bound. Unlike Superman, he can’t bend steal with is hands, but he can cough phlegm all over our bespread with ease and agility, all while crying and telling me his head hurts. He’s amazing!
While I go get my hair done (finally!) at 10 am, he and Jon will go see the doctor. Oy, another 15 bucks in copays and who knows how much in medicines. Since our FSA went dry we are crying every time we open our wallet at CVS!

**Now, back to me!** 😀
I am going to get a hair cut something like this: **and I got this
mynewdo.jpg & this

what do you think? I think I took the one from the front a little too quickly and thought I was smiling, but I look kind of haggy…oh well…

bob-hairstyle-back-view-2.gif But I doubt it will actually look anything near as cute as this, as I am thinning up on top of my hair like an old man. *sigh* The girl who has done my hair for almost 5 years now is really good, but I have to beg her to be daring and just go for it! She is afraid she will cut it too short and I will be unhappy. No honey, you cut it the way I want it and if I cry, then you tell me to “suck it up sistah, you wanted it that way, and in 8 weeks it’ll be grown out!” Am I right?
I love that style because its a more modern take on what I used to get when I was in high school but not so masculine from the front. I used to get it cut over my ears with bangs and I just poofed it up some in the front. I always liked the shorter cuts because I felt like it made my face look thinner, but it really just made me look like a masculine girl. When I have it cut now, it’s really cute because around my face the hair is longer and actually gives the allusion my face IS thinner and therefore I look it. (work with me people) The back lately is just a blah mess and just lays there. I want options to mix it up and punk it out or have it lay like in the picture. All that needs to be done with a shorter cut in back.
Now, for those who don’t know about or like this style, it’s called EMO now, but back in my day (I know I did NOT just say that?! God help me I’m turning into my parents! love ya Mom and Dad! ) it was a skater cut and I had it! I even had it cropped closer on one side of my head and bangs in my eyes. Yes, I was a catalyst, or should I say Marshall at JcPenney was the catalyst for the punk-y, emo, mod hairstyles we have today. I used to let him do whatever he wanted with my hair and I loved almost everything he did. Except the time he put my hair in rollers and it was all swollen and 70 year old comb out looking. I was so poofy my hair bounced up and down like an afro while I walked home. I prayed no one would see me! LOL
All and all, I like sassy hair, one that isn’t like everyone else’s and that sets me apart from the ordinary, stuck in a rut population.

I guess that’s what makes me, well….me! Stay tuned for either tears or triumph! I’ll post a pic soon!

3 Replies to “Will the sickness ever end?”

  1. “Cute Cute Cute” Getting my cut this weekend too. Aunty Dana has gone short short now you, must be a trend! EMO? Is it short. lol, for something? Can’t wait for the pic!


  2. I like your new Do Sweetie very cute! You know of course that about 14 or more people were responsible for the “EMO” Do in the picture. Light’s Camera Airbrushing and ton’s of product and I bet the model’s neck was stretched, Oh My! Love ya to enth degree and glad all that hair isn’t on your cheeks!

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