Strep for sure..

Went to the doctor yesterday. Well, went to two actually. The first one I didn’t get in to see, I was filling out paper work at an Urgent Care place when my Doctor’s office called and said they could squeeze me in at 3:45. So I apologized and went home to lay down. By the time I got to Dr. G’s, I was aching all over, 101.9 fever and couldn’t hardly take or swallow. I had chills and a terrible headache. All classic symptoms of strep. I knew it the minute my throat started to hurt. When you have had it as many times as I have, you just know. I got there a little early and waited in the office. With my head down and eyes closed. It seemed like a hour had dragged by, but only 10 minutes before I got back to the exam room.

Only bit of good news, I had lost 2 more lbs. so now I am down 12 lbs since I started trying to lose weight. Yay me. Anywhoo.. I got back to the exam room and Linda, Dr. G’s nurse looked at me like I was a poor leper and tried not to touch me. Took my temp, it was now 102 and I was so weak and tired and achy I couldn’t really talk all that much. I really felt like I could die. Usually I have a very high pain tolerance, but this was just too much.

Linda said Dr. G would be in shortly. Well, shortly couldn’t come fast enough, so I laid down on the teeny tiny exam table in a fetal position just to get some relief from the pain. I must have laid there for at least 10 min. but it was so quiet and cold in there, I think I might have fallen asleep a little. Right before he came in, I sat up and got my bearings and one look at me would have scared anyone. He asked me how I was doing and I wanted to say, “duh!”. Looked in my throat and the first time I have ever heard a doctor say this: “Gross!” and we both laughed. Um, understatement of the year. I pretty much had 2 large walnuts back there with pockets of white pus all over them. Try swallowing anything with those in there. Told you it was gross.

He gave me a prescription for amoxicillian and we discussed some ways to alleviate the pain I was having right then. So we both decided on a steroid shot to the hip. Some patients, 2 of them women have had a side effect with the steroid shots. Fat necroses or cell death. It was temporary, but left a divot in their skin for a while until the cells regenerated. I told him that was a price I was willing to pay for some pain relief and then I asked him if he could do it all over and help me lose some weight! He laughed out loud and said sorry, but that’s wasn’t a very viable option. I would look like a golf ball. So despite my pain and sickness, I haven’t lost my sense of humor!

Afterwards, I came home and laid down. I sent my kids to their rooms while Jon was out getting my meds because they acted like spoiled brats and fought with each other. They were supposed to make dinner while he was out, or at least get it started. Even though it hurt like crazy,  I yelled over their screaming to work together and they kept screaming at each other to shut up and such. They couldn’t hear me because they were so loud themselves!  Once it was quiet, I was able to rest some more, but at 6 pm, I took a sleeping pill and hoped it would just knock me out. It just made me really groggy and I tossed and turned all night long. Jon came in at 11 or so with Bren because it was thundering and lightening so she was scared, and I for some odd reason (don’t really know why) laid my head at the foot of the bed and seemed to sleep for 3 or so hours, then I got up to pee and put my head at the right side. My fever broke around 7am, so I was able to get some much needed sleep on and off until noon. I took my meds, had some soup, and heard from various people asking how I was feeling. Now, I am just resting in my room until later tonight. I hope to have my American Idol party tonight as scheduled, if I rest and don’t over do it should be fine. NO laughing for me! It hurts too much. I think a quick spray down with Lysol should do the trick!

I think I am ready to lay down again…

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