No Cost Decorating

Just like on Decorating Cents I changed some things around for no money. I used what I had laying around and re-created my blawg. I like it. I love to change around the furniture in the house like every 6 months so why not here? Although I only started this in Aug., I didn’t like some of the features of the first template I tweeked. I will make sure to bring back the sass tho, I really liked that and it was so me…:D

So….how have you been? Me? Well, I have been psuedo busy. I had a burst of synthetic energy (except I took the ULTRA kind) on Sunday. If you are like me and most women in america, you tend to bloat before that time of the month. No? Count your blessings then, cuz it stinks! I took some water pills to help me shed some unwanted poundage and although I knew it had caffeine in it, I didn’t think it would keep me awake as much as it did. I only took the equivalent of 4 cups of coffee in less than 4 hours, no big. Sort of. I didn’t fall asleep until 5:30 am, and that was after I read all my blogs, baked some blueberry muffins, caught up on like 10 shows on the DVR, and  make a breakfast casserole for Sunday School. Then I got up at 8:30 to get said cassarole in the oven to bake, showered and dressed and out the door by 9:30am. Let’s put it this way…I lost 6 lbs. of water in 8 hours. Yes, even that was worth staying up for!

When we came home from church, I ate some lunch, and then got a wild hair about buying more spoons and a rake from Big Lots. I came home with and 85 peice set of utensils and a rake and 2 table clothes and some foam weather stripping for the front door. Only a 1.99! I replaced the stripping, swept the front porch, cleaned the door both inside and out (muddy dog paw marks), raked the yard and then came in and plopped on the couch. I thought I was done for. Finally tired and ready to rest. Nope. I got up and went to the church to redecorate the bulletin board and table for Fall. By the time I was done, it was dinner time and Home Fellowship night out. We met up at a burger place and had dinner and chatted. I was so tired and my back was hurting by then. I had been going for 12 hours straight with only 3 hours of sleep. Needless to say, I went to bed early (11pm is VERY early for me) and slept like a hibernating bear until 7:15am.  I slept fairly well considering I keep tearing off my sleep mask every night and have no memory of undoing the straps, hanging it up on the bed post, and turning it off.

Wow, it’s late again and Jon is already in bed. I think I am finally tired enough to go there myself. See ya sooner-ish!

I lost my post..

I wrote about my Christmas miracle, tho not at Chirstmas, about how I got great sleep for two nights in a row! But the computer ate it. I even woke up early and got the boy off to preschool and ran a bunch of errands today. I also wrote about the cute shoes I found today. I love shoes. Even when your butt is big and you feel like a balloon, shoes have a way of making you happy. At least for me they do!

So, oh well on my lost post…now I am off to get the kids costumes ready for the Fall Extravaganza tonight at shcool and my stuff together to make cards tonight!

See ya!

So this is what sleep is like II

Jon wrote about his first night of good sleep wtih his biPaP machine way back when here. Last night was my first night with my CPaP machine. I won’t say it was the best night of sleep I have had, but I am more alert now that I am awake than I would have been before. Yet I am still tired. I think I have a bit of catching up to do. Usually in the morning I wake right up, but this morning, I was groggy and in a deep sleep when the door knocked. It was Natalie, bless her heart, she stopped by to get me up and moving and out for the day. I was still so sleepy I don’t even know what I said to her.

Fast forward to today, Thursday…..I wrote that yesterday around 3 pm..haha…took me a while to wake up. This morning different story. I pulled my mask off sometime early this morning..maybe 6:30 or so? I heard noises of Lauren getting dressed, and cars outside, but was still half asleep. Then I look over at the clock and it’s 7:15 and the kids need to be up and dressed already and Jon is still asleep. I guess we shouldn’t have gone to bed at 1am huh? Anyway, I was wide awake. WIDE awake. Not groggy, not still sleepy…it was cool…yet not, because its colder outside this morning (fall has finally arrived and this being Texas and all, it will get warmer tomorrow for sure!) I didn’t want to get up, I wanted to snuggle. Oh well. It’s picture day for the younger ones, so off to find something to wear and brush hair and teeth, and get breakfast before heading out the door in 15 min! Good thing I was up.

I am a little yawn-y right now…I think because the thought of being awake at 7:55 in the morning really isn’t that appealing to me…ever. So, now that I have proclaimed the power of the C-PAP, I must go rest. Ha. It’s hard to be me.

Blog Block

Lately I haven’t had any clue as to what to write here. There are lots of things going on in my life, but most of them are me either doing absolutely nothing or busying myself with errands or projects. The other 50% of my time is spent complaining or whining about how tired I am, or how fat I am. Blah Blah Blah….that gets old after a while. Oh and there is the dog. I hesitate talking about her here because..well I don’t know…it would become a dawg blawg if I did and that is totally unnessesary!

By nature I get defeated easily, yet I always end up getting thru it in the end. This time is just one of those periods of time I need to just get through. Somewhere through all the fog of the dog troubles, the kids growing, not getting the jobs I wanted, this stupid sleep issue, money issues, and the insecurities and inadequacies I feel from all these stresses, I do see light at the very end of what could be a long tunnel.

Some would say, just buck up sweetie and get over it. Others would say I am sorry you are going thru hard times. And I do. I buck it up on a daily basis, get out of bed everyday and move forward and do what needs to be done. And thank you for feeling sympathy for me and my situation. It can be hard some days, but not nearly as hard as some people have it and I know this.

So as boring as a post this is. This is what is on my mind. I did ask for a book this one for Christmas from Jon, so hopefully by Jan. I will have more fun things to talk about. Or at least provoke deep thought about myself and my life, but I doubt it. Haha.
anyway, back to your lives people. I was goign to go to the gym today and I still could at this point, but I didn’t wash any work out clothes, so I guess that is out.


What frustrates you? What makes you irritated? I have a top 10 list.

10. My camera. I get good pictures one day, and the next they suck. All grainy and blurry.
9.   Being a plus size. Hard to find things that others take for granted. Like costumes.
8.   Figuring out what to eat/make for dinner. Hate that. We can never make up our mind!
7.   My new MP3 player isn’t charging fast enough and I can’t listen to my music in the car.
6.   The whining! Oh the whining…the kids, the dog, the husband…myself! It must stop.
5.   Cooking. Nuff said.
4.   Having chores to do when all you really want to do is the fun stuff, like making cards, or shopping. (tough life I know!)
3.   You know you need a pedicure badly when your big toes hurts whenever you wear anything but flip-flops.
2.   The back yard when it rains. Dead grass+water=mud. Dog tracks in mud when ever she goes out to pee. Grrrr.

And the #1 frustration in my life right now…..

1.   Not getting quality sleep until I get my C-Pap machine. Which makes the above things big deals when I am sleep deprived.

**This conclues the Emergency Broadcast Whining System- now back to your regularly scheduled life**

Picture perfect…


Here is me and Michael Jon at the end of the day…we are sitting over by some hay and a fence near the main house. I love the way this one turned out! Happy Punkin Day!

Happy Fall Y’all!

Michael Jon and I are off to the pumpkin patch this morning! We have been going for at least 3 years now. Debbi told us about it and every time we have gone it’s been a great time. The Big Orange Pumpkin Farm is a nice place to visit to feed the animals, have a picnic, go on a hay ride, pick a pumpkin, and run around the farm and have fun!

I’m off to meet up with Debbi and her Mom….I made Michael Jon a cute new hat to wear for pictures today, here is hoping he actually wears it!

**We are back! It was a beautiful fall day, temps were in the low 80’s. In the sun it seemed a little hot, but in the shade was wonderful! We had a picnic lunch and the kids ran around and got their bottoms nice and dirty. We took the manditory hay ride and wondered where the heck Farmer Rick was! He was rolled up at the end in a bale of hay! All we saw was his legs and feet sticking out! We asked Nana and Michael Jon where he went? Did he go to Wal-Mart? NoooOo..haha.

Let’s see, what else did we do? Ah yes..we watched a long horn cow eat two small pumpkins and her calf trying to have a snack while she kicked the baby out of the way. Basically, Mama’s eatin’ and don’t bug me kid! We took lots of pictures of Michael and Nana on hay, and around the farm. We had a lovely day, and poor Michael was so tired, while we were looking for our pumpkin in the patch, he said, “Mama, I love you, it’s been a really long day!” He wanted me to pick him up and carry him. That option was out, but we did find a cute little pumpkin to take home and took a few last pics.

Here is Michael on our way to the farm, with his nifty hat on!
