Never fails…

I think I have strep throat. Flash backs of a conversation I had on Friday night at our lovely Pina Colada Party: “Oww! Mom you hurt my shot!” I asked what that was all about and Mom told me that she had an anti-biotic shot for Strep Throat. I had never heard of that before. Friend told me that they get that instead of the 10 days worth of anti-biotic because it was over with immediately. I’m not thinking so since 3 days later I have the razor blades of death in the back of my throat. How do I know? Because I get strep waaaaaay too much. My sister and must have some sort of plague following us around. One stroke of our hem and blamo! we are sick with some sort of throat/ sinus / head infection. Crazy I tell ya. Not only do I have all the classic symptoms, I am supposed to sub at school tomorrow and I tried calling 2 other people to sub for me, but they can’t for various and good reasons. Between the throat and the thunder-storms I am still awake. At 3:40 in the freakin morning. Tomorrow is going to stink!

I’ll update as soon as I know for sure weather I have it or not. You can’t wait can ya?

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