It is done.

Today I sent my last child to school. Today Weatherford has seen it’s fourth Stueve come through it’s hallowed halls. I should be a mess. I should be a crying, sobbing, wracked shell of a Mother. Instead, I am sort of numb. I don’t feel sad, but I don’t feel as ecstatic as I thought I would. As I drove home, I asked myself what the heck I would do today. I almost drew a blank. Almost. The other tasks that came to mind didn’t sound as appealing as I thought they would! Cleaning for 6 hours seemed a little extreme given the pain in my elbow and wrist, perhaps a previous cleaning injury? Who knows how I ended up with pain in my elbow this morning.

Jon and I didn’t get up as early as we had planned. I prepared ahead of time and cleaned up the kitchen to make it ready for a breakfast of eggs and toast. We got the eggs made, but no toast. The kids were all chomping at the bit to go to school. Michael was especially excited. He was up and dressed and ready to go before I was done brushing my teeth!

CIMG1282At the front door, we took our traditional first day of school pics. This time though, Michael wasn’t going to preschool, but elementary school.

When he got to his class, he didn’t have a name on a locker yet. He was a little disappointed when he didn’t the get the locker he originally picked at Meet the teacher night, so He picked a CIMG1290locker at the very end CIMG1291on the bottom. He pouted just a bit, but then quickly found his seat and seemed ready to start the day with his new friends.

Last night, Michael asked me in his sweet concerned little voice, “Mommy? What are you going to do when I am at school?” I said, “Lots of stuff!” He said back, “But you’ll be all alone!” I asked him, “Are you worried I’ll miss you and be lonely? Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll be just fine and so excited to see you again!!” He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a big hug and a kiss. Gotta love that kid. He has spent the last 6 years with me all the time. I am going to miss him, but glad he gets to experience school like his brother and sisters. I can’t wait to hear how his new day was!

2 Replies to “It is done.”

  1. Yay, MJ!! You are such a big boy and I know you will definitely leave an impression on Weatherford!! Have fun at Kindergarten!

  2. Woweeee girl! What great pic’s of Michael Jon. I like the down below locker,,,wish I had one! Both phones went to voice mail when I called at 5:30pm your time, so I won’t even ask. Four tales of new things, great times and probably some frustration. Will connect with you on Wednesday maybe…Love Ya Lots!

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