Weekend Recap

  • Scrapbook night was a success! Spinach Artichoke Dip (yummiest I have made yet) and 2 whole cards!! Ok, well not productive, but successful!
  • Cleaned the house Sat. morning in spite of the 1:30 am return home on Friday night. Did you know brick (like the kind on your fireplace) can hold a tremendous amount of dust and cobwebs? I didn’t either! Oh! and you are supposed to do something called dusting when you see it? Or is that before you see it? I can never remember?
  • Went over to BlogoSpeers for dinner and game night. Jon won in Mexican Train Dominoes. Cheater. Returned home waay late.
  • Sunday, stayed home with Brenna who wasn’t feeling well. Had been feeling dizzy for a couple of days and this morning she slept and slept and woke up feeling better. (could have all been a ploy, but who knows..)
  • Jon returned home with lunch and in our haste to nurse his pounding headache and buy groceries, we missed a friends birthday party. Happy Birthday Skyler!
  • Went to choir practice at 3pm and then went straight back to the store for dip supplies and dinner for the kids. Picked up lunch staples for Monday.
  • Small groups at the Hall’s house and then back home by 8pm to completely ignore the kids and Jon while I veg out, surf the net, and catch up on blog reads.
  • Tomorrow, doctor appointment for a biopsy and hopefully return home to watch that Princess Diana story with a friend. And Then….(drum roll please) HEROES! Season premier! Woot!

That’s it in a nutshell.. then women of faith at the end of the week. Whew, I’m tired and that wasn’t even the full version!

3 Replies to “Weekend Recap”

  1. Not just “won” … I DOMINATED! 7 wins out of 13 games! I realy don’t know why you guys let me play… unless y’all just like playing for second best.

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