Let the fun begin!!

It’s the first day of school! Yahooooooie!!!
The kids were so excited. Lauren especially. She couldn’t sleep. She came out at 10:30 and complained she couldn’t sleep. I reassured her that I knew what she was going thru at least 12 times in my life, one for each first day of school I experienced. All the wondering, the anxiety, and questions. “Will they like me? Will they remember me? Will I look cute in my new school clothes? Are the same girls who liked me last year going to ignore me this year? Will any boys like me this year? What if my feet stink?” Just kidding on the last one, but it could happen! LOL She laughed and got a glass of milk and we told her she would certainly dream about running down the street in slow motion, late for school, panicked and yelling, but no one can hear her. She’ll get to school and everyone will be waiting for her but she’ll want to die because…….drumroll….she’s naked. Then she’ll wake up in a cold sweat and it’s only 1am. 5 more hours of sleep left to go because she will wake up super early to make sure she gets ready on time.
I pretty much called the whole wake up early thing, but not the dream….at least she hasn’t told me what she dreamt about yet. Bless her heart, she was so excited she couldn’t wait any longer.
Dan was ahead of the game, he just slept in his new clothes and woke up and was ready to go. Brenna was up early as well and everyone left at 7:10!!! Shock…school was a half an hour away, but who cares! It’s the first day!

Pictures are up at Flickr!. Just click on the rotating pics in the right sidebar and browse them until you see the kiddos. They look so happy.
**Edited** They all had a great time today and can’t wait  to go back tomorrow. Mikey bugged me every 8.3 seconds when the kids were coming home and if he could call Brenna on the phone. Bless his heart, he has no concept of time yet and he was hoping he got to go today as well and cried when he couldn’t. He cried so loud I thought the neighbors were going to think we were hurting him!!  **

Only 5 more hours until they come home….*sigh* I’m off for coffee at Starbucks with Debbi and hopefully Laura. Skylar started school today and I’m sure there were tears shed!

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