Pain in the foot…

or is that neck? My surgery went smoothly except for the post operative pain and dizziness. I think because this one was bigger and in an awkward place, it seems to be hurting more than the last three. I hope to return to work tomorrow, but don’t want to push my recovery. Today is much better than yesterday and I am upright more than I am horizontal, so I consider that an accomplishment. I am still having some blurred vision and dizziness, but I think that will just take some time to work out of my system from all the meds I was taking for the pain. I am not too keen on pain meds. They make me loopy. Jon got to see and hear me snore quite a bit on Saturday. Several friends brought us meals and it was much appreciated! I wish I could have enjoyed them much more as I was pretty out of it Friday and Sunday. I got to eat dinner with the family in the livingrooo with my foot propped up and we all watched Extreme Home Makeover together. It was normal Stueve chaos and fun.

Now, if I could only get the one shoe I am allowed to wear to match my boot in height and still look good, I’m golden.

That’s all for now…I have lots of shows to catch up on!

I don’t have a lot to say….

Things are pretty crazy here. In bullet form here is a list of my life.

  • Friends leaving
  • Brenna at Outdoor Camp
  • Fall Fest on Halloween Night
  • Upward Registration Night at a local Pizza place
  • Foot surgery on Friday. 4th time is a charm. Maybe…
  • Laundry, lots of Laundry
  • Dishes, always dishes.
  • Grocery shopping
  • Costume Making
  • Carpooling
  • (Fit working somewhere in there)

This is my life.

I need a new camera

I need lots of new things. Our camera is something that I would like to replace so I can get good shots like the ones I see on Flickr. Mine come out overexposed and blurry. Yeah, I know user error. I get it. But when you push the button on your camera and doing so makes it shake, it’s time to get a newer one. I’m just sayin’ is all.

Ok, so! I don’t have a whole lot to talk about, not because there isn’t a lot going on, but that who wants to be bored by all my whining and medical non-sense? When I get some test results back with some damn answers already, then I might post about it. I read back thru some of my previous posts and oh my gosh! how depressing did that all sound?? Goodness. Too much even for me.

Work- Good. Busy. Getting ready for Open House and Art Show next week. Learning new financial software. Not fun.
Home- Good. Busy also. Choir concerts, Adventure Camp, Upward advertising, Upward registration, Fall Fest 07, school conferences, and being exhausted from all the things on the schedule!
Health: Ok. Lots of blood tests to figure out what the heck is going on with me. Going to see old Ortho about another cyst on my foot and knuckle joint. What a joy. More surgery is in my future me thinks.

I’m off to cook dinner. Something I don’t enjoy anymore, but when you run out of money to go out to eat, you have to get creative.
Stuffin’Turkey Meatloaft anyone? Or Spaghetti with Alfredo? How about Tater Tot Casserole?? I know…Burger King! Just kidding..I hate burber king as MJ calls it.

The View From Here

I’m at work (shhhhh). I just thought I would pop on and give you a glimpse of what my eyes see each day.

This is my desk. This is where I sit each day to greet the parents as they come in. This is where I take tuition, update the website, answer the phones, answer questions, work on spreadsheets, and love the families who come in each day.
I love my job. I feel at home here. I feel needed and wanted and useful. I have a purpose. Is this what God was talking about when he said we were put on this earth for a purpose and one day we will find that purpose out? I used to think being a mother was my purpose, but that was planned all along. (and I am not as equipped with Mom abilities as well as some other Mom’s I know) I think my purpose is to help people. I know that is a pretty general statement and all of us are to help one another. So, I think my purpose is to use the gifts God has given me to be able to relate well with others, use my connections for good, and minister to their lives and meet their needs. If you are good at meeting people, getting to know them, and can relate to them on a deeper level because of your life experience then you have a genuine opportunity to make an impact in their lives and for the kingdom. I pray that God gives me those opportunities and when he does, that I recognize them and use them for His glory and not mine. It sounds like a daunting task, so I’ll need some chocolate to give me energy! I love my job, both earthly and spiritually.

What is the view like where you are?

Well 4 can play at that game!

Bring it on I do say, so you think you are smart?
Rhyming in prose, I’m a million times more skilled than thou art!
I can see I am up for much competition. Good thing I have mad skillz, much
too bitchin’. Watch and learn and you will see, SweetBippy snap them like 1, 2, 3.
I have no idea of what I just meant, but it rhymed so who cares, I’m like Barbie to your Kent. (huh?)

A new Hero’s discovered as he pondered his box,
those Irish lads trusting the “brother”
sly as a fox.
A new tattoo for the man who saved the day
a kiss, flying toes, and superboy ways-
who could ask for more in a show, every Monday?
Syler’s no power means someones in charge
Mohinder is scared, Noah fearing the killer at large.
What will become of Claire’s new love?
I wonder what it’s like to get kissed high above?!
Nikki and Micah soon to part ways, while Dad is
6ft under, a flower on his grave.
Who is this mystery killer abound?
Keeping them frightened, watching for sounds?
No one will know until it’s revealed next episode
Keep watching….and waiting….I think I’ll EXPLODE!!

Well that is all I have watched because I am tired
I worked all day long, so I could retire. To bed, to the bed
to get much sleep, I’m much too tired to even count sheep!
I hope I have tried with all of my brawn, to keep up with Matt, Debbi, and Jon.
Here I will sign, over and out. Try to keep up- of that I’ve no doubt!
Adios, Auf Weidersehen, Goodbye and Sayonara. If you are lucky, You’ll see me tomorrah! <grin>  

I’m a sharp angle tip. What does your lipstick say about you?

Lipstick Shape


Slant close to original shape

Abides by the rules

Great follower

Doesn’t like too much attention

A little self-conscious, reserved

Schedule driven

May occasionally want to attract

Attention: dye hair, new outfits.

Rounded tip to a point


Family oriented, domestic

A “doer”

Stubborn over little things


Needs people around

Rounded smooth tip



Even tempered




Flat top

To the point

High morals

Very dependable

Quick minded

Loves challenges

Careful about appearances

Sharp angle tip



Dislikes schedules

Selective of friends

Outgoing likes attention


Flat top concave


A great detective

Make friends easily





Sharp angled box curved tip


Enthusiastic, energetic


Loves attention

Falls in love easily


Sharp angles both sides



Seeks attention


Loves life

Big ego

Hello from San Fran!

I am at my Auntie’s house and we are having a great time….as if we wouldn’t we are girls! On a girls weekend.

My Mom was so surprised, she nearly had a heart attack and while she was hugging me, she was screaming in my ear!!
My sister and I succeeded in giving her the surprise 60th birthday of her life. We were so excited to be able to do that for her. She loved her new video camera as well and we went to the mall and walked around all day and ate dinner at The Cheesecake factory. It was a great day.

Now we are sitting around looking at gramma’s old jewelry and reminiscing about things past. It’s surreal to be here and see my younger cousins who are all grown up. I’m sitting here remembering running around with them as a teen and being there for some of their life milestones. Good times…

Today we went to lunch at this great mexican resturaunt and ate way too much yummy food. Then we went to the Mall again and looked around. I bought a green and sliver ring a Macy’s that will always remind me of our weekend together.
Then I asked if we could go see the Pacific since it’s been so long since I’ve seen it. We ended up touring the city and going up to this place called Twin Peaks (not sure if the show was based on that, but whatever) that over looked the city. It was so cool I could see for miles and miles. I even saw where I grew up in Alameda! I also saw the Golden Gate Bridge and all of downtown. It was so awesome. It was very windy and cold tho. I haven’t been too cold here, but it is definately a different climate than Texas!! Here is my with the city behind me.

We leave tomorrow and I am already not looking forward to it. Even if I don’t get sick on the plane ride, I don’t really like to fly I have decided. A girl can change her mind if she wants to, ya know. And I don’t want to leave my family. I feel this way every time I visit with them.  Life. It’s bittersweet.

Sometime life is so complicated

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever be done with health issues. If it’s not one thing it seems to be another. Now I like attention and concern as much as the next person, but there is only so much you can talk about your bowels and privates before others start to feel uncomfortable. I don’t normally enjoy talking about my private life and body parts, but like I have always said, “My life is an open book”. If I go through something and my talking about it helps another person through the same thing or gives them information or advice I think I should be open about them.

With that comes (eventually) the point where I get sick of having these issues. Today was one of those days. Everyone asked me how I am doing and although it hurts ( I had a skin biopsy in an unmentionable place) I got thru it. What I am tired of; is going thru all these stupid health issues. My colon, my female problems, my feet, my back, my this, my that. The list seems to go on and on.

I shouldn’t complain, I am living and I have a great life. Somedays I just wish I was healthy and my skin was clear and my high blood pressure gone and …the list goes on and on. Oh well. I thank God for his provision and the body he has given me. I have all my parts even if they are faulty. God is good.

Thanks for the reality check Lord. I needed it.

Weekend Recap

  • Scrapbook night was a success! Spinach Artichoke Dip (yummiest I have made yet) and 2 whole cards!! Ok, well not productive, but successful!
  • Cleaned the house Sat. morning in spite of the 1:30 am return home on Friday night. Did you know brick (like the kind on your fireplace) can hold a tremendous amount of dust and cobwebs? I didn’t either! Oh! and you are supposed to do something called dusting when you see it? Or is that before you see it? I can never remember?
  • Went over to BlogoSpeers for dinner and game night. Jon won in Mexican Train Dominoes. Cheater. Returned home waay late.
  • Sunday, stayed home with Brenna who wasn’t feeling well. Had been feeling dizzy for a couple of days and this morning she slept and slept and woke up feeling better. (could have all been a ploy, but who knows..)
  • Jon returned home with lunch and in our haste to nurse his pounding headache and buy groceries, we missed a friends birthday party. Happy Birthday Skyler!
  • Went to choir practice at 3pm and then went straight back to the store for dip supplies and dinner for the kids. Picked up lunch staples for Monday.
  • Small groups at the Hall’s house and then back home by 8pm to completely ignore the kids and Jon while I veg out, surf the net, and catch up on blog reads.
  • Tomorrow, doctor appointment for a biopsy and hopefully return home to watch that Princess Diana story with a friend. And Then….(drum roll please) HEROES! Season premier! Woot!

That’s it in a nutshell.. then women of faith at the end of the week. Whew, I’m tired and that wasn’t even the full version!