Sometime life is so complicated

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever be done with health issues. If it’s not one thing it seems to be another. Now I like attention and concern as much as the next person, but there is only so much you can talk about your bowels and privates before others start to feel uncomfortable. I don’t normally enjoy talking about my private life and body parts, but like I have always said, “My life is an open book”. If I go through something and my talking about it helps another person through the same thing or gives them information or advice I think I should be open about them.

With that comes (eventually) the point where I get sick of having these issues. Today was one of those days. Everyone asked me how I am doing and although it hurts ( I had a skin biopsy in an unmentionable place) I got thru it. What I am tired of; is going thru all these stupid health issues. My colon, my female problems, my feet, my back, my this, my that. The list seems to go on and on.

I shouldn’t complain, I am living and I have a great life. Somedays I just wish I was healthy and my skin was clear and my high blood pressure gone and …the list goes on and on. Oh well. I thank God for his provision and the body he has given me. I have all my parts even if they are faulty. God is good.

Thanks for the reality check Lord. I needed it.

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