Blog Block

Lately I haven’t had any clue as to what to write here. There are lots of things going on in my life, but most of them are me either doing absolutely nothing or busying myself with errands or projects. The other 50% of my time is spent complaining or whining about how tired I am, or how fat I am. Blah Blah Blah….that gets old after a while. Oh and there is the dog. I hesitate talking about her here because..well I don’t know…it would become a dawg blawg if I did and that is totally unnessesary!

By nature I get defeated easily, yet I always end up getting thru it in the end. This time is just one of those periods of time I need to just get through. Somewhere through all the fog of the dog troubles, the kids growing, not getting the jobs I wanted, this stupid sleep issue, money issues, and the insecurities and inadequacies I feel from all these stresses, I do see light at the very end of what could be a long tunnel.

Some would say, just buck up sweetie and get over it. Others would say I am sorry you are going thru hard times. And I do. I buck it up on a daily basis, get out of bed everyday and move forward and do what needs to be done. And thank you for feeling sympathy for me and my situation. It can be hard some days, but not nearly as hard as some people have it and I know this.

So as boring as a post this is. This is what is on my mind. I did ask for a book this one for Christmas from Jon, so hopefully by Jan. I will have more fun things to talk about. Or at least provoke deep thought about myself and my life, but I doubt it. Haha.
anyway, back to your lives people. I was goign to go to the gym today and I still could at this point, but I didn’t wash any work out clothes, so I guess that is out.

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