Happy Birthday Danny!

Today my oldest son is 8 years old. There isn’t much more I can say about him other than he is AWESOME! oh and I love him. I hope he had a great day with lots of presents and Pokemon games and toys. I think he did.

We spent last night with friends over in Frisco. With it being Cinco de Mayo we had fajitas and pina coladas (no we did not get caught in the rain- get it? like the song? If you like Pina Coladas…getting caught in the rain…ah nevermind. 😉 ) and apple martini’s. Oh the apple Martini’s. I really should have stuck with the Pina’s. They weren’t as strong as the Apple ones. Another friend made the last batch extra strong and pretty much wiped both me and his wife out with that one drink. I think half a bottle of vodka is a little much! So we stayed over and then took Lauren to her Hawaiian Falls fun fest at 10:30. Danny got to open his presents over there this morning, so that was fun! I didn’t wake up with a hangover, but I did feel a little rough and very thirsty. I was up every two hours to pee, so I guess I got rid of that last 2 lbs of water weight! Next week during Danny’s birthday party sleep over with 5! count them 5 boys, the girls and I are going to spend the night with Nat and have a girls sleep over there. I don’t think I am ready to corral 7 boys and Jon! LOL

All is coming along well for the Ladies Luncheon tomorrow. I have my paper goods bought and my pretty flower plant stakes made to put in the dessert centerpieces. I have salad ingredients bought to put them together later tonight. I have yet to cut the table cloth centers, but I will do that tomorrow. And last but not least, I have to go to Dollar Tree and buy some trowels to use as spoons for the dessert centerpieces. Fun stuff! I hope lots of women come and participate..it should be a great time. I always get a little nervous when things like these are planned. What if not a lot of women show up? What if more than we planned for show up? What if we run out of food? I guess I have to just let it go and I have done the best I can and that is enough.

I’ll let you know how it goes! I have almost crossed all the stuff off my list! Yay me!

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