One Fish down

Impulse shopping never works for me. Bought two Beta’s, a tank, plastic plants, gravel, marbles, food and water purifier at Petsmart when I just needed kitty litter. George and Emily are now part of the family! Two week’s later cleaning the tank all proud of myself that I actually did it and George does a nose dive to the bottom of the tank and up to the top a couple of times and I walk away thinking alls well. Ah no, all is not well. Twenty minutes later and George still has his nose in the gravel and his little fin’s are motionless. Emily is fine, her little fins are a flapping, but hiding in the plastic plants. One turkey baster, used to get food off the bottom of the tank, and the little net catcher thingie and George is up out and gone to the big used toilet water site somewhere in the city. Just couldn’t put him in the trash! It’s like ashes to ashes for us. Water to water for fish…right? I did tell him I was sorry but that was just for me cause we all know he couldn’t hear me. Sat down with IttyBitty and told her what I did but she really didn’t care she still has Emily to watch and can still try to figure out why there is something in the water she can’t get to. I was was told that the Female wouldn’t survive…HA! guess Females of all species pervail when ya get down to it.

2 Replies to “One Fish down”

  1. You know, we never could get our Betta’s to live, either. Nemo V lasted the longest (2 months, I believe).
    We’ve since given up on the fish-as-pets concept, at least at our house…and at least until our children can afford to buy their own replacement fish.
    So sorry to hear about George. I’m sure he and Nemo I, Nemo II, Nemo III, Nemo IV, Nemo V, and Goldy are all having lots of fun swimming in that great puddle in the sky together.

  2. Thanks Debbi..You know I think the female was the aggressive one not the male. The store said the male would fight if there was a Beta with a bigger fin in the tank with him but I think the female took him on!

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