Man, I feel like a woman….

and that isn’t always good. I won’t go into details, but lets just say, it sucks once a month to be a girl. All you girls out there know what I am talking about and it’s not when you pay bills and can’t buy shoes. It’s the dreaded PERIOD! Aghhhhhhh! The boys in this house know to start running and not look back for 7 whole days when all the girls start getting weepy and moody. Lauren’s time was last week, mine is this week, and poor Brenna is just practicing her moody ways. I think Jon and the boys should just live in a hotel 2 weeks out of the month. Everything he says and everything he does just bugs me. Poor guy. He tries…and I’ll admit that I don’t exactly practice patience during this time. I am low on energy and tolerance for dumb questions and actions. What can I say?

On the lighter side of things, school will be out in 2 days. The year has just flown by! Lauren will be a 7th grader, Brenna a 5th grader!!, and Dan a 3rd grader. Michael is still in pre-school, but will be moving up to the 4 year old class, which is good for preparing them for kindergarten. He is still expecting to go to school everyday and is sad when I tell him school is over. Since the older kids still go every morning, he feels left out. I’m sure he’ll change his mind about going once we start swimming at the pool regularly.

Jon is back to the old grindstone at work. AT&T is being difficult and demanding his time. I guess I shouldn’t complain, it does bring home the proverbial bacon. Dan has his last conference of the year tomorrow and Dad is going to stop in on his lunch hour. Then on Thursday, he’ll work from home so I can go to my annual skin check-up. Oh joy, I am always looking forward to sitting in a freezing room with just my underwear on so some strange man can look at all the spots on my body. I have so many freckles and moles that believe me, it takes a while! I just hope to get a clean checkup and no skin cancers.

This week’s TV watching and all the end of the season finales are coming to a close. We finished watching Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Heroes, and Grey’s. All were so good, I don’t want to wait until the fall to see them again! House is up and of course LOST! On the reality home front, we caught up on The Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, and Survivor. I missed not seeing a new season of Biggest Loser and where the heck is my Nip/Tuck?! Can you tell we like love our TV? We do. I guess that is why we are so fat. We sit waaaay too much and watch the box. Well, time to finish watching Oprah! Tootles!

One Reply to “Man, I feel like a woman….”

  1. hey… they aren’t dumb! They’re witty.


    Hello Holiday Inn, I need a room for a few nights… just me an muh boys!

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