Always trust your gut….

The last couple of days have been tough. What I thought was a virus has turned into a disease and what I thought I was doing to improve my health was only the beginning.
Most of my readers I have called already and know the scoop, so I won’t go into all the gory details, but suffice it to say, I have Diverticular Disease. I have acute diverticulitis and need to start taking better care of me. What started out as a sharp pain in my stomach turned into a UTI and diverticulitis. I was sure it couldn’t be the same thing my Dad, Aunt, Uncle, and Grandparents suffered from, after all I am only 34! Unfortunately it is and I will need to do some changes to my diet while I recover from my attack and really for the rest of my life. I am trying to take the positive road here and tell myself this is what I wanted all along, either from the Gastric Bypass surgery or changing my lifestyle and eating habits. This way, I have some risk of complications, but once I get it under control it will be a ten-fold return for my effort. Weight loss, better eating habits, and a way to insure my families health in the long run. I would like the buck to stop here so to speak. I do not want my children to end up the way I have; overweight, health issues, and unwillingness to care for their health. How is that for positive? Now I am not saying it will be easy. Oh no…I already want something crunchy when all I can have is liquids! I chewed up a pretzel and then spit it out just so I could get that crunchy feeling I was wanting. I guess on the up side, I can eat cake and bagels for the next month! How is that for a diet? lol

I missed out on going to the opening of the Texas Pool today. That was a bummer, but I got to take a nap in peace and quiet. THAT, was wonderful….until  had to wake up and take my meds. Flagil ( one of two anti-biotics I am on) tastes nasty just in case you were wondering.  If I can get to sleep, we will all go to church in the morning and probably a nap after that, and then Memorial Day will be spent with friends. Let’s see how fun that is going to get for me on a liquid diet! I can’t think of one thing to bring that wouldn’t make me feel like I was missing out on eating there. Soup? I had to strain the tomato bisque Jon graciously got for me tonight so I wouldn’t eat the pureed pulp and irritate my colon. Gosh  I hate that word. Colon. I guess that is better than saying my pooper or something like that! anywhooo…Memorial Day…we’ll see how it goes!

I’m off to try and sleep. I took a darvacet  at 11 for some pain and I don’t really feel it working all that much except a little grogginess. Not the sleepy feeling I was going for. Oh well. TTFN!

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