Just making sure

Saw the Gastro doc today. He said the CT was unclear weather I had severe diverticulitis since it was hard to see because of my “dirty fat” (yeah I feel the same way about it!) getting in the way. So we have scheduled a colonoscopy for the near end of July. We are traveling to Kansas City, MO on the 27th, so why not do it on Monday, the 23rd?! Yes, lets. And also? I get to drink stuff that you can buy over the counter to clean out my insides so they can see what they are looking for. Fun stuff huh? Oh come on, I know you are so jealous. what’s not to be jealous of sitting on the pot for hours while my guts are being poured out like water? I better rent some damn good movies!
Ok, so today the doc gave me a diet that lists all the foods I could and could not eat. When we got home, I was not very hungry, so I was just going to have some tomato soup. (totally allowed, no seeds in cream of tomato) Jon didn’t want to have to cook again for the kids (he didn’t really ever, since McDonalds doesn’t count as cooking) so we decided to go out. I racked my brain trying figure out where we could go that would help me feel like I could participate with others. We ate out on Sunday with half our church it turns out at a local BBQ place. I was a good girl and had a baked potato, no skin with chopped beef, no sauce and some butter and sour cream. I enjoyed it very much as it was really the first real beef I have had in over 10 days. We ended up at Chili’s and I had a cesar salad with grilled chicken. It was also very yummy and I enjoyed all of it. I haven’t yet felt any ill effects from lettuce, so here is me crossing my fingers. We walked out of Chili’s and what was right next door? Krispie Kream!! We could smell the donuts from the parking lot and just had to stop and get some. I knew except for them being fried and all and that is a no no, I didn’t think one (ok two) would hurt all that much, after all I have had soft cakes already. They were like heaven and sex all rolled into one. I am serious. I couldn’t speak for like 5 min. after eating the cream filled chocolate covered donut of deliciousness. Now THAT was worth it. I will be a good girl and not eat too many more of those. I promise. I got the best burst of laugh until my sides hurt, I’m gonna pump you up! kind of high. It was great. The crash afterwards, not so much. Oh well. Like is said, it was totally worth it. Jon looked at me like I was manic or something tho. LOL He so crazy.

The rest of the week will be filled with laundry, prep for VBS, and monitoring my health. Oh and the VBS Lauren is going to, the summer school Brenna has, and keeping the bored monster from creeping in while sisters are away and Mikey and Dan are left to their own devices in the play room. This morning Dan watched Pirates of the Carribean for the umpteenth time. Is summer over yet?

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