Not really a liar….just a fibber or is that flubber?

Ok, so I didn’t really post yesterday. I have a totally good reason for it too. Wanna hear? Of course you do! Have a seat. This is going to take a while. No? You don’t have a year to spare for my long winded story telling? How about the short version? Ok.

  • Boss was gone for half the day, I was alone. (‘Nuff said, but I’ll go on….just for you)
  • Had two tours at the preschool so I was running back and forth trying to be in two places at once.
  • I don’t remember eating lunch, so I may have missed it….or did I?
  • ( I am totally drawing a blank here)………..what the heck did I do yesterday anyways??
  • Oh yeah! Worked until 4 (supposed to get off at 2:30) or so, came home and did some more work on computer. I think I should have mine implanted that way it’s always with me.
  •  Made “dinner” for the kids and myself. Taco salad again. (feel sorry for me. It was the 4th night in a row I had salad. I think 3lbs of lettuce is too much)
  • Ate dinner at church.
  • Forgot I was traded praise teams with Patti and ran (not really) over to go sing.
  • Stood on my feet!! for over an hour. Singing.
  • Sat down for the next hour and a half. Singing.
  • Spent another hour and a half sitting. In the church foyer blabbing with my girlfriend.
  • Left church at 10:30pm and went to Wal-mart.
  • Shopped for lunch foods and birthday presents (sorry Debbi) and going away presents.
  • Came home at 11:55pm and checked my computer for a million dollars. (wasn’t there… ::tears:: )
  • Got ready for bed.
  • Talked to husband for waaay too long.
  • Closed eyes and went to sleep around 1:30am.

So…there you have it. That is why I didn’t post yesterday. However, I would like to plead my case to the Blog 365 committee and ask for a stay of excommunication from the “group” because I “fudged” the timestamp on my post. I really meant to. I did! When I realized my error, I got on it right away. I swear! Please forgive me? Can it still count?? Pretty please with a cherry on top?? Yay!! You rock! I am not worthy of your bloggiveness!! And!! The upside? I don’t have to pretend I posted on the 10th because guess what?? It is the 10th!! Woot!

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