Lost…the live blog

Shut-up!!!! No way.

spoilers below the fold.

Okay, the opening scene is a bunch of people sitting around talking about a book. Book club? Wha??! Okay, who are these people? Flashback? Back story? I dunno.
Earthquake happens, and everyone stands in the door way. They all go outside to see what happened and they hear and see a plane breaking apart over head. This is where the shut up comes in. Pan out to see they are standing in their own village. Ethan is there and is given orders by Henry to go and be a passenger. Pan wide to their “village” out in the middle of nowhere.

Jack flashback: stalking his ex-wife. She is at a school schmoosing on some guy. Now Jack is back in a dark room somewhere, trying to get out. He hits a glass wall and is totally confused. Um..yeah, I would be too. It’s like an observation room.

Kate: water running in some kind of bathroom…asking where she is. Mr. Friendly is there and offering her a shower. Perv. He says, “hey, your not my type” when she refused to take a shower in front of him.

Sawyer: in an outdoor cage of some kind. He sees someone, another guy in a similar cage. Mr. Mysterious won’t talk. Sawyer sees some sort of buttons that monkeys or some other animal would press for food. He presses it twice and gets a “warning”, third time kicked his ass. Guy in other cage says, “I wouldn’t do that.” I guess now Sawyer belives him.

Jack: Climbs around pulling on chain in ceiling, and Juliet comes in and tells him to stop. She introduces herself. Cut to commercial.

How exciting….ok here we go again.

Jack: Flashback with Sarah, who is really a lawyer on Boston Legal. He apologizes for pushing them into this place..he pressures her to tell him the name of the man that is with his wife..she leaves…she is such a coward!
he is back to the room, hanging on a chain, demanding to  know where his friends are. Juliet is trying to reason with him and says he is stubborn. He keeps pulling. Go Jack!

kate: naked in shower, they took her clothes! Locker that says, “Wear this”, it has a floral dress on a hanger. Mr. Friendly whistles and tells her “He” is waiting. MR. F leads her down some steps, thru some trees, and out to the beach where Henry Gale is waiting for her. Interesting……How romantic!
SHe looks disgusted….OJ, coffee, strawberries, and handcuffs, my kind of breakfast! He likes it rough…
She asks about Sawyer and Jack…all sorts of questions…why here, why this dress, why are you giving me breakfast? Henry wants to give her a sense of comfort, and something nice to hold on to, to look out at the same ocean her friends see, to eat with a real fork because… the next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant.

Jack: Flashback..calling around to see who Sarah is going out with…more stalking…his name…who is he?? Jack’s Dad gets a call from Sarah…why is Sarah calling Jack’s DAd?? Jack loses it and doesn’t understand…Jack’s Dad says, “Let is go”.
Juliet bring his a sandwich and water…Jack is paranoid…he doesn’t trust her. He’s the repo man. He’s a people person. What do you do Juliet? she is a toothpicker. Where was your plane coming from? Sydney….why where you there? Jack tells her he brought his dead father home….she is sorry, says you can trust me Jack, Im not going to hurt you…Jack says, what is goign on here? She says nothing and leaves.

Sawyer: mr. mysterious asks how long it will take to get to his camp. asks what the people are like? Mr. M gets out and lets Sawyer out. Tells him to run opposite direction. Juliet comes out of nowhere and stuns him. Puts him back in the cage. Mr. Friendly makes Karl aplogize to Sawyer for involving him in his breakout attempt. This is just getting stranger and stranger. Man Juliet gets around!

Jack: Juliet says the drugs they gave him have serious side effects and if he doesn’t eat or drink something he will start hallucinating..Jack says, “Your a doctor?” SHe says, “No, Im a repo woman”. Ha..she’s a comdian. Jack complies. Flashback: Jack in the hospital, hears his Dad’s phone ring. He is lost in seeing his Dad laughing and walking away, cut to his Dad getting out of his car at the Lynford Hotel. Jack right behind him. Stalker jack in scrubs. Follows him to a room; demands his cell phone. Looks like an AA meeting. Jack loses it. AA moderator says Dad has been sober 50 days now. Jack accuses him of sleeping with Sarah. Dad denies it. Says let it go. Jack punches DOD in the face. Take that.
Juliet brings Jack food. He rushes her and knocks the plate out of her hand. Pins her down and knocks tazer out of her hand. He takes her hostage and demands to know the way out. She refuses, says they will die if she does. Henry comes in and says, “its true.” Jack says, ” I will kill her” Henry says open the door and we all die anyway. Jack opens door and water rushes in. Lots of water…they get to another door. Close it and press the yellow button. Ok…then Juliet punches him. He’s out. Where is Henry? He locked Juliet out and saved himself. Ass.

Sawyer: Grunt, groan. Rock, banging…presses the button again, get a warning. and some combination later, food comes down shoot. Some kind of fish shaped biscuit with Darma on it and some pellets. Water comes out too…cut to Kate being led there by Mr. F.
Mr. F. takes Kate’s cuffs off, and she is in her own cage. Mr. F. says, “you got yerself a fish biscuit!” Sawyer said he figured out their complicated gizmos…Mr. F says, ” only took the bears two hours!”..haha..He throws her a fish buscuit. They exchange  sweet  looks.

Jack: Comes to with a spliting headache. Juliet is there reading some kind of folder. he is back in the roomwith chains. They are under water. They are in the Hydra, an underwater Dharma facility. Juliet says, “it doesnt matter who we were, it matters who we are”. She spews out all this info on Jack and his life. She has a copy of his Dad’s autopsy report. It. His life. on paper. He asks about his ex-wife, Sarah. Still chasing demons. Juliet asks him what he wants to know. Flashback: Jack in Jail, gets bailed out by Sarah. Jack and Sarah’s last words…Jacks Dad is so drunk she couldnt understand him…now he has something to fix. He asks if she (Sarah) is happy. Jack is broken. Can Juliet trush him? He says yes. Back against wall again. Henry, “good work Juliet.” Juliet, “Thank you Ben.”

The end.

Next wednesday: a daring rescue or a deadly trap. The real adventure is just beginning.

I have some comments to make, but I am off to my sleep study. If you have read this far. Good for you for hanging in there!  So many questions, so little information to go by. Shut up!!!

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